Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
It wasn’t all that long ago that Milo Yiannopolous was the gay darling of the Alt-right movement and a star columnist for Breitbart. He had a book deal with Simon & Schuster and made regular appearances on conservative news outlets.
And then it all came crashing down.
Related: The awesomely fast decline and fall of Milo Yiannopolous
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These days, Milo has resorted to hawking vitamins on satellite radio. No, seriously. That’s what he’s doing now.
On a recent episode of InfoWars, Milo took a moment to talk about a 30-day supply of supplements called “Icuren,” which claims to be a liver and kidney “cleanse.”
“The best endorsement I can give you is that I’m very careful about what I put inside myself,” Milo said, before swallowing the supplement and exclaiming “Let’s do it!”
To all of your wannabe trolls out there, let this be a cautionary tale:
Milo is selling supplements on Infowars. This is not a drill. pic.twitter.com/zieQXOqtRi
— Ross McCafferty (@RossMcCaff) February 21, 2018
Here’s the full 12-minute segment, including an extended period of Milo struggling to take live calls from listeners, if that’s something you feel you need in your life:
Love this, he’s sunk to where he should have been all along: a crackpot on Infowars. He’s the gay mirror of Alex Jones.
I first ran across Milo Yiannopolous when he was starting up his website, The Kernel. I thought he was smart; his writing was actually a cut above most of the stuff out there. He had strong opinions, but they were not without foundation at that point. This was before he had become a full on troll, but was clearly working his way up to it.
The one thing that was clear to me back then was he was very impressed with himself. We chatted back and forth on some of his articles (the readership at that point for his site was probably me and three other people) and it became clear he wasn’t interested in other people’s perspectives even then. I quickly lost interest in him and his site as it became clear he was a narcissist, definitely smart, but still too self absorbed to be interested in having a discussion with.
Years later up he pops at Brietbart after selling The Kernel. I saw the Milo show coming, just had no idea how bad he would get. I think the success went to his head and he spun out of control. It is all about his over-sized ego; like many of the talking heads. He went to far and burnt his wings, but I doubt this vitamin thing is the end of Milo; he’s a charming cockroach – they are hard to kill because you hesitate to step on them and they scurry away.
Well, at least he is better looking than Alex Jones. But that isn’t saying much.
In the interest of full transparency, Queerty left out that Milo was filling in as a guest host while Alex Jones was away and was doing the regular sponsorship style commercials that all radio people do. People like Howard Stern do the same for lame products that are sponsors.
Ohhhh, so in addition to exposing yourself even more so as an anti-lgbt troll who follows info-wars, you’re letting us know that Infowars, supports Peodophilia and hired Yianopolus as a guest host.
Thanks for clearing that up.
That was a good catch DCguy. Lol Anyone who watches that shit as hoffman apparently does is really deep into the right wing BS.
If Milo hadn’t of given his personal endorsement there might have been a salient point in the OP
Just because I’m clarifying on reporting, it doesn’t mean I watch InfoWars. Also, based on your logic, Alex Jones must support gays for letting a gay man guest host his show
Didn’t he get married? Can’t the hubby take care of both of them. I’m also surprised some British publication or US one run by gay conservatives and alt-righters doesn’t hire him. Maybe he’s high on Peter Thiel’s new media company list. They’re a pair made in hell.
Never found a record for a marriage license issued in HI CA NY or Fla. But I haven’t checked lately.
I wonder if Thiel considers Milos messy and w/o a moral conscience.
I believe he was hosting, selling them on behalf of the show. I don’t think he was selling them for himself.
Put “group think” on the side, you still can be independent and still stand for gay rights, and you don’t do that at all, why not?
Your other screename already said that up above. But it is interesting that the anti-lgbt trolls are so desperate to make it seem like Yianopolus isn’t broke.
And what exactly do you define as “gay rights,” promiscuity? Gay marriage is already legal.
The only people doing a real disservice to gays is the hard leftists who want to ostracise everyone who has a contrary opinion.
No one was really taking the radical evangelicals seriously, but then people started complaining about all sorts of nonsense — “Gender is a social construct” etc, etc. Or demanding everyone around them walk on egg shells.
It makes everyone look bad.
The personal endorsement negates that argument.
Ofcourse I don’t mean promiscuity, that’s not what gay people around the planet are fighting for. I’m talking about standing up to anti-gay bigots who think we are mentally ill, sinful, unnatural, defiled beings who don’t deserve love, respect, protection from discrimination, and many think we should be killed.
I don’t see you standing up for these above rights, it seems you are defending our worst enemies, those who use politics as a means of oppression against our very existance.
Why do you defend every possible douche that is featured on this website?
I have yet to see you say one thing that’s in support of gay rights, dignity, happiness, well-being, and protection.
Cause he’s a Ruskie.
Because he is, by his own admission, the “King (or as he has laughably corrected me, the Emperor) of Shit”. In essence, a shithead or simply full of shit.
But he is correct, Milo was selling Alex Jones’ con-artist line of worthless supplements because he is a guest host. Laughable and pitiful at the same time. And fitting.
Maybe I don’t support your groupthink. Ever thought of that?
Heywood Jablowme
“I’m very careful about what I put inside myself,” Milo said,
You mean he’s practicing his c0cksucking skills on priests again?
Fake news…Milo is just filling in for Infowars, just because his politics are not inline with Queerty, doesn’t mean you should make up bullshit, if you do your getting as bad as Infowars, Fox, CNN and the rest of them, keep some integrity.
Queerty has never been about intergrity. They’re part of the reason Milo had his time in the mainstream to begin with. It’s all about clicks.
I do find it funny that the Conversative commentators here who usually attack effeminate, attention seeking guys avoid going at Milo because he’s a fake Conservative.
Not really fake news at all. He’s out at Breitbart, he is no longer in demand as a speaker, his book is dead. Substitute host-hawker of fake supplements looks like his best option at this point now that he is no longer the favorite faygeleh of the intellectually challenged alt-right.
Thank you “Mo Bro” for exposing this as one of your new screenames. IT’s funny when the one anti-lgbt troll we have here can’t even keep the new ones quiet on posts already peppered by his old screenames.
So add jjunke into the list of all the others.
It is amusing to see all the sock puppets here defending Milo. Of course, they ignore the fact that Milo’s sugar daddy has cut him off and he has not found another steady stream of income.
If it’s indeed true he’s guest hosting—kind of a BIG fvcking deal in tinfoil land—and Queerty et al deliberately omitted that, distorting the facts to fit your narrative, you reinforce everything the likes of Milo say about you. REPORT THE FVCKING FACTS! What’s so hard about THAT?
“reinforce everything the likes of Milo say about you.”
And, of course, what Milo et al are guilty of themselves
Brian Lange
Girls take of your heels and sit down this is not a venue for the lonely and bitter club even if you two are the founders
I crossed Milo off when he blamed a priest for molesting him. Even if that did happen, which it didn’t, he never should have set himself on fire by resigning Breitbart and otherwise committing suicide in public. He was exactly what we gays needed, a gay media figure who made a lot of sense. He made a fool of himself and unnecessarily withdrew (or was banished) from the spotlight. Where are you when we need you Milo? Didn’t Bill Clinton inspire you to stay, to ride out the storm, to hang around until people forget the crime you committed? The American media and the public have a 2 minute attention span. You coulda made it if you just waited another minute. And, we all would have been better off for it. Miss you Milo. (But stay put. There is no come-back in your future). 🙁
Nothing worse than a gay man or woman who claims their sexuality is a result of childhood rape.
All the horrible sh*t this dude has said but that’s what stands out to you and why you felt had to move on from him? The dude mostly made no sense. He wasn’t even a Conversative, nor did he have any real political perspective on anything. He just found Liberals annoying. He got “banished” because he was exposed as fraud, a dude who knew nothing about politics and was just seeking to be subvert.
And yeah, unfortunately, a lot of gay and gay-leaning people have been abused or molested raped. That may hurt agenda. But it’s a lot of people’s reality. It’s also one of the reasons so many experience self-loathing, internalized homophobia, tons of paraphilias and/or a very convoluted sense of self.
Heywood Jablowme
@Codone: That’s not what he said!
Milo said he ENJOYED blowing his priest when he was 13, and he said the experience made him “a better c0cksucker” (quote). The word “molest” didn’t come up.
Re: your theory about if-only-he’d-stayed-on, ride out the storm… mm, maybe. It’s possible. But I suspect the notion of 13 year olds having sex with adults, and enjoying it, is still a little too “out there” even for so-called “conservatives” who are used to almost everything now in the Trump era. … Wait another year or so until Trump totally degrades “conservatism” into utter debauchery, is my guess.
(Btw, remember what Bill Clinton’s crime was: perjury about a consensual adult affair. That’s it. The American public thought it was insane of the Republicans to flip out about that. I think this was a rare case of Slick Willy misjudging public opinion because if only he had NOT committed perjury, and had just admitted “yeah, I had sex with that woman, sorry!” there would have been no basis for impeachment.)
Except he was fired from Breitbart, and he didn’t blame a Priest for molesting him, he said that the Priest did him a favor because now he was better at giving head, and he said that 13 year olds could benefit from sex with adults.
But the fact of your tying to lie about it is certainly a nice clear example that “Mo Bros” various screenames will lie about anything to defend anybody as long as they call themselves a Republican.
mhoff –
Kaiser –
Damn you guys and your facts! Can’t you see that Queerty is desperately trying to sway the public perception of we gay libertarians/conservatives as hateful losers incapable of success? Your common sense does nothing to further this agenda (this agenda that they’re supposedly “free”of).
They neglected to most cogent “fact”: Milo personally endorses the product. He could of cut to a recording of Jones doing the pitch.
Brian Lange
Boys this is not the NY Tomes just some gay glad rang people read to burn time
Still a better job than being a so called “writer”on site called Queerty lol
Im not defending Milo in the least so don’t jump all over me but all radio hosts do commercials and say they personally use the product. Listen to the radio.
Milo is great. He encouraged me to come out….as a conservative. Just so you know Queerty not all gays are socialists. Specifically in this case I fully support the second amendment. If you do get a free iPac shirt from the American gun association (shipping not included) https://www.therainbowright.com/ipac-shirt .
Aires the Ram
@Notright: Congrats to you, on ‘coming out’ as a conservative! There’s only a small percentage of us among the gay population that are not hoodwinked and brainwashed by the Marxist/leftist mainstream American media. The likes of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, all want you to “hate Trump”, because Trump and most of the country don’t agree with their view that 1. Globalism, 2., open borders, 3. socialism, 4, trade deals that harm the United States, are a good thing. We know better. That’s why they hate, and denigrate us every chance they get. Look what the mainstream media did during the Olympics……Kim Jong Un’s sister was a rock star in their book, and Mike Pence was a pariah. They don’t even care about the atrocities that have been committed against the common people of North Korea by the Un family, it doesn’t fit their agenda. Think about that. Keep your chin up!!
Heywood Jablowme
@Notright: Were you turned down for SSDI, poor thing? All of your posts are SPAM and trying to sell something!
Yeah, Notright is just a creative spammer. Every single post he’s hawking some shit no one wants.
Notright –
Aires –
And isn’t it ironic (yet very telling) that conservatives are much more accepting of our homosexuality than our fellow gays are of our politics?
Wow, Mo Bro, ANOTHER screename on here.
This is why the anti-lgbt troll makes me roll my eyes. You’re wasting ALL of this energy defending somebody who is already done as far as the bigoted far right movement is concerned. But please, keep on posting about Poor (and I mean Poor as in broke) Milo, it’s fun to see you expose all of your various screenames.
If it’s not the Liberal sensi’s dominating the comment section it’s these Conversative trolls (and their multiple monikers and spamming). But this site brings this on itself.
Queerty was crowing about how this was a sign of his abject defeat—which had it been true would have been quite funny. But it patently was not true. There’s enough ammunition on dude without necessitating playing loose with the facts or engaging deliberate distortions (things we rightly criticise HIM for). For him to still get high profile gigs like (trump-endorsed) InfoWars means he still has not insignificant standing on the Right—which in light of the (gay) pedo embarassment is surprising to me. He’s not down yet, like it or not.
The status of his “O” Visa needs to be reviewed. More than likely, he’s not meeting the requirements and should be deported.
prarie pup
Do we have any pacts with the England that FORCE them to bring home ex-patriot a$$holes like this Milo creature?
I think he married a black guy. Good for him. Period.
@draven, Queerty posted about this, but as someone above said, there’s no record of his marriage to anyone in any US state, so it was probably just a stunt.
Heywood Jablowme
Isn’t he still British? I realize that for some reason we’re required to take in any right-wing British douchebag who’s too Nazi-ish for the Tory Party or even UKIP, but did Milo become a US citizen at any point?
Anyway I suspect his black boyfriend is probably imaginary!
Heywood, it was reported that Milo married his partner in Hawaii last year. His now husband is black so I don’t see how someone like Milo, who is white, can be a called a racist when his husband is black. His political views may be a little wacky but you can’t say he is anti-gay.
Heywood Jablowme
@Castle: Okay.