Back in 2001, knitting hobbyist Mo Rocca on The Daily Show went behind the scenes of “air rage,” the phenomenon where people flying at 30,000 feet become monsters. Poignantly, it was none other than JetBlue that allowed him on board. Not to spoil the footage, but Mo happened to handle air rage a smidge better than Steven Slater.
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Ogre Magi
Mo Rocca is a-dork-able! Do you suppose Mo is a Mo?
gullible's travels
As pink ink
well, try doing it for 20 years with the same experience almost daily. At some point you gotta say enough!
Well, Steven Slater is definitely a hero to me. All of us who work with “the public” know that there are plenty of assholes out there who heap abuse upon everyone they can get away with abusing. And when your workplace forces you to endure such maltreatment with a smile, it eats away at your soul and rage builds inside you. I wish ONE fucking workplace in America would allow its employees to say “FUCK YOU. GET OUTTA HERE!” to customers who heap un-due abuse upon them.
gullible's travels
@hephaestion: Ever hear years ago of the reported Microsoft Tech who got a call about ‘the word processor’s not working? Turns out they have no power in the office and his final question to the caller was: “Do you still have the box it came in?” Her reply was: “yes” his: “Good, pack it up and take it back to the place you bought it because you’re too fucking stupod to own one!” Supposedly he got fired – I’m sure it was well worth it!
@Ogre Magi: Yeah, he’s actually an out and proud ‘mo. Queerty’s reported on it before…