Big news out of Nepal this morning!
Nepal’s highest court ordered the government to abolish all anti-gay laws and create new ones barring discrimination, thus ushering queers into the larger national fold:
In a landmark verdict aimed at legitimizing homosexuality, Nepal’s top court ruled Friday that the government must create new laws to protect gay rights and change current ones that might be tantamount to discrimination, an official said.
The Supreme Court issued the order in this conservative Himalayan kingdom after hearing a petition filed by four gay activist groups seeking greater rights for homosexuals, said court spokesman Til Prasad Shrestha.
Sunil Pant of the Blue Diamond Society, the country’s main gay rights group, said it was a bold decision by the highest court in Nepal, where homosexuals frequently face harassment, including by police.“It was an extremely positive decision and a pleasant surprise for us. It would set a precedent for other conservative countries like Nepal…”
The order will hopefully end the government’s increasingly flagrant homophobia. Hoo-rah!
Lone Ranger and Tonto
Spain, Holland, Belgium, Canada and the Union of South Africa….and lesser but major rights in most of the EU nations….except the old Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries. So much for queer commies, huh ????
Now Nepal. I guess the other list is our USA and Iran and Saudi Arabia….yep, gay rights alright..verboten to Christian and Islamic fascists.
With Metta
All positive steps in Nepal are welcome. The people of Nepal suffer so much and all help and recognition is positive, especially when it’s for the LGBTI family.
Kaasto raamro cha!