Nevada’s First Lady Dawn Gibbons still has her own official website, but it’s hard to tell how much longer that will last. That’s because she and Gov. Jim Gibbons are in the middle of a nasty divorce that began last year, and unsealed court papers are showing just how bad things are getting. Each spouse accuses the other of wrongdoing leading to their split. Jim says Dawn engaged in “aggressive behavior,” whatever that means. But Dawn says Jim had not one, but two affairs with women named Kathy Karrasch and Leslie Durant. Wait: Isn’t this the guy who believes in upholding the sanctity of traditional marriage?
Yes, yes he is. On Monday Gov. Gibbons vetoed a domestic partnership bill, saying a voter-approved amendment to the State Constitution limited marriage rights to one man and one woman, and this bill would have violated that law. But Gibbons isn’t a strict interpreter of the Constitution for legality’s sake; he is anti-gay, plain and simple, and would have approved the measure if he believed in the civil rights of all his citizens. He approved the amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman in 2006. (Bizarrely, he voted against a similar 2004 bill.) He also voted for the ban on gay adoptions in D.C. back in 1999.
And sadly, his veto of the bill appears safe from a Legislature-override.
This, from a guy who sent upwards of 800 text messages to Karrasch in 2007 on a state-issued cell phone. As for Durant? Nothing against the gal, but she posed for Playboy, which doesn’t exactly qualify as “traditional values.”
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Oh, the mind-bending hypocrisy of it all. If there’s anyone doing more damage to the institution of marriage, it certainly isn’t couples like Jon and Steve or Nancy and Cindy.
Has anyone in Congress introduced a bill to make divorce illegal?
Gibbins needs to be held for crimes agenst humanity. Not only has he imposed his own political and sociological values on a state that is fighting to stay a-float, under his (complete lack of) leadership the state is so broke that he is cutting education by millions and cut the pay of TEACHERS saying they need to learn to pull there own weight!!!!!! This man needs to be imprisoned.
show me male homophobe, and i’ll show you a man who has deep-seated problems with women.
as for this douche, he’s waaay behind in the polls, so hopefully we won’t hear much from him in the future.
Robert, NYC
The biggest threat to marriage are assholes like Gibbons and Rudy Giuliani, another opponent of same sex marriage. The latter is the same moron who married his first cousin (incest last time I checked), cheated with two women, then divorced the first wife, married a second time, cheated with another woman and married the one he committed adultery with. Nice moral standard there Rudy, try again. Why aren’t these liars and cheats the target of the religious right’s agenda? Maybe its up to us to expose these bastards for what they are and their blatant hypocrisy and bigotry while they chante the sanctity of marriage mantra. David Vitter, the late Henry Hyde, Newt Gingrich, Vito Fossella, even Bill Clinton are all guilty and I’m sure there are many more we could name, oh I forgot, Hollywood homophobes such as Mel Gibson et al.
2 affairs? Wow, what a sanctified marriage he has.
At least he’s not as bad as Obama though…I mean, sure he ACTIVELY votes against our rights, and he’s a hypocritical adulterer to boot, but still, that fucking Obama is the worst politician in the world. He HATES us, just hates us…
I’ve learned that even though I criticize our President’s slow response to our needs, that is not enough! I am a (repentant) “Obot” and can’t be trusted to be left alone with my own thoughts. Thank God for a site like Queerty, where 100+ posts will tear our President a new one, no matter what he does, but threads on other homophobes like this one are virtually EMPTY! We sure know who our real enemies are, that’s for sure….
Ms Dennis crawl under a rock. While those white politicians may have a disppointed you “CHOCOLATE JESUS” as you called him another post. Just hates us??????
Or do you just hate chocolate?????
That’s the real question queen.
This hypocrite governor is another reason the GOP needs to implode and not a minute too soon! I’m so damn sick and tired of their damn Christies saying one thing with their mouth while talking out their ass!
Stephen Weiss
@Dennis: Dude. What on earth are you talking about?
As others have suggested in the past, if any of these homophobes were concerned about the sanctity of marriage they would support marriage limits. How about a 2 strikes you’re out law. After two divorces, you can never legally be married again.
Hi mikebuc! I agree with you! I never understood why “serial” marry-ers like Mickey Rooney, Elizabeth Taylor and Zsa-Zsa Gabor married so often. In my own family many straight marriages weren’t very long. One cousin is onto husband prospect #6. I never found Mr. Right-who better be a Left-but I know and know of gay couples together going on decades who should be able to marry!
Robert, NYC
Isn’t it amazing how straights commit adultery, divorce then remarry over and over for some, yet the right wing whackos never go after them or launch propositions and other forms of referenda to ban them from marrying again? So much for the double standard and religious hypocrisy, let alone the “sanctity” of marriage.
Here in New York, we have a former Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a so called “catholic”, who married his first cousin (incest by my standards), cheated on her, divorced her, met another woman, married her, had two children with her, cheated on her, then married wife number three. After his second divorce, he had to move out of the mayor’s mansion and sought refuge in the home of a wealth gay republican couple while looking for new digs. This is the same hypocrite who opposes same-sex marriage but favors segregation in the form of civil unions. Oh and by the way, to show how grateful he was to the gay couple who took him in, he declined their own wedding invitation. What a fucking psycho, a common trait in the republican party of NO.
Speaking of psychos, Maggie Gallagher, the once unwed mother who now runs hateful ads for the National Organization for Marriage that she now heads, is spreading the hate on state radio stations, warning voters to write to their representatives to stop marriage equality legislation from passing in our state and that children will be subject to learning about it in their schools, among other things. These religious theocrats need to get it through their thick skulls that they have no right to impose their beliefs on the rest of us let alone use their beliefs to discriminate and influence the outcome of legislation in the name of religious beliefs. Since when did religion own marriage? You can bet not one state politician worth his or her salt would dare to counter Gallagher’s disgusting claims.
I agree with what Robert, NYC said, “Since when did religion own marriage?” People need to push separation of church and state more. If these ass holes keep wanting to push the sanctity of marriage & civil unions as an alternative to marriage for gays, maybe the definition of straight marriage needs to change. If their marriages are so sanctified & holy maybe they need to be just a ceremony for their churches with no governmental/legal attachments. Then if they want to share insurance, assets, etc they should have to get a civil union. Then everything could be nice and equal. Marriage licenses would cease to exist,and everyone would have to get a civil union if they wanted legal benefits and governmental recognition. Marriage would become a hollow religious ceremony and they can keep it as sanctified and holy as they wanted, just don’t invite Uncle Sam to the church.
Robert, NYC
Brian, exactly! However, I don’t think our society is that progressive to do something so radical,if at all. A lot of these anti same-sex marriage haters deny they’re religious but that is exactly where all the hate is coming from. It was religion that defined marriage the way it is today and unfortunately, it has spilled over into civil marriage that has absolutely NOTHING to do with religious marriage but seems to lay claims on it. The sooner we push back on that, the less powerful the hypocrites and religious zealots will become.
If our politicians had any balls and were really that interested in our full equality, they’d take the bull by the horns and go after the bastards, but they don’t, Obama being one of the biggest culprits. Its ok for the religious cultists to villify us, spread lies and hate, but NOT ONE key politician has come to our defense, they’d rather not alienate the religious wingnuts as constituents but would be prepared to throw us under the bus for the sake of political expediency. They don’t want to be faced with accusations that they’re anti-religion and the religious whackos play the victim card every time we fight for our full civil rights. Why should anyone’s religious beliefs play a role in discriminating against our right to a CIVIL marriage anyway or any right for that matter? Nobody is forcing them to acknowledge let alone perform our marriages, and quite frankly, who gives a damn? They should issue their own marriage licenses while the state issues civil marriage licenses. I see a direct conflict when the state issues a marriage license to a religious couple who choose a religious ceremony. Without the state license, religious couples couldn’t get married; and you’re right….if they want all the state and federal benefits then they should submit to a civil ceremony just as some European countries require. In France, no marriage is valid unless its performed at the local town hall by the mayor or someone so designated. Some “brides” show up in a white dress then go off to their place of worship if they want it solemnized, and that’s also a choice. We should have that here too.
Mad Professah
Actually, we have a reasonable chance og overriding the veto.
It was just overridden 14-7 in the Senate, we are two votes away from overriding in the Assembly
If you know anyone in Nevada, ask them to call their Assemblyperson and tell them to vote in favor of a veto override. In northern Nevada: 775-684-6800; in southern Nevada: 702-486-2626
Whoo-hoo! The Nevada Assembly just voted 28-14 to override Idiot Gibbons!
Ladies & gents, domestic partnerships will be the law of the land in Nevada this year! See, I told you so. NV’s the first Mountain West state to allow legal same-sex unions. Who would have thought that Nevada would one-up Cali like this? 😉