Can you even bear to look at what the National Organization for Marriage is up to now? You must, unfortunately, because there’s a chance it will radically transform your life.
Just when you thought they were gone for good, NOM is back with a “plan” to reverse our progress. How successful are they likely to be? Probably not very. Their money is drying up, and they have few avenues to pursue. But with this election, there’s going to be a brief jolt in their fundraising, and they’ll have new collaborators in Congress who may be able to force through some terribly anti-gay legislation.
Nice work, gay republicans.
They have four goals: first, they want to get conservative justices appointed to the Supreme Court. There’s a chance (unlikely, but still) that the court could see a marriage case at some point in the next few years. And there’s an even greater chance that it will see a case about nondiscrimination — so a court of NOM-backed homophobic justices could be a death sentence for us.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
NOM also wants to rescind the executive orders that let you visit your partner in the hospital, and protect you from being evicted for being gay if you have public housing.
They want to reverse the administration’s policy of withholding federal aid from countries with a poor record on LGBTQ rights. This one is huge, and could embolden countries that want to pass kill-the-gays bills.
And they want to pass a bill known as FADA, which is essentially a nation-wide turn-away-the-gays bill. If this happens — and there’s a good chance it will — it may soon be legal for anyone to refuse to do business with you because you are gay.
So, that’s what we’re up against, here in the greatest country on Earth. It may seem terrifying and hopeless, but remember: we’ve been up against worse before. And we have more allies on our side than any time in history. We’re going to have to work hard and stand up and fight together — but we’ve done it before and we can do it again. We’ll end NOM soon enough.
Mr. Douglas,
Thank You.
I fell so alone, and afraid – thank you for reminding me that we will not go silently, in to the night. That we will stand, and fight.
NOM, may be reforming, but we need to fight against it all.
Here’s to hope, and prayer, and strength.
Thank you, and let me know when/where I can help!
Princeton’s Robert P. George must be so proud of his NOM-baby. Maggie G may find someone to feed all of her feral cats she’s collected, so she can go on the road and join the hate-fest. Coercion, political paths to be heard wins no hearts. Hate– little ice cubes in a tray. Emotional capital. Nice biscuits, ma.
Just a reminder, SCOTUS voted in favor of Marriage equality when Scalia was still alive, Scalia replacement will not be able to
change that and the GOP doesn’t have the necessary votes to change it either.
Marriage equality is safe as long Judge Ginsburg doesn’t retire.
But we must absolutely retake the senate majority in 2018, the 15 % 0f LGBT that voted for Trump and the 8%
that vote independent need to get their head examined, no excuses accepted!
Frankly i think they are going to be negatively surprised by Trump. Right now marriage equality is not something a minority wants so it won’t be popular going there.
Of course they are practically bankrupt and they want to take so profit so they are going to try something, but that doesn’t mean it will work.
Pence learned the hard way that trying to push your religious agenda it’s not that easy
The Supreme Court may step in to stop this constant harassment of LGBT. One or two may even flip their opinions, save the Opus Dei-dreamers, coercing us from the bench with their most ardent beliefs. Mixing religion and politics will set a dangerous precedence. It wins no hearts if that’s their game. Oppression rarely does.
Please report on: several days ago an Asian man and his son went fishing in a California statement with a Trump bumper stocker on their truck and they were attacked; within recent days a Trump supporter was savagely beaten and robbed by a group of thugs in Chicago “because [he] voted for Trump”. It’s sad to observe the intolerance of tolerance (George Soros and his son Alex love it – they’re certainly supporting many of the post-election protests).
@wmca_goodguys: There are thugs on both sides, to be fair. Right now, though, the pro-Hillary crowd is being especially bad because the shock is still fresh.
Friends called. I opted not to go. Trump won this election with his message of hate. At least the rest of the world can see that we’re not all in lockstep. If Clinton won and farmers were driving through the middle of town on Johnny Deeres, I’d be livid.
As much as I have enjoyed my travels in America, I am so grateful I am a Kiwi & live in New Zealand, not that we are perfect, but for an even youbger country than the US & with a population of less that 4 million, we do very well with in our anti discrination & equality laws.
You habe my empathy & if I lived there now & with Trumps elected to the next president, I’d be saying “stop the world, I want to get off”
@njpz: You sure AIN’T perfect. Those poor Maori.
That NOM Group is a bunch of bigoted Idiots. I am a conservative and I believe in equality ans equal marriage for all, Straights, Gays, Lesbians, Transgendered and Bisexuals
@MSMistiRaine: No! If you’re a conservative then the Queerties say you’re “evil!! evil!!” No matter what. Especially if you’re a white conservative. Don’t even try with them.
@joeyty: Yes, I agree with you ….. BUT ….. they’ve had a much better deal that the US gave the American Indians.
MSMistiRaine, Our laws are designed to keep us free of the beliefs of fellow citizens. We are not to be burdened by another’s beliefs. Ted Olson is conservative. He helped us. The Tedious Right wants to allow haters to refuse service to us. If you can vote for that, your words mean little to me.
They want to protect marriage,why don’t they outlaw divorce!
njpz, love it.
@njpz: That’s debatable. I will grant you your Maori had less warfare amongst themselves though.
Charlie in Charge
Oh look! Look what a joyous new world our Log Cabin commenters have helped create with their hero Trump! #notmypresident
@wmca_goodguys: Do you have any proof of this somewhat incoherent claim of Trump supporter’s being assaulted since the election?
It has been clear since Reagan in the 80’s that, as a minority party, The Republican Party thinks LONG TERM. This was clear from what happened when The Supreme Court was packed with conservatives under Reagan. Specifically,
Once there were enough conservative Justices, The Supreme Court took a civil rights case and The Supreme Court re-interpreted Title 42 Section 1981, a one hundred plus year old civil rights law. Congress then had to pass law declaring that the re-interpretation was incorrect. Starting in 2017,
The Republicans will control the White House AND Congress. As it did in the 80’s, Congress can pass law declaring that the Supreme Court’s marriage equality rulings were in error. As said, it was done with a civil rights decision.
Delusional Gay Activists never mention or publicize how much of the federal bench is packed with conservative judges.
Rights on the Books mean nothing if the judge charged with adjudicating disputes Hates You.
Delusional Gary Activists have gone through life as if they are immune to the ramifications of Republicans in control of the government. We will now see if that is so
MarionPaige! We shall overcome.
@Charlie in Charge: Hey, Scott Baio.
@wmca_goodguys: Links would help your case. Otherwise it’s just “l heard…”. I”ll let you know when your side catches up. Probably when a human finally gets to Mars.
@joeyty: I think the point of the article is that NOM is hateful and out to destroy us, not that conservatives are evil.
I personally wish the best for president-elect Trump, and congratulate him on his victory as well as his supporters. I also hope he was sincere in his victory speech. Maybe he can keep Pence on a tight leash, and choose someone at least somewhat decent on his list for SCOTUS. We’ll see.
Here’s to 2018!
@aequalitasTN: I agree. NOM does suck. Hope for the best from Trump, too.
Alistair Wiseman
– Queerty
Charlie in Charge
@Alistair Wiseman: No gaslighting today. They posted that NOM is planning for the rollback of our right to get married. This isn’t paranoia this is what they are actually telling us themselves. They are declaring their intentions.
@Alistair Wiseman: Ha ha ha ha!!!
@MarionPaige: Slightly inaccurate: Obergefell was a constitutional decision based on the 5th and 14th amendments, not statutory interpretation. Congress can only override SCOTUS in matters of statutory and regulatory interpretation, not constitutional interpretation. Meanwhile, even if that was the case, they still only have (a max) of 52 senators — depending on how LA’s runoff turns out. You would have a hard time getting that by some republicans, including Senator Collins (ME) and Senator Portman (OH) just to name a two — they both support LGBT equality.
Let’s also remember that when ENDA was up for a vote in the Senate 2 years ago, it passed w/ 64 votes meaning some Republicans voted for such as well. Granted, if the political winds shift, the pro-LGBT Republicnas will too, but so does every politician.
I think we just need to wait and see what happens before we start predicting doom. Vigilance is what is needed now, not prophecy.
@joeyty: “joeyty@njpz: You sure AIN’T perfect. Those poor Maori.”
You may well be mixing up Australia and New Zealand, and it would not surprise me as you do live in a rather imaginary world with muslims hiding under every rock and with progressives pushing racism and hatred.I have several actual gay friends in New Zealand, one with a largely Maori-blended extended family who is an Episcopal cleric,one who is Maori and the rest simply NZ gay boys. I speak to most them regularly, one just a few hours ago. they are more concerned about what they see as our country gone insane than they are about mistreatment of indigenous people.
The Maori are well accepted, their culture is lauded, their language creeps into the NZ brand of English. the Maori are currently given a level of respect that our native population is not and the Australian aboriginal peoples are certainly not. But living in the basement, terrified of the mooslims hiding behind every light post ready to cut your head off, specifically invited here to do it…one cannot expect you to have a realistic view of the world.
@Charlie in Charge:” No gaslighting today. ”
Remember you are dealing with Log Cabinettes. They have a very tenuous connection with reality, and for them there is little difference between fact and fantasy (in fact given the choice between real facts and their fantasies they will choose the latter every time with dismissive references to your factual statements as opinion). To them saying “I believe” is the equivalent of saying “examination reveals” or “statistics show”.
When we are no longer able to deal with the increase in average atmospheric temperature (as one example close to Trump’s heart), they will still snottily cry “the sky is falling, the sky is falling” when confronted with actual facts. Pretty sad actually.
@dwes09: Not mixing the aborigines and the Maori up in the slightst. And Trump won, live with it.
@dwes09: I’m terrified of Muslims, yes, but I hardly live in the baement. And I pick and choose what to be terrified of. You live your life in total terror of everything, so you shouldn’t talk. (And Trump won. Live with it).
@dwes09: LOL. “The sky is falling!” Live in fear, you self-hating gayboys.
@MarionPaige: They could void Obergefell by removing jurisdiction from the federal courts to hear marriage cases. That is constitutional since those do not fall into the SC’s original jurisdiction. But that would still need to pass the SC and it won’t be likely with just Scalia’s seat being filled. It would be more likely once Kennedy, Ginsburg and Breyer are filled with more conservative justices. That said, their Senate majority is only 52. They may be able to increase it in 2018 because 25 democrats (including independents) are up for re-election but only 8 Republicans. It depends how that goes – only a few of the Repub seats are competitive.
In the short term marriage equality is safe.
It’s not just Trump, but the entire Republican Party and the entirety of the religious whackos that feed off them. There’s a lot now standing against us.
So what brain-dead fags voted for Trump? Didn’t think you’re vote would count? Didn’t think he was serious about anti-us?
Your (our) rights can be taken away quickly. Watch it happen. This is what happens when you make uninformed decisions in the voting booth.
This is what happens when you’re too thick to understand who the enemy really is.
This is what happens when you’re a dupe to a con artist.
This is going to be damned difficult.
@Transiteer: Still better than Shariah Law Hillary.
This is just a warning. It is likely that state civil rights protections of LGBT Americans will be attacked. Although large business is pro-LGBT, there are some state business groups that oppose equality and wish to roll back protections (they use the excuse of wanting all state law and local law to match federal law, when they know that simply excludes LGBT Americans from protection). It was a state business group, for example, that lead Tennessee to ban protections for LGBT residents by local jurisdictions and they knew state law makers would never protect LGBT Americans from discrimination. Watch for this in other states and inform people to avoid doing business with any state that attacks state and local protections for LGBT Americans. Also encourage business and workers to relocate to states with civil rights protections for LGBT family members.
Gay republicans are sick.
@captainburrito: “In the short term marriage equality is safe.”
And, how many people are in same-sex marriages?
Weigh the drawbacks of a handful of people not having same-sex marriages against a President Trump …
which is what I argued while the gay marriage propaganda machine was in full swing.
BFD. All this hysteria over nothing. NOM has succeeded in getting all of you going. Just ignore them, for Pete’s sake!
Charlie in Charge
@James: I agree they are very sick and unfortunately they have chosen to spread a disease that affects us all.
One couple denied marriage is too many.
“…gay Republicans.”
There’s a phrase I *still* can’t fully comprehend. I mean, logically, I know they’re out there, but it’s as perplexing as, “Anti-Abortion, Pro Death-Penalty.” Because, you know, all life is soooo sacred…SAVE THE CELLULAR-GROUPINGS! Even if it’s just four cells, or 16, or even a whopping 32, ALL life begins at conception, and IS VERY, VERY SACRED…but, of course, just not THOSE people. The prison-y ones. THEY deserve to be dragged out into the street and brutally murdered! Give ’em the needle! Bring back The Chair! MAKE IT HURT! YEAH! *KILL! KILL! KILL* ::eye-roll::
Ugh. I really canNOT with that. People…WTF?
Vigilance and non-violent action now.
They are just another “Boogy Man” that’s only power is to scare us into doing something the Religious Right can actually use against us.
SCOTUS has given us our marriage equality and the EOE has given us security in our jobs.
The sky isn’t falling!
We have survived centuries of hatred and persecution… Surviving the 4 years of a Buffon will be a tea dance!
Just keep calm and keep working to further our rights…. The WORST thing we can do now is lose momentum and assume a defensive role!
Vote in mid term elections or lose your rights.