Now that Minnesota’s gearing up for a marriage equality battle, the National Organization for Marriage and the Minnesota Family Council have opened… and what’s this? A link to the Minnesota Family Council website which calls gays animal-fucking, shit-eating, child-rapists. If that shit eating part sounds familiar, it’s probably because it’s exactly what pastor Martin Ssempa said to convince Ugandan citizens to support David Bahati’s “Kill the Gays” bill.
Jeremy Hooper from Good As You makes sure to mention:
“This is not some fringe group devoid of press or a following. This is MInnesota’s big time “family group,” who just last week hosted both Newt Gingrich [where he met the rainbow sprinkle protestor] and Congresswoman Bachmann at a fancy shmancy fundraising dinner. This is LSO Minnesota’s most prominent voice of “marriage protection” — a voice that will take on new prominence now that the GOP-controlled state legislature has passed a marriage discrimination bill. This is the team that is working right there, side by side with NOM and the Catholic Church to put discrimination into the state constitution.
The Uganda hate pastor Ssempa also called homosexuality a sickness. The Minnesota Family Council must feel the same way because their Homosexuality Resources page only lists “ex-gay” organizations focused on “curing” or “praying away” the gay. Yes, the same ex-gay organizations that the American Psychological Association—the largest psychological organization in the United States—has said do more harm than good and perpetuate violence against gays.
GASP! Surely the National Organization for Marriage, the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, and the Minnesota Family Council don’t want to perpetuate violence against gays, right?
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
The lines between these groups and the promoters of Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” get fuzzier and fuzzier by the day.
There are 4 people in that header, going by the different faces, not three. Unless both Brian S Browns are supposed to be the same person.
Trust me, the gays can’t even compete with the heteros when it comes to kink and eating the poo-poo. Just read adult section of Craigs List for evidence.
The artical would be funny if it wasn’t so disgustingly slanderous.
I hope the haters utilize this approach because the general public will see them for the bigots they are.
You know I am so fucking fed up with these absolute vile scumbags who thrive on spewing anti-Gay rhetoric…….I wish for once one of these scumbags could give a single instance where they can prove that Gay marriage has any substantive negative effect and or affect on any of their miserable lives………..
And here is my PS to them:
Maggot: what happend to “Gallagher”? Suddenly you are adopting the last name of your husband who for some reason never seems to want to be photographed with you and spends his days traveling the globe with another man attending bridge tournements?? You are so fucking high and mighty and spend your life portraying yourself as so damm morally pure and rightous how do you explain the multiple abortions you have admitted to you fucking vile fat cow????
Brian S(hithead)Brown: Which picture is really yours? The one where you look like you are taking what you are, that is a shit? Or the one with the oh so very Gay face?????
And if you want to see the absoulut best rebuttal of all to that absolute closet case kinky freak scumbag Martin Ssempa who travels that cesspool of a nation, Uganda playing hours of sick scat porn that most of us Gays here in the US would have difficulty locating take a watch at the video where Daniel Tosh inserts himself into the audience of one of his sick twisted little scat lectures………
Use the googles video bar and input “Daniel Tosh Martin Ssempa Poo Poo”………
Jim Hlavac
These folks are doing us a great service — for it’s going to be harder and harder to keep up their charade — and when it all gets to the Supreme Court and they argue that they’re not targeting us as a class — but have not one individual to present as evidence for their claims — it will take logical leaps of extraordinary fancy to believe a word they say. I wish they’d ratchet it up already, and quit their pussyfooting around. I want them to call much more vociferously for our incarceration and forced cure, and closing the gay bars. I really do. It will do us wonders.
Wow, I really didn’t believe that what they said was that bad until I followed your link and read it myself. There’s really no holding back.
For those of you who don’t like to follow links:
Some homosexuals become
urolagniacs (ingesting urine and
feces) and engage in bestiality as
well as other deviant behaviors.
8d. The homosexual population
includes a disproportionate number
of pedophiles.
most pedophiles identify as heterosexual even if they target children of the same sex and i didnt think my dick had a mouth to eat shit with cause i sure never put my mouth down there
@Pterodactyl: Meanwhile virtually every single study has shown the vast majority of kiddie diddlers are of the hetrosexual variety………The frightwing lunatics have never let a silly thing like a fact get in the way of their hate spewing
Maggot has been known to troll the Queerty threads…….Unfortunately the new color scheme here will reinforce those charges………
Who the fcuk picked out the Brown/Beige color scheme???? Did Haseleib stumble upon a decor magazine from the 70’s??? *BARF*
penny randell
Before anyone else gets hurt, people…particularly Ugandans…are being led by a devout, unsavory character. I am an American citizen who has lived, worked, played and loved the Ugandan people for more than 15 years. Martin Ssempa was dishonest then, just as now. Before caving to big mouthed Ugandans, check your source. Matter of fact, check out your Christian sources as well. Nobody knows how very corrupt these ministers can be. I would know.
Penny Randell
Kev C
Raw poo poo is healthier than the type you normally get at McDonalds and Burger King. Jes sayin.
Former Governor Minnesota Ventura Supports Marriage Equality.
Jesse Ventura Supports Gays Equal Rights
Jimmy Fury
I would be outraged if I wasn’t too busy laughing my ass off at this part of their “fact-sheet”
8a. Homosexual practices are often
astonishing to heterosexual people.
Homosexuals must use body apertures
not constructed for sexual
penetration or bring their mouth
into contact with areas designed
for the elimination of human
waste, which causes
serious hygienic and health risks.
They are seriously arguing that heterosexuals would be ASTONISHED by and NEVER ever eeeever engage in Oral Sex.
The absurdity is too much for my poor logical brain to deal with. I can’t take anyone seriously when their arguments are based on such ridiculous fantasies.
zio ledeux
why are these people so threatened and where do they get their info from? i have never eaten shit and i have never disrespected a child or animal in my life. killing a bunch of gay people is not the answer as we are born gay. it is not a ‘lifestyle choice’. why would i CHOOSE to be ostracised by society?
oh thats right , all gays are sadistic masochistic self loathing wimpering freaks with no self esteem.
sorry , i forgot
@PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS: What new color scheme? The title banner’s simpler since the new owners took over, but Queerty’s been orange-on-white for…. well, best I can tell, as long as it’s existed at all.
@ChrisC: What in this article is slanderous? Those people really did say those things. Pointing out that they said them, then, cannot be slander. (Or libel, which is more likely to apply anyway)
Elias Meeks
“Yes, the same ex-gay organizations that the American Psychological Association—the largest psychological organization in the United States—has said do more harm than good and perpetuate violence against gays.”
The problem with continually invoking the statement above is that the groups favoring DOMA and other anti-LGBT legislation simply don’t believe anything the APA has to say on the matter. In their estimation, it is just a group of left-wing liberals trying to push their brand of “social engineering.” To counter this, these groups have their own psychological “professionals” to challenge the APA’s findings.
Face it, these are people who live within the Orthodox, Conservative, Evangelical and Fundamentalist wings of Christianity and feed their “solid proofs” on largely anecdotal evidence. For them all science is suspect. These are the people who have Adam and Eve riding around the Garden of Eden on dinosaurs to debunk science, and pass around fuzzy photos of Jesus in the clouds and on screen doors as signs of his Second Coming. They live by slogans of the type found on their refrigerator magnets, to wit: “God said it, I believe it, that settles it!” It is also these types of anecdotal “solid proofs” that helped some of them to predict the end of the world last Saturday… in case you missed it.
The lies they tell. These bigots make my blood boil. And there’s no point arguing with them either, their arguments are devoid of facts and reason. They are deluded.
zio ledeux
you cannot argue with a closed mind that has been sealed shut by years of ignorance and hatred. so much for christian love in action?
Just imagine if for a single day (that’s all it would take) gay&allied people put as much energy into violating their human rights as they have ours. That would be the most extraordinary day in all of United State history.
billy Wingarden
welcome to the hate groups – NOM, FRC AFA etc.
I think they are getting desperate as the handwriting is on the wall. Kind of like they are the kruats fighting their own battle fo the bulge.
what really matters is not marriage, but gays coming out of the closet en mass. Its hard to hate someone you know and love and respect.
Out is the three letters that will send all these creeps to their own private hell, as the world changes. Virtually all of western Europe, 6 countries in Latin America, Canada, parts of the USA, 3 in Ea europe, Issrael, RSA, Napal, and AU and NZ have marriage or civil unions for gay people. About half and half, with England, Finland, and Ireland poised to change from CUs to marriage.
The big problem in the USA is to find out who is poison the water the creates these idiot haters.
The only reason those politicians put this on the ballot was to try to get ultra-rightwingers to show up to reelect them. So, the campaign should focus on getting Minnesotans to show up to remove these politicians who are responsible for killing gay kids.
The campaign can go… “How many more gay children have to die in Minnesota before Representative/Senator So-and-So is satisified? Political ambition has corrupted So-and-So. Don’t let him/her get away with it. Think of the families of those poor children. Vote So-and-So out of office in November 2012. Do it for the countless children he/she is harming. Do it for your own children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.”
@ChrisC: To whom is the article slanderous ChrisC? I don’t follow you.
@Jimmy Fury: It would be funny if it weren’t so deadly serious. There are lots of nutjobs who take this stuff as fact and use it against us. Just look at all of the “experts” testifying at hearings that are designed to take rights away from us. They testify and say the most outrageous things and we go to the back of the busn
robert in NYC
And I bet they all vote republican too, a party that is infested with them and not one moderate GOPer has the guts to repudiate these hate mongers. Silence gives consent.
the big one
So I just went to their website. their is a link to all the senators. I just wrote an email stating not to vote for marriage between a man and who he loves and a women and she loves.
I think if everyone use there website to write that it is wrong that they pass this vote it will be great to use there website as a voice to be heard from the other side of the fence.
if the link doesn’t work then click on it above and follow the links until you get to that page to send a letter to their legislators!
“Uganda’s Kill-the-Gays Bill Comes to Minnesota”
Join us for “Transformation in the Twin Cities” with Ed Silvoso on October 14 | Transformation Minnesota: via @addthis
Ed Silvoso heads the International Transformation Network:
The ITN is in NJ (amongst other places):
Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” Movement Organizing in Newark, NJ,_nj/
Resources for learning about the religious right wing
A collection of links which outline…
I really love Maggie Gallagher’s Madam Mao hair-do.
I don’t understand why the LGBT community can not sue NOM for defamation since they are spreading out right lies about us. They know they’re lying yet they don’t stop.
@McMike: @McMike: You’re welcome to try… but they speak in the realm of generalities and opinion; it would be tough to prove.
To be honest i laughed when i watched the video i thought that shit was hilarious. Aside from the fact that the ugandan jungle and country in general is a breeding ground for some of the worlds most dangerous viruses (see HIV/Ebola), the fact that these stupid ass africans are sitting here believing this crap is just gonna make there whole country look even more retarded and uneducated then they already are.