I have always believed that marriage is between one man and one woman. Like the majority of Americans, I support the Defense of Marriage Act and find it appalling that the Obama administration decided not to defend this federal law which was enacted with broad bipartisan support and signed into law by a Democrat president. … It’s appalling, but not surprising that the President has flip-flopped on yet another issue from his stated position as a candidate to a seemingly opposite position once he was elected.
—Sarah Palin, offering the National Organization for Marriage’s Maggie Gallagher her “exclusive” reaction to Obama’s DOMA decision, and granting the Republican-led House her blessing to defend the law even if the president won’t. Because I guess people still listen to her?
her position is different from newt gingrich, who believes that marriage is between one man and whatever woman he happens to feel like being with that day.
@justiceontherocks: very good point!
Michael in Toronto
Who the hell cares what you BELIEVE, you ignorant, intolerant, insipid woman!
she should have been the one at Tuscan taking the bullet between her eye. But I guess us liberal are too nice and civilize than those on the other side of the spectrum
She is indeed a “Froot Loop.”
the crustybastard
Remarkably, the constitutionality of a given act is not determined by what Sarah Palin has “always believed.”
Sadly, I’m sure there are many Americans who would be satisfied if that were the case. (Sarah Palin being a noted Constitutional scholar and all.)
Maggie & Sarah are a constant reminder that half of America’s IQ is below average.
Are we sure she’s read The Act. And if we are are we sure she understands? No? Didn’t think so. Why do people keep reporting on what she says. I know plenty of stupid people perfectly capable and giving random opinions. Diversify.
christopher di spirito
Really? I have absolutely no interest in anything Mama Grifter says or thinks about anything?
She’s an important as stepping off a curb: singular.
DeGuyz in Mississippi
Didn’t her daughter have a baby out of wedlock? They have a name for that. She is such a non issue.
I swear this is the dumbest bitch to ever hold a political position. Even when she says something simple, she just sounds stupid. I watched an episode of her show once and I was just cracking up at how literally retarded she sounded. Bitch stick a dick in it and gag.