Pastor Steven Anderson (pictured) is taking his religious extremism to a whole new level.
Last year, the hate monger pastor of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ said we could have an “AIDS-free world by Christmas” if only America would “execute the homos like God instructs.”
Now, he’s back with a new rant about Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Anderson is absolutely furious that Governor Mike Pence asked the law be clarified so it cannot be used to discriminate against gay people.
“Then what is the law?” he asked. “What was it even for, then?”
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Related: Pastor Steven Anderson Is A Crazy Person. Must We Take His Murder Threats Seriously?
He also attacked Melissa Klein, the Christian owner of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, who was recently fined $135,000 for refusing to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple.
Anderson mocked Klein for crying on national television. “I wasn’t trying to hurt these sodomites’ feelings,” he said, pretending to be the disgraced baker. “I don’t want to hurt anybody, but I just couldn’t cater this particular event, and I’ve made so many cupcakes for them!”
He then accused her of “not standing for the word of god” and saying she is “part of what is destroying America.”
Related: Sorry, Christians, GoFundMe Is Cracking Down On Your Hate Campaigns
But the icing on the cake (no pun intended) came towards the end of his hate speech, when Anderson asked churchgoers: “Who thinks it’s a hard decision if some faggot wants you to make them a wedding cake? Anybody struggling with that right now?”
“We don’t serve queers in this church,” Anderson continued. “The Bible does not say ‘Don’t hurt their feelings.’ The Bible calls them beasts!”
We only have one thing to say in response to that nonsense:
Better beast then looking like a troll.
Alexander R. Rodriguez
When does Queety start going after Imam’s and Mosques?
Another bible cherry picker! Who would Jesus discriminate against? I wonder how many people give money this guy money? These pastors talk about giving them money to sow a seed with God or some other nonsense and they keep the money from all their congregation and live like kings. How can people not see this for what it is?
Oh, you’re all cherry pickers… it’s just the people who take the bible the most literally [fundamentalists] tend to be the most batshit crazy and sound the most deranged and backwards.
Rick Caffey
Timothy Grover
. . . or cake, either!
Michael Brantley
Why do we keep referring to these people as “Christian”? There’s nothing “Christian” about this guy!
Another weirdo who will pass on and no one would care because his whole life consisted of pure hatred. They don’t speak the word of God nor do they clearly know Jesus because never not once as it Ever was written that Jesus treated anybody wrong. He accepted everyone for who they were. Twisting words in the bible to fuel a hatred agenda is nothing new, it’s been done all through out history with to keep slaves, to discriminate against black people, To justify attacking and throwing Jewish people in concentration camps and to hold back the rights of women. So called “Religious people” make the BIBLE a book of hate.
Little does the pastor know that what we’re eventually going to go after are their pies.
Mwah ha ha.
This guy is religiously illiterate. I LOVE the fact that they are a “King James Bible only” church, because they clearly have no clue just how gay King James was.
He has no clue what the Bible really says about marriage and frankly can’t preach worth a damn. He just screams. I can’t imagine God enjoys the sound.
Michael Davy
Just another one blowing it out his “you know where”.
April Boucher
What a fucking jackass.
he’s also totally a closeted homo. there are photos of him from back int he day with some oh-so-SASSY blonde highlights.
Errol Semple
Faithful Word Baptist Church = Wesboro Baptist Church.
Michael Finnegan
No, what’s wrong with this nation is self-righteous nut jobs who actually believe the cherry-picked parts of a book that should be in the fucking fiction section of every bookstore.
So, according to RW Christianist Teabagger Nutjob logic, if I am in the state of Florida, which happens to have a “Stand Your Ground” law (remember dickhead George Zimmerman?), and if Pastor Steve also is in Florida at the same time, then I am perfectly within my rights to shoot him in the head, since I now feel that my life is in danger after his statements saying I should be executed, which is a direct threat to my life and liberty. Right? RIGHT?!!!
If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
1 John 4:20
This jackass doesn’t even know his own mythology.
It’s easy to pick on gays, because most of his congregation will never contend with homosexuality in their own life, but does he take the same stance with gluttony, sloth, lack of compassion, lack of kindness, failure to love or be humble? Of course not.
Ogre Magi
I would not mind being a beast
Ward Dustin
I just sent an E-mail to [email protected]
Little Stevie Anderson
One thing in the Holy Bible is as clear as crystal; “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” You, Little Stevie, are not even an authentic Christian. Your obsession with sexuality is perverse in its totality. Late at night, alone in your room, you appear to be haunted by memories of your own sexual fantasies.
Nothing else explains your vehemence and self hatred. I pity you Little Stevie. Sheer, sheer pity. I pray God forgives you for taking over the role He reserved for Himself, alone. Certainly not for Little Stevie Anderson. I do pity you, Little Stevie. Sleep well tonight, Little Stevie Anderson.
Michael Haynes
Ya know I think we have been way too nice to Christians like this. It’s time to end their hate.
Kevin Hurst
We’re faggots.. We can bake our own friggen cake!!
Jayson A Messner
I guess Satan pulled out of him to early.
Dr. Arthur Frederick Ide
Pastor Steven Anderson has never studied Greek or Hebrew, obviously. Nowhere are homosexuals called “beasts”. In fact the bible does not use the word “homosexual” as it was not invented as hybrid word until 1863.
What so many self-taught “theologians” mistranslate is the word from ancient “Egypt” daqesh (dog priests) which is a temple prostitute popular in the Canaanite religion: Asherah (originally a wooden dildo that Jacob’s life Leah sat on when her father came to fetch home. It appears in Leviticus as a curse of “people on the ground” (like dogs) and gave birth to “doggy position” unacceptable for calf worship (Yah).
The only person battling with beasts was Saul of Tarsus who never married nor have sex with a woman. Gay men were priests and archons in the ancient church. They were held out as people to respect as they had time to study “scripture” since “they were not troubled with women” (taken from Paul’s letter “if you cannot forestall temptation if is better to marry than burn). The news makes too much of theological terrorists, like Anderson, Perkins and Robertson. None of them are education
Roger Curnock
What a creep!
Kyle Jorden
Him and his followers are worst than Westboro Baptist Church!
I dare him to try and kill me.
AJ Sarabia
Me thinks SHE protests too much!
Gerald GeeLocke Panuthos
PADLOCK THE DOORS TO THIS FUCKING HOUSE OF HATE!.. Preferably on a busy Sunday morning while his Satanic mass is in session… DOUSE THE WALLS IN GASOLINE… AND SEND THOSE HATERS STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!! #BurnBabyBurn!
Robert Young
Jose Irwin
Another conman pretending to be a christian!
Lee-Gwen Booth
Funny he should mention the Bible .. from a Biblical perspective things may not be as clear cut as this pastor apparently believes. In fact, St Paul, in discussing how to deal with “anyone named a brother”, seems to have given very interesting advice to people who have businesses which require them to deal with “the world”.
“I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world … For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside … those who are outside God judges.” – 1 Corinthians 5:9â??13
Kevin J Desmond
He’s just pissed because nobody wants to blow him
Norman Petri
For someone who is “NOT” gay….he sure seems obsessed with everything gay!!
Norman Petri
Kevin J Desmond….it’s because he stinks of fried porkchops and diesel fuel! 😉
David Bache
Saint Law
@Alexander R. Rodriguez: When are you going to stop making excuses for people who want to kill you? In itself no terrible thing perhaps, but this bloke wants to kill a great many decent, self respecting gay people besides.
Barry Shatswell
I’m guessing that the “Faithful word” is “Hate”.
Tom Remillard
Jesus must luv all these Christians.
Michael Ray Streets
But the icing on the cake (no pun intended) came towards the end of his hate speech, when Anderson asked churchgoers: â??Who thinks itâ??s a hard decision if some faggot wants you to make them a wedding cake? Anybody struggling with that right now?â?
â??We donâ??t serve queers in this church,â? Anderson continued. â??The Bible does not say â??Donâ??t hurt their feelings.â?? The Bible calls them beasts!â? THIS IS WHAT AMERICA IS LIKE IN 2015. So much hate. Can’t we all just love and spread it to everyone.
Jonathan Lund
Rather than cake that pastor shouldn’t worry (forehead lines already) and consider some Botox.
@Kevin Hurst: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Phillip Donkin
Hate filled egomaniac with dwindling congregation (due to his un-christian practice of preaching hatred) just looking for another cyberspace ego fix!
The issue involves unrequited emotions. We have all been there. Give the guy some slack. I was there once upon a time… so were you.
Bryan Head
Call me a faggot to my face and see what happens.
Manuel Correa-Amsler
Like they say the biggest homophobes are just self hating gays in denial.
Carlos Manuel Perez
Looks like a c*ck sucker to me.
This guy is an ignorant bigot, who is even a bigot against gay Christians. And, the many gay people I hear say ‘I hate Christians’ are also bigots, even against gay Christians. Same thing, same thing.
I’ll just leave this here.
Gee Rosato
He just wants dick
William Edward Thomas
Poor miserable bastard!
Jay A. Scaramazzo
Chris L. Reynolds
Look for him on Grinder,I bet he’s got pictures posted!
Anne Rochon
His naughty gay tweets will be leaked in 3… 2…
I think he’s using the Adolph Hitler version of the bible. It contains an 11th Commandment: “Thou shalt commit genocide to solve the world’s problems”.
On the other hand, I do think the world would be a much better place if we eliminated all 7+ billion people. But I don’t think that’s what he has in mind.
@TomMc: I say we go after their buns. ;-p
Donnie Bailey
Don’t say anything. Only adds fuel to the fire.
Jerie Ragsac
Last time I checked, it’s a free world and everyone has a right to sell which product to which customers. If the bakers refuse to sell cake to “faggots” (referring to the article), then let them be. That’s why it’s called BUSINESS. dig? geez…
I think he’s just out for that r*c*st whitebread Republican money just ask Sarah Palin, Ben Carson, and Carly Fiora how well it pays.
This type of hate speech just doesn’t even affect me like it use to anymore.
It’s actually kind of comical to see these people get all worked up and longer get the reaction they use to get.
These days, when I’m approached on the street by religious freaks, I simply say “Hail Satan” and keep walking haha. Fools.
Mark Figenbaum
Hey non- christian Asshole, a faggot is a cigarette.
For a self-proclaimed “Pastor” (any idiot can call himself one – no standards at all), he knows pathetically little about whats in his ‘Bible’. Just a screaming Nazi trying to lure the stupid into hating people he doesn’t know, or will ever meet. Probably he’s psycho, but calling for the murder of people should really land you in jail, or the nuthouse. He’s likely really wanting to bend over and take a good one. But we’d really prefer if he just had a cardiac and died. Easier and less messy.
I wonder where he got his knowledge of science and medicine. If every gay man and woman were executed as he advocates, AIDS would still exist and would continue to spread.
A REAL man of the cloth would never use the word “faggot.” Right there, he is showing what a phony he is, not to mention ignorant. Religion is for imbeciles anyway. They have to have something to hide behind. It’s all such BS!
Wilson W Wong
James Dauria
and he is a man of God-GOD help him!
Gary Joseph
he needs a big ‘Cake” shoved down his throat so he could choke on it.
I usually enjoy reading comments on Queerty, but so many of the ones which relate to this article are kind of ridiculous. Saying that these people who are rabidly anti-gay are actually closet cases who desperately desire man-on-man sex is a childish response and far too easy. No doubt there are some men out there who are tortured by their inclinations, but pointing fingers in such a snide way serves no purpose and does nothing to advance the conversation.
Kevin Braddock
This is the same kind of thing I was afraid of growing up. Hurtful words slanderous and just mean. I guess the third reich is alive and growing in AZ
Barbara Listro
This has to be the most disgusting trash ever spoken from the mouth of a FOOL….UGH!!
Corey Michael DeCola
Dude needs to be kicked in the face. ð??³
George Jesse Brooks Jr
@Jerie Ragsac:
Nope. You’ve got it all ass backwards. That’s not the way commerce works, and for the very reason you give. Discrimination. Sorry, but you FAIL!
@Alexander R. Rodriguez:
Look, mouth-breather, we get that reparative therapy was a colossal failure for you. Won’t you please, please, please try again? Especially the part where they show you gay porn and make you vomit at same time. That should do the trick. Good luck!
Tom Dannenbaum
We’re being way too nice to Christians who pretend that this guy represents a minority opinion among them.
Patrick Shapard
He finds so much joy in hating others….love is way harder but pays off in the end!
Steven M Walker
This guy really hates his secret self. What a shame he’s such a self-shaming, self-loathing individual.
Brendan Michael
@Brendan Michael:
A picture really is worth a thousand words!
The good news about religious whackos like this nutcase, is that they’ll kill off religion altogether, and who can’t wait for that to happen. Get rid of the hate and bigotry based on fiction.
Chris LaRosa
I can only hope the majority of the LGBT community that is unfortunately exposed to this jackass realizes that his entire attitude and approach is anti-biblical and thoroughly anti-Christian to the core. Clearly he is a closeted man who has taken his self-loathing to a whole new level and these crazy rants are a way to atone for his ‘sin’. This man clearly has no genuine knowledge of God. He has made an idol of a book and has found his personal salvation in his narrow self-guided interpretation of it…and has sadly dragged other poor saps into his web. I can assure you if Jesus came back one day and visited his Church, Anderson would gather a lynch mob in 5 minutes as he wouldn’t have any idea who he is. What a pathetic wretch.
David Conan
Why can’t a group of faggots beat his ass to death.
David Conan
@dkny6: woops, that was a reply to someone who said “methinks she protest too much.”
The gaydar is strong with this one!
Mario Martinez
Adam Moore
People still talk about this douche?
” If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
1 John 4:20 ”
Perfectly applied verse.
Am really ascared thinking about all the tiny little skeletons piled up waaaaaaah high in this smcubags vile abhorrent closet…………………….
Jesus wouldn’t tell his followers not to bake a cake. He’d tell his followers to bake two of the best cakes they’ve ever seen.
Oh and Pastor Anderson is a shit stain on life.
David Harvey
“We do not serve faggots in this church!”
Oh really? that line honestly makes me want to go to his church and sit in the middle of the aisle just to piss him off. even if Christianity is not my religion (and i personally dislike the religion myself due to the many wars it has sparked and people who discriminate others because of it) i believe a religions role is to accept and welcome anyone who wishes to follow it. either way, people like this guy piss me off.