We’ve been fans of porn star Brent Corrigan (nee Sean Paul Lockhart) since before he was legal. We were worshiping him chastely, of course, and had no idea he was jailbait. And now we’re tickled pink that he’s got a blossoming indie-film career going on.
In honor of Judas Kiss, Brent’s new mainstream flick hitting the gay film festival circuit—it’s playing New York City’s NewFest on July 24 and 26—we devote today’s Morning Goods to Corrigan, from his early (but legal) porn years to today. Pay particular attention to his hair—seriously, it’s like a follicle Do’s & Don’ts.
Images via Brent Corrigan, Patrick Hagerty, Blue Seraph Production, Falcon Video, Dirty Bird Productions, Alpha Men Photography.
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If morning goods HAS to be back, can we at least get some variety? I can’t be the only one that’s bored of your endless array of twinks, jocks, models and others that exemplify a ridiculous beauty ideal.
@Eric: Unfortunately, that ridiculous beauty ideal is part of gay culture. You expect them to post bear pics here? Go to other blogs. That being said, I am proud someone other than myself actually wants to see real men.
@M: Brent is not an object that I desire, but I do love what I know about him and his personality. I simply don’t desire 18 year old (or younger) boys and I don’t understand the fascination with them in the gay community.
How someone is made is not their fault. Some of us are on the pretty thin side; some of us are stocky, swarthy and hefty. Being neither is a fault, a sin or a virtue. It is the luck of the draw, only. I prefer guys like myself: on the pretty side not too muscled or hefty. Obviously some of you want something else. That is just personal taste. If they ran photos of bears, I wouldn’t flip through the pics and then complain. I just would ignore the post. I find him very attractive and he has overcome a lot. I went through similar trials as a teen and came out OK. It is not as easy as you think being seen only as a sexual being when you are as young as he was when he started. It makes you think that is all anybody wants. And yes, Kieran, I would love to see the pics of the folks who complain about him. It may seem unfair to some but I think most people would prefer him to a bear if they had a chance.
I’m glad your turned your life around. However, I think a young guy that has gone through some tough times and then ends up doing gay porn didn’t exactly turn out okay.
@Kieran: Because, after all, looks are everything right? WRONG! That being said, I like Brent much more than any other porn star with an actual name simply because he comes across so charming.
@Tony: You don’t have the right to judge him just because he made some videos that most of us watched regardless of what we think about him. He has done very well for himself both in the porn world and now hopefully outside of it.
No. 12 · Kieran : “Wouldn’t you just love to see a body and face shot of the people who are critiquing Brent Corrigan next to their post? How funny would that be?”
No. 14 · Anonymous : “@Kieran: It would be hilarious.”
If you paired a photo of Brent/Sean with each of the critics, with a check box next to each picture, and a question of which guy you prefer, the results would not only be hilarious, but almost certainly very embarrassing to all but one person in the sample. Underwear/swimsuit pictures only, of course.
Come on, critics, submit your pictures to QUEERTY so we can try this experiment!
I don’t have a problem with being muscled, smooth or skinny, and I don’t have a problem with having a preferred “type,” rather, I have a problem with having only one idealized and homogenized image of beauty (what Naomi Wolf called “the beauty myth” in relation to women, but easily extended to men, especially gay men) that is unattainable both in oneself and in romantic/sexual partners. When our culture and our media only display bodies of a certain type as beautiful, sexy, and desirable, then the only way to feel or be seen as beautiful, sexy or desirable is to look like those images. What I would rather see is a plethora of different images as desirable beauty; every shape, size, colour, age, height, musculature, fat content, hairiness, hair-type, skin-tone, etc., etc., so anyone and everyone can feel beautiful, and anyone and everyone can be beautiful to somebody (and not just “on the inside”).
@B: Thank you for being a shining example of our “community.” Now, since Brent is not only successful, but also awesome lets make another comparison.
Lets take a prostitute only out for money and glory with absolutely no personality and put them up against a cub with a great job that actually cares about more than things and see which one most men would rather date.
Looks don’t matter. Personality matters. The total package is an amazing opportunity, and Brent has the total package.
Why is it that if you make a comment, opinion or observation about someone, you’re judging them? I’m not judging Brent. He can get f***ed on film all he wants, I don’t care. But I do have the right to have an opinion about the gay porn industry…and I think it’s a dead end, sleazy business that sadly attracts messed up guys that don’t have the ambition or brains to do anything else. And it’s your choice to place him in high esteem, I choose not to, he’s just another dumb idiot kid doing gay porn. And if he starts acting in mainstream films, I’ll get on a plane or car, meet you at your place, and lick your dirty feet…I ain’t worried.
@Tony: ” I’m not judging Brent.” “the gay porn industry[…]attracts messed up guys that don’t have the ambition or brains to do anything else.” “[…]he’s just another dumb idiot kid doing gay porn.”
Queerty says “We’ve been fans of porn star Brent Corrigan”
Who cares f cares about porn guys. This not the sword site.
It feels like writer and some of the posters here are dirty men lusting after a guy they cant hook up with in real life.
My 20 year old something friends including myself, cant see the value of reporting on this guy other then worshipping some wank material.
It’s nice with eye candy, but If Queerty insists on providing bio on it’s morning goods, please use a non-porn model. Who’s either a pro, studying, writing, competing athlete, making music. At least something my generation might find inspirational.
No. 20 · Daez wrote, “@B: Thank you for being a shining example of our “community.” Now, since Brent is not only successful, but also awesome lets make another comparison. …”
Let’s get this “straight”. You object to a detailed and implementable suggestion that people criticizing this guy for his appearance (example – “Way too skinny” from Comment No 1) should be held to the same criteria that they are using? It doesn’t matter that you think the criteria are silly ones (e.g., personal appearance) – the point was to apply the same criteria to oneself that one is applying to others.
He’s not going to make it in Hollywood. That’s not a low blow it’s just a fact. There are to many good young actors out there who haven’t done gay porn.
No. 27 · Sed wrote, “He’s not going to make it in Hollywood. That’s not a low blow it’s just a fact. There are to many good young actors out there who haven’t done gay porn.”
Having done some porn probably isn’t going to matter like it used to – too many people have been caught sexting. In any case, anyone in that situation can always sign up for my (yet to be created) Christian Rehabilitation Center for Recovering Porn Stars. The “rehab” blesses them in the eyes of the public (“Oh, I’ve been through rehab”), and while at the facility, they can work on their tan by the pool and get a rigorous three week program with an acting coach who can show them how to look convincingly pious and contrite in addition to improving their acting skills in general.
To the (terrible) copy editors at Queerty,
“née” is used for maiden names or after name changes (such as trans persons). “AKA” would be used for stage names, pseudonyms, and pen names. Even so, since the person in question here is male, you would use the masculine form “né” and should be italicized.
Brent Corrigan is hot with that said he’s a HORRIBLE actor. I hate that gay men get distracted so easily because everyone here is forgetting the subject at hand which is that Brent couldn’t act his way out of a bad porno, much less act his way into a legitimate film career.
No. 31 · Aiden wrote, “@B: I think you have a lot more faith in Hollywood than you should.”
I’m simply assuming that Hollywood makes decisions based on the bottom line. Hollywood probably could care less if an actor had an early porn career unless it is believed that the public cares. Someone who knows that half his/her friends were sexting (which in many cases amounts to free, amateur porn sent to selected friends) is not likely to be shocked at some actor having at some point been in porn. People who grew up before the sexting craze would be more likely to have the opposite opinion, but then you have to look at the demographics of film audiences. http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=572 has the data for the U.K. (couldn’t find U.S. data in a quick search). The peak age bracket is 15 to 24, with more fine-grained variations by film type. Given that, I’d expect an early porn career to be less of a show stopper for an acting career than it used to be, but to have an acting career, you have to be able to act. I’d also expect the negative effects of a previous porn career to matter less over time, if current trends continue.
But a show stopper nonetheless. No porn “star” has or likely will successfully transition to mainstream acting. Even if they were to, it’d be from the straight side first, and a woman before a gay porn “star”. And even then, not gonna happen. While porno performers have been in non-porn movies, none have had successful non-porn acting careers. The reality is that most people in porn are not very talented actors and actresses. If they were, they probably wouldn’t be working in porn. In fact, if they had any marketable skill whatsoever, they wouldn’t be working in porn. And porn isn’t art nor can it be, as its purpose is to get the viewer off, and always will be (not a plot, story, or acting ability beyond grunt n’ hump–’tis the reason of and for porn). Speaking of which, queerty is turning into quite the gay porn hub. Well, it beats race baiting.
I always saw him as the poster child of what the American gay community (as a whole) defines as a sexually attractive young man. He is most people’s type.
I like the way people are saying he can’t have a Hollywood acting career cause he’s a terrible actor. Yeah, like that’s stopped most of the actors currently “appearing” in Hollywood movies.
Most of them are whores, porn stars are just more open about it.
I don’t see any reason why he couldn’t go on to have a successful “straight” acting career – if he does, his porn past will always be dredged up in articles and interviews, though. But I think these days people on the whole are less puritanical about these things.
Good luck to him, I say.
Re those photos, he definitely looks hotter in the most recent ones.
@B: Its not that I find it “silly.” Its that way to many people in our community only look at looks and nothing else when judging anyone. “Oh, that Rick Santorm is kind of hot he has my vote,” is the type of attitude you get from this community.
@Lefty: It maybe hasn’t stopped a lot of female actresses but as a man I have a hard time believing he can carry a bad film by being SUCH a bad actor. Like he is HORRIBLE! He’s not even on the level of a soap actor. I hope he takes some classes at least.
No. 37 · Daez wrote, ‘@B: Its not that I find it “silly.” Its that way to many people in our community only look at looks and nothing else when judging anyone. “Oh, that Rick Santorm is kind of hot he has my vote,” is the type of attitude you get from this community.’
… so, I assume this means that the satire had (at least initially) gone over your head!
After all, what I was really suggesting is that people who “only look at looks and nothing else when judging anyone,” and who go around gratuitously posting negative statements about someone’s appearance on the Internet, deserve the same treatment.
Brent is a charm. Like Jody and Carlos, DeWayne and I are original fans. I bought ‘Every Poolboys Dream’ on video tape at a local store when it came out. Sean has been through a lot and is still a positive asset to the gay community and our society as a whole.
i wonder how he’s going to talk about his porn career and irresponsible choice to do barebacking when and if he actually makes it in hollywood. is he going to be proud or distanced himself from it and dismissed it as a period when he made bad choices? can’t wait to hear that interview in the future.
o. 41 · hmm wrote, “i wonder how he’s going to talk about his porn career and irresponsible choice to do barebacking when and if he actually makes it in hollywood. is he going to be proud or distanced himself from it and dismissed it as a period when he made bad choices? can’t wait to hear that interview in the future.”
Given what others have squirmed out of, I wouldn’t worry about that one: during events leading up the Clinton impeachment trial, it turned out that one elderly senator, Henry Hyde, had previously cheated on his wife. He passed his philandering off as “a youthful indiscretion,” where “youthful” meant that he was 41 years old at the time.
“In 1998, the Internet magazine Salon.com published “This Hypocrite Broke Up My Family” which stated that from 1965 to 1969, Hyde conducted an extramarital sexual affair with Cherie Snodgrass. At the time, Snodgrass was married to another man with whom she had three children. The Snodgrasses divorced in 1967. Hyde said the affair ended when Snodgrass’ husband confronted Mrs. Hyde. The Hydes reconciled and remained married until Mrs. Hyde’s death in 1992. Hyde, who was 41 years old and married when the affair occurred, admitted to the affair in 1998, describing the relationship as a “youthful indiscretion”.[10] The revelation of this affair took place as Hyde was spearheading the impeachment hearings of President Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.”
@Albert: You’ll notice that title is no longer available because it may qualify as child porn. Brent was (apparently) underage at the time of filming – don’t brag too much…
@ Albert “Sean has been through a lot and is still a positive asset to the gay community and our society as a whole.”
there is nothing wrong with being friends with a pornstar but you sound more like a delusional fan. what has brent exactly done to be a positive asset to our society?
Steven, I am very well aware of Brent’s age and history. I am not bragging but stating a fact that I own all four movies that were made of him underage. They were sold legally and bought legally. In fact I may have purchased the last legal copy of Schoolboy Crush sold in the United States.
DeWayne and I have been staunch defenders of Brent since the beginning. I used to argue with Bryan Kocis before he had his head removed from his body. Idiots like to blame the child for performing as a child. The true blame belongs to the perverted adult who made, edited, distributed and profited off his kiddy porn, knowing the truth. The Kocis family continues to profit from his work. As an example, In Ireland, the underage films of Brent are legal for sale as the age of consent is 17.
Thanks for your concern though.
I just learned today that Brent’s current top hit (gay but not porn) ‘Judas Kiss’ will be shown at a special Brunch at the Austin, Texas International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival on Sept. 11. Carlos Pedraza, J.T. Tepnapa and Sean Paul Lockhart (Brent Corrigan) are scheduled. My camera and I will of course be there with Sean. Come if you can.
@hmm: It is a fair question despite the rather snarky “delusional fan” comment. Sean does promotional work for safe sex programs, appears without pay at fund raisers for organizations that primarily help abused gays, and promotes local gay charities in the San Diego Area. He has alos appeared (for nominal pay / cost) at Universites as a spokesman/lecturer for gay causes and safe sex promotion.
I can’t believe I am leaving a real comment on Queerty, but I recognize some of the usual suspects in the commenters here. 😉
I will keep this short and simple.
Brent Corrigan has turned out just fine at age 24.
Is he perfect Hell No he is not, and not one person here is either.
He is a young gay man who is still alive, successful,is a talented actor(I will take the laudatory straight press reviews over jaded queens anyday) and Brent has an intact sense of humor which is a major accomplishment! Especially for someone who had all the sins of an older irresponsible generation (including the fat slob who hired him and made a cool million plus off 17 year old ass) placed on his head like he should be personally blamed because Gay Men swooned over him?
Hello that is a part of the HUMAN SEXUAL equation and is as old as mankind itself!
Brent Corrigan/ Sean Lockhart has donated his time and his image extensively to safer sex campaigns for years and done more charity work in the LGBT community than most people his age. He’s spent time talking with young people about his own mistakes in the past and I think young folks respond much better to someone who they think can relate to their experience.
He’s a green actor but he’s good and he has range and charm.
It seems to me that the people on this thread are the ones who can’t get past his porn career.
Hollywood will get past ANYTHING if they think they can make some money.
Brent is doing what ever young actor does: taking classes and doing lots of indie roles as he hones his skills and develops a reel.
If he’s serious about acting (and he seems to be) being a “leading man” is irrelevant. he could have a long acting career even playing small roles for the rest of his life if he’s focused and determined (and given what he’s been through, he’s obviously very determined)
Acting is not just about being Brad Pit. It’s a craft, a vocation. Most actors are just happy to get work that they can live off of. Also, he still produces porn from his studio so he has a steady income even if HE isn’t performing anymore.
All this pearl clutching and prognasticating like Carrie’s mother won’t change the fact that Brent is getting good reviews for giving a solid performance in the few films he’s done so far.
I’ve seen 3 or his movies and I enjoyed him. Like I said, he has range. And I couldn’t care less about him doing porn.
This day and age you can see actors from “never heard of ” to super famous household names having sex on the Internet .
No one cares.
Any director or producer who casts him will know he’s done porn.
Porn is a job. Better than some, worse than others. It’s just work. It says nothing about a person’s personality or abilities or intellect.
Most Gay men just like to put down folks who do porn or lump them all into one big pot because it makes them feel better about themselves.
But none of ya’ll have anything to do with this young man’s career. All your nay-saying is for naught.
If he continues to work hard and continues his acting classes there is no reason why he can’t succeed.
Don’t know much about Mr.Corrigan (other than that he received an award at Qfest,here in Philly recently,that he’s a bit generic/bland for my taste,and that seeing one of your photos:I like his red pubic hair),but responding to some of the comments pro/con/snarkey/etc. about porn stars:I don’t know much about “dumb kid,no imagination,no ambition”etc,but as a sometime,usually not guilty viewer of gay porn,I’m struck by(and appalled at)the fact that most of these smiling fuckers appear to be really strung out on
drugs.I’m afraid that,like many prostitutes,they are sex slaves,controlled by addiction.
any news bout brent lately?? where can i get updates about him?? im so into brent!! is there a fan club?? i wanna join!!! i love you brent!! i promise to find a way to see you in person!!!
I think Brent is a great guy. If one does not like him why dont they just leave him alone. He has feelings and gives others pleasure why get jealious and nasty you Bigots. Love u Brent!
I’m both happy and sad at the news of him quitting doing porn. I love seeing him in porn so much, but if it is better for him to retire and try another career, I would be all support for him.
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Way too skinny – regardless of when.
@Vidur: True. That.
I love him! I love slim guys! But he does look much better now than earlier.
christopher di spirito
#19 is hot nerd.
His “image” always seems to come across as a constipated, flat chested, 12 year old girl.IMHO
this guy is just epic sexy. genuine good looks, not over the top muscle, cute as face that is maturing nicely.
and the boy is nice a s nice can be. met him briefly at mardi gras in 2010
If morning goods HAS to be back, can we at least get some variety? I can’t be the only one that’s bored of your endless array of twinks, jocks, models and others that exemplify a ridiculous beauty ideal.
@Eric: Unfortunately, that ridiculous beauty ideal is part of gay culture. You expect them to post bear pics here? Go to other blogs. That being said, I am proud someone other than myself actually wants to see real men.
Whine whine whine… If you don’t like him, don’t look. I’ll take him instead.
@M: Brent is not an object that I desire, but I do love what I know about him and his personality. I simply don’t desire 18 year old (or younger) boys and I don’t understand the fascination with them in the gay community.
Wouldn’t you just love to see a body and face shot of the people who are critiquing Brent Corrigan next to their post? How funny would that be?
I think I might be the only person who is very turned off by Brent Corrigan! :s
@Kieran: It would be hilarious
How someone is made is not their fault. Some of us are on the pretty thin side; some of us are stocky, swarthy and hefty. Being neither is a fault, a sin or a virtue. It is the luck of the draw, only. I prefer guys like myself: on the pretty side not too muscled or hefty. Obviously some of you want something else. That is just personal taste. If they ran photos of bears, I wouldn’t flip through the pics and then complain. I just would ignore the post. I find him very attractive and he has overcome a lot. I went through similar trials as a teen and came out OK. It is not as easy as you think being seen only as a sexual being when you are as young as he was when he started. It makes you think that is all anybody wants. And yes, Kieran, I would love to see the pics of the folks who complain about him. It may seem unfair to some but I think most people would prefer him to a bear if they had a chance.
I’m glad your turned your life around. However, I think a young guy that has gone through some tough times and then ends up doing gay porn didn’t exactly turn out okay.
@Kieran: Because, after all, looks are everything right? WRONG! That being said, I like Brent much more than any other porn star with an actual name simply because he comes across so charming.
@Tony: You don’t have the right to judge him just because he made some videos that most of us watched regardless of what we think about him. He has done very well for himself both in the porn world and now hopefully outside of it.
No. 12 · Kieran : “Wouldn’t you just love to see a body and face shot of the people who are critiquing Brent Corrigan next to their post? How funny would that be?”
No. 14 · Anonymous : “@Kieran: It would be hilarious.”
If you paired a photo of Brent/Sean with each of the critics, with a check box next to each picture, and a question of which guy you prefer, the results would not only be hilarious, but almost certainly very embarrassing to all but one person in the sample. Underwear/swimsuit pictures only, of course.
Come on, critics, submit your pictures to QUEERTY so we can try this experiment!
I don’t have a problem with being muscled, smooth or skinny, and I don’t have a problem with having a preferred “type,” rather, I have a problem with having only one idealized and homogenized image of beauty (what Naomi Wolf called “the beauty myth” in relation to women, but easily extended to men, especially gay men) that is unattainable both in oneself and in romantic/sexual partners. When our culture and our media only display bodies of a certain type as beautiful, sexy, and desirable, then the only way to feel or be seen as beautiful, sexy or desirable is to look like those images. What I would rather see is a plethora of different images as desirable beauty; every shape, size, colour, age, height, musculature, fat content, hairiness, hair-type, skin-tone, etc., etc., so anyone and everyone can feel beautiful, and anyone and everyone can be beautiful to somebody (and not just “on the inside”).
@B: Thank you for being a shining example of our “community.” Now, since Brent is not only successful, but also awesome lets make another comparison.
Lets take a prostitute only out for money and glory with absolutely no personality and put them up against a cub with a great job that actually cares about more than things and see which one most men would rather date.
Looks don’t matter. Personality matters. The total package is an amazing opportunity, and Brent has the total package.
Why is it that if you make a comment, opinion or observation about someone, you’re judging them? I’m not judging Brent. He can get f***ed on film all he wants, I don’t care. But I do have the right to have an opinion about the gay porn industry…and I think it’s a dead end, sleazy business that sadly attracts messed up guys that don’t have the ambition or brains to do anything else. And it’s your choice to place him in high esteem, I choose not to, he’s just another dumb idiot kid doing gay porn. And if he starts acting in mainstream films, I’ll get on a plane or car, meet you at your place, and lick your dirty feet…I ain’t worried.
@Tony: ” I’m not judging Brent.” “the gay porn industry[…]attracts messed up guys that don’t have the ambition or brains to do anything else.” “[…]he’s just another dumb idiot kid doing gay porn.”
i don’t think you know what ‘judging’ means.
Sorry effeminates, you’re not going to make old or fat happen. Brent is hot and you know it.
Queerty says “We’ve been fans of porn star Brent Corrigan”
Who cares f cares about porn guys. This not the sword site.
It feels like writer and some of the posters here are dirty men lusting after a guy they cant hook up with in real life.
My 20 year old something friends including myself, cant see the value of reporting on this guy other then worshipping some wank material.
It’s nice with eye candy, but If Queerty insists on providing bio on it’s morning goods, please use a non-porn model. Who’s either a pro, studying, writing, competing athlete, making music. At least something my generation might find inspirational.
@truth: I don’t think you should underestimate the looks of Queerty readers.
No. 20 · Daez wrote, “@B: Thank you for being a shining example of our “community.” Now, since Brent is not only successful, but also awesome lets make another comparison. …”
Let’s get this “straight”. You object to a detailed and implementable suggestion that people criticizing this guy for his appearance (example – “Way too skinny” from Comment No 1) should be held to the same criteria that they are using? It doesn’t matter that you think the criteria are silly ones (e.g., personal appearance) – the point was to apply the same criteria to oneself that one is applying to others.
Did the use of satire go over your head?
He’s not going to make it in Hollywood. That’s not a low blow it’s just a fact. There are to many good young actors out there who haven’t done gay porn.
No. 27 · Sed wrote, “He’s not going to make it in Hollywood. That’s not a low blow it’s just a fact. There are to many good young actors out there who haven’t done gay porn.”
Having done some porn probably isn’t going to matter like it used to – too many people have been caught sexting. In any case, anyone in that situation can always sign up for my (yet to be created) Christian Rehabilitation Center for Recovering Porn Stars. The “rehab” blesses them in the eyes of the public (“Oh, I’ve been through rehab”), and while at the facility, they can work on their tan by the pool and get a rigorous three week program with an acting coach who can show them how to look convincingly pious and contrite in addition to improving their acting skills in general.
To the (terrible) copy editors at Queerty,
“née” is used for maiden names or after name changes (such as trans persons). “AKA” would be used for stage names, pseudonyms, and pen names. Even so, since the person in question here is male, you would use the masculine form “né” and should be italicized.
Does anyone else see his resemblance to Zac Efron? … Or is it just me
@B: I think you have a lot more faith in Hollywood than you should.
Brent Corrigan is hot with that said he’s a HORRIBLE actor. I hate that gay men get distracted so easily because everyone here is forgetting the subject at hand which is that Brent couldn’t act his way out of a bad porno, much less act his way into a legitimate film career.
No. 31 · Aiden wrote, “@B: I think you have a lot more faith in Hollywood than you should.”
I’m simply assuming that Hollywood makes decisions based on the bottom line. Hollywood probably could care less if an actor had an early porn career unless it is believed that the public cares. Someone who knows that half his/her friends were sexting (which in many cases amounts to free, amateur porn sent to selected friends) is not likely to be shocked at some actor having at some point been in porn. People who grew up before the sexting craze would be more likely to have the opposite opinion, but then you have to look at the demographics of film audiences. http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=572 has the data for the U.K. (couldn’t find U.S. data in a quick search). The peak age bracket is 15 to 24, with more fine-grained variations by film type. Given that, I’d expect an early porn career to be less of a show stopper for an acting career than it used to be, but to have an acting career, you have to be able to act. I’d also expect the negative effects of a previous porn career to matter less over time, if current trends continue.
But a show stopper nonetheless. No porn “star” has or likely will successfully transition to mainstream acting. Even if they were to, it’d be from the straight side first, and a woman before a gay porn “star”. And even then, not gonna happen. While porno performers have been in non-porn movies, none have had successful non-porn acting careers. The reality is that most people in porn are not very talented actors and actresses. If they were, they probably wouldn’t be working in porn. In fact, if they had any marketable skill whatsoever, they wouldn’t be working in porn. And porn isn’t art nor can it be, as its purpose is to get the viewer off, and always will be (not a plot, story, or acting ability beyond grunt n’ hump–’tis the reason of and for porn). Speaking of which, queerty is turning into quite the gay porn hub. Well, it beats race baiting.
Aaron in Honolulu
I always saw him as the poster child of what the American gay community (as a whole) defines as a sexually attractive young man. He is most people’s type.
I like the way people are saying he can’t have a Hollywood acting career cause he’s a terrible actor. Yeah, like that’s stopped most of the actors currently “appearing” in Hollywood movies.
Most of them are whores, porn stars are just more open about it.
I don’t see any reason why he couldn’t go on to have a successful “straight” acting career – if he does, his porn past will always be dredged up in articles and interviews, though. But I think these days people on the whole are less puritanical about these things.
Good luck to him, I say.
Re those photos, he definitely looks hotter in the most recent ones.
@B: Its not that I find it “silly.” Its that way to many people in our community only look at looks and nothing else when judging anyone. “Oh, that Rick Santorm is kind of hot he has my vote,” is the type of attitude you get from this community.
@Lefty: It maybe hasn’t stopped a lot of female actresses but as a man I have a hard time believing he can carry a bad film by being SUCH a bad actor. Like he is HORRIBLE! He’s not even on the level of a soap actor. I hope he takes some classes at least.
No. 37 · Daez wrote, ‘@B: Its not that I find it “silly.” Its that way to many people in our community only look at looks and nothing else when judging anyone. “Oh, that Rick Santorm is kind of hot he has my vote,” is the type of attitude you get from this community.’
… so, I assume this means that the satire had (at least initially) gone over your head!
After all, what I was really suggesting is that people who “only look at looks and nothing else when judging anyone,” and who go around gratuitously posting negative statements about someone’s appearance on the Internet, deserve the same treatment.
Brent is a charm. Like Jody and Carlos, DeWayne and I are original fans. I bought ‘Every Poolboys Dream’ on video tape at a local store when it came out. Sean has been through a lot and is still a positive asset to the gay community and our society as a whole.
I am not afraid to show my picture. http://www.flickr.com/photos/altexas/4476657037/in/photostream/lightbox/
I have also photographed Brent many times. He is more professional than I am. For me it is a no lose opportunity every time. http://www.flickr.com/photos/altexas/5547454827/in/photostream/lightbox/
I consider Sean a friend and believe he knows I am one.
i wonder how he’s going to talk about his porn career and irresponsible choice to do barebacking when and if he actually makes it in hollywood. is he going to be proud or distanced himself from it and dismissed it as a period when he made bad choices? can’t wait to hear that interview in the future.
o. 41 · hmm wrote, “i wonder how he’s going to talk about his porn career and irresponsible choice to do barebacking when and if he actually makes it in hollywood. is he going to be proud or distanced himself from it and dismissed it as a period when he made bad choices? can’t wait to hear that interview in the future.”
Given what others have squirmed out of, I wouldn’t worry about that one: during events leading up the Clinton impeachment trial, it turned out that one elderly senator, Henry Hyde, had previously cheated on his wife. He passed his philandering off as “a youthful indiscretion,” where “youthful” meant that he was 41 years old at the time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Hyde#Extramarital_affair :
“In 1998, the Internet magazine Salon.com published “This Hypocrite Broke Up My Family” which stated that from 1965 to 1969, Hyde conducted an extramarital sexual affair with Cherie Snodgrass. At the time, Snodgrass was married to another man with whom she had three children. The Snodgrasses divorced in 1967. Hyde said the affair ended when Snodgrass’ husband confronted Mrs. Hyde. The Hydes reconciled and remained married until Mrs. Hyde’s death in 1992. Hyde, who was 41 years old and married when the affair occurred, admitted to the affair in 1998, describing the relationship as a “youthful indiscretion”.[10] The revelation of this affair took place as Hyde was spearheading the impeachment hearings of President Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.”
@B: I am laughing my ass off. Well played B.
VERY nice hair,rather cliche’d Irish look.
@Albert: You’ll notice that title is no longer available because it may qualify as child porn. Brent was (apparently) underage at the time of filming – don’t brag too much…
@ Albert “Sean has been through a lot and is still a positive asset to the gay community and our society as a whole.”
there is nothing wrong with being friends with a pornstar but you sound more like a delusional fan. what has brent exactly done to be a positive asset to our society?
Steven, I am very well aware of Brent’s age and history. I am not bragging but stating a fact that I own all four movies that were made of him underage. They were sold legally and bought legally. In fact I may have purchased the last legal copy of Schoolboy Crush sold in the United States.
DeWayne and I have been staunch defenders of Brent since the beginning. I used to argue with Bryan Kocis before he had his head removed from his body. Idiots like to blame the child for performing as a child. The true blame belongs to the perverted adult who made, edited, distributed and profited off his kiddy porn, knowing the truth. The Kocis family continues to profit from his work. As an example, In Ireland, the underage films of Brent are legal for sale as the age of consent is 17.
Thanks for your concern though.
I just learned today that Brent’s current top hit (gay but not porn) ‘Judas Kiss’ will be shown at a special Brunch at the Austin, Texas International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival on Sept. 11. Carlos Pedraza, J.T. Tepnapa and Sean Paul Lockhart (Brent Corrigan) are scheduled. My camera and I will of course be there with Sean. Come if you can.
@hmm: It is a fair question despite the rather snarky “delusional fan” comment. Sean does promotional work for safe sex programs, appears without pay at fund raisers for organizations that primarily help abused gays, and promotes local gay charities in the San Diego Area. He has alos appeared (for nominal pay / cost) at Universites as a spokesman/lecturer for gay causes and safe sex promotion.
Brent is making the change to a “career in acting” after quitting porn. I think he is doing reasonably well.
Albert, do you really think Brent considers you a real friend or is it a one-way friendship??…
Yves, please tell Mr.Kruezer I am still waiting for his review of Judas Kiss…
I can’t believe I am leaving a real comment on Queerty, but I recognize some of the usual suspects in the commenters here. 😉
I will keep this short and simple.
Brent Corrigan has turned out just fine at age 24.
Is he perfect Hell No he is not, and not one person here is either.
He is a young gay man who is still alive, successful,is a talented actor(I will take the laudatory straight press reviews over jaded queens anyday) and Brent has an intact sense of humor which is a major accomplishment! Especially for someone who had all the sins of an older irresponsible generation (including the fat slob who hired him and made a cool million plus off 17 year old ass) placed on his head like he should be personally blamed because Gay Men swooned over him?
Hello that is a part of the HUMAN SEXUAL equation and is as old as mankind itself!
Brent Corrigan/ Sean Lockhart has donated his time and his image extensively to safer sex campaigns for years and done more charity work in the LGBT community than most people his age. He’s spent time talking with young people about his own mistakes in the past and I think young folks respond much better to someone who they think can relate to their experience.
He’s a green actor but he’s good and he has range and charm.
It seems to me that the people on this thread are the ones who can’t get past his porn career.
Hollywood will get past ANYTHING if they think they can make some money.
Brent is doing what ever young actor does: taking classes and doing lots of indie roles as he hones his skills and develops a reel.
If he’s serious about acting (and he seems to be) being a “leading man” is irrelevant. he could have a long acting career even playing small roles for the rest of his life if he’s focused and determined (and given what he’s been through, he’s obviously very determined)
Acting is not just about being Brad Pit. It’s a craft, a vocation. Most actors are just happy to get work that they can live off of. Also, he still produces porn from his studio so he has a steady income even if HE isn’t performing anymore.
All this pearl clutching and prognasticating like Carrie’s mother won’t change the fact that Brent is getting good reviews for giving a solid performance in the few films he’s done so far.
I’ve seen 3 or his movies and I enjoyed him. Like I said, he has range. And I couldn’t care less about him doing porn.
This day and age you can see actors from “never heard of ” to super famous household names having sex on the Internet .
No one cares.
Any director or producer who casts him will know he’s done porn.
Porn is a job. Better than some, worse than others. It’s just work. It says nothing about a person’s personality or abilities or intellect.
Most Gay men just like to put down folks who do porn or lump them all into one big pot because it makes them feel better about themselves.
But none of ya’ll have anything to do with this young man’s career. All your nay-saying is for naught.
If he continues to work hard and continues his acting classes there is no reason why he can’t succeed.
@truth: yeah a hot mess, but if you go for the skinny, pale, 13 year old type then more power to u..
@Aaron in Honolulu: lol, the american white gay community cause where i’m from white boy would get nothing but shade
Don’t know much about Mr.Corrigan (other than that he received an award at Qfest,here in Philly recently,that he’s a bit generic/bland for my taste,and that seeing one of your photos:I like his red pubic hair),but responding to some of the comments pro/con/snarkey/etc. about porn stars:I don’t know much about “dumb kid,no imagination,no ambition”etc,but as a sometime,usually not guilty viewer of gay porn,I’m struck by(and appalled at)the fact that most of these smiling fuckers appear to be really strung out on
drugs.I’m afraid that,like many prostitutes,they are sex slaves,controlled by addiction.
@David #24:Glad to see you include yourself among your friends,BUT:Are you sure your 20 something?Mental age seems much younger__say 8.
what did he do to himself in the last pic! orange tan, ugly hair…and that shirt! he looks like a jock! what happened to all of his cuteness!
I like him and my idol in gay an bisexual porn.You so hot and sexy Brent.! I love it..!
any news bout brent lately?? where can i get updates about him?? im so into brent!! is there a fan club?? i wanna join!!! i love you brent!! i promise to find a way to see you in person!!!
Brent Corrigan just said he is retired from gay porn 🙁
I’m sooooo sad!!!!
ednaldo silva
me manda seus filmes brent corrigan sou de codó maranhao nordeste do brasil aguardo vc sou seu fan e louco pelo seu penis
Em a big fan of this hotic stud….. all the movies are heart resembling…… nicely sex perfer boy… love u…..
I think Brent is a great guy. If one does not like him why dont they just leave him alone. He has feelings and gives others pleasure why get jealious and nasty you Bigots. Love u Brent!
I’m both happy and sad at the news of him quitting doing porn. I love seeing him in porn so much, but if it is better for him to retire and try another career, I would be all support for him.