PHOTOS: Former Boy Scouts And Their Impact On The World

boy scoutsAs we reported Thursday, the Boy Scouts of America made one small step toward equality when they voted to revise their membership standards to state “no youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone.” Confirming the gay generational split, polling prior to the vote revealed a majority of BSA’s youth opposed the ban on openly gay people while a majority of adults supported it. Left unchanged was the ban on gay adult leaders. That means after you make Eagle, the Scout’s highest rank awarded on or after your 18th birthday, you’re done, no leadership role for you, gay scout. That likely spells a court challenge citing equal protection and doom for yesterday’s limited rule change. But for now we celebrate the boys who can scout if they want to, with a list on the following pages of heroes and leaders that came before them. Congratulations, kids! Dream big.


Neil Armstrong Astronaut made a “giant leap for mankind” when he became the first human to set foot on the moon.
150px-Charles_McGee Charles McGee & Percy Sutton Tuskegee Airmen. McGee (pictured) holds an Air Force record of 409 fighter combat missions flown in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. Sutton was a civil right activist and entrepreneur who revitalized the Apollo Theater.

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Michael Bloomberg A billionaire and the Mayor of New York City, in that order.


The Professor One of seven stranded on Gilligan’s Island and Cleveland’s youngest Eagle Scout.


Alfred Kinsey The guy who brought us the Kinsey Scale which ranges from 0 to 6 where 0 is exclusively heterosexual and 6 is exclusively homosexual and who didn’t play that game when he was 12 was a hero for shattering sexual stereotypes, particularly for women.
Spike TV's "Guy Choice" Awards - Press Room Rob Corrdry Waiting to confirm Eagle Scout’s hero status with release of new Arrested Development episodes on Netflix this Sunday.
steven-spielberg-shares-updates-on-indiana-jones-v Indiana Jones & Steven Spielberg Both real-life Oscar winner and fictional hero were Eagle Scouts. Coincidence, or conspiracy?


Gerald Ford The first and only unelected president declared the “end of our long national nightmare” but then went on to pardon Richard Nixon. But he gave us Betty, so a hero in our book… of heroes.


David Lynch & Dale Cooper Two Eagle Scouts and another conspiracy, this one in the damp American Northwest. Twin Peaks‘ Cooper (portrayed by Kyle MacLachlan, pictured) a hero for solving Laura Palmer murder and enduring dwarves. Can you earn a badge for pie?


Wallace Stegner The historian, novelist, environmentalist and “dean of Western writers” won a Pulitzer for Fiction in 1972 for Angle of Repose.


Ross Perot As a third party candidate for president in 1992, billionaire businessman and Eagle Scout Perot helped Bill Clinton defeat George HW Bush and usher in Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act. Well, maybe not a hero. But colorful and folksy, for sure. (See “giant sucking sound.”)


Manti Te’o

Could be a hero when he finally comes out and becomes first openly gay NFL player.

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One Comment*

  • tookietookie

    While the accomplishments of many of these men are impressive, it’s faulty logic to link their participation in the Boy Scouts with these successes.

    While it’s right in principle for the Boy Scouts to not discriminate, the benefit is that there’s one less major organization out there pushing discrimination against gay people…and that’s about it. The actual activities of the Boy Scouts are pretty nonsensical and meaningless to modern people who don’t have strange wilderness-self-sufficiency fetishes. “So says you when you can’t tie that whatever knot and splint a this and climb a that and tame a bear and build your own canoe.” Um, does anyone hear how crazy that sounds? Organizations like the Red Cross do better training and work that has a real impact.

    Also, I can’t support an organization that de facto contributes to a gender stereotypes, while the “ghetto” of Girl Scouts still exists. Just another example of some gay people getting what they want, and because what they wanted was wrong-headed to begin with, they let the discrimination leftovers fall they may.

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