We can’t believe that people still think of faggotry as some big sexual sponge, slowly but surely sopping up the rest of the world’s mating and dating rituals. Foolish, yes, but that didn’t stop legendary homophobe and Polish President Lech Kaczynski from airing his gay grievances in Ireland.
Taking an official visit in Ireland, where the gay marriage debate has been raging like a bad case of gonorrhea, Kaczynski defended his decision to ban a gay rights parade in Warsaw, saying:
If that kind of approach to sexual life were to be promoted on a grand scale, the human race would disappear.
Imagine what grand changes would occur in mores if the traditional links between men and women were set aside.
Well, yes, we suppose that would be disastrous – at least in theory. Sure, you technically need a man and a woman to have a baby, but we’re sure the grand gay agenda’s planned for procreation. It’s really quite simple: once a month the lesbians and the gays will come together, swap sperm, eggs and the rest and hope for the best.
Coming under fire, Kaczynski insisted he’s not homophobic. The media, it seems, has just been twisting his words. He told The Independent:
Among my personal friends there are individuals affected by this different sexual orientation, or homosexuality, but they enjoy full rights, they are able to move forward in various spheres of life
This is a tendency, an orientation that has always existed, I don’t know why.
I do not intend to combat it, to force them into therapy. But at the same time, I don’t think it’s appropriate that they should promote their sexual orientation.
Yow, remind us not to befriend Kaczynski. He makes homosexuality sound like cancer, as if his friends have been struck by some incurable disease and he can’t be bothered to support them.
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At least Irish President Mary McAleese has more sense. Of Kaczynski’s remarks, she said: It is certainly completely inappropriate for the president of a friendly state to promote his own ignorance at the expense of Irish citizens who have fought very hard to establish their human and civil rights.
His nonsense about the threat posed by homosexuality has shown his very limited intelligence and was a betrayal of decent Polish people. Damn, them’s fighting words!
Uh, isn’t this the same guy who was recently outed? A previous Polish administration (Lech Walesja (sp?)) had him investigated. The dossier was released and discussed in the press. This jerk might as well be another self-hating, gay Republican…
William Shore
Would someone explain to this fool that homosexuality is not contagious?
I fully agree with Lech Kaczynski.
Homosexuality should not be promoted.
Let’s see how a child grown up in a family of two fathers will behave in his adult life (by that I mean sexual life too) – call me a “homophobe†if you like but this is true – we (psychologists) don’t know what impact will it have on that child.
And if we assume existence of some sort of “fight for freedom of sexual orientationâ€, next step will be a “fight for right of pedophilesâ€: pedophile will start to be treated as a separate orientation.
it never ceases to amaze me just how inept krystians are at accurately predicting the future of humanity. they have no idea what might happen but they’re certain it won’t be good. i hope someday scientology is successful in wiping out pyshcotherapy…there are just too many belief systems in the world
BTW: Krystian is my real name (so what do you mean by “krystians”?) and I live in Warsaw, Poland, cheers!
Krystian, dude, your post is a fine exercise in sophistry if I ever saw one. Don’t they teach logic to psychology students any more?
Michael S.
Krystian, the difference is that with sexual orientation, everyone involved is CONSENTING ADULTS. With pedophilia, it is exploitation, and the restriction of a child’s rights. Huge difference. Pedophilia is undebatable.
Oh, and they’ve done studies on children raised in same-sex households, they grow up to be perfectly normal, well-adjusted heterosexual adults, sex life intact.
And, this world could exist quite easily without straight people, what with the wonders of artificial insemination…
I think Jaroslaw (the other half of this Dire Duo) is the gay one. He lives with his Mum in a large rambling house full of cats.
I wonder have they been tested for gayness. You can’t be too careful; it might cross the species barrier.
PS. Krystian, well done on mastering 21st century technology. It can’t be easy given your 19th century mindset.
Yeah. But in Poland it looks like that:
– Homosexual couples go out on parades fighting for their rights.
– “Good pedophiles” (as they say they are absolutely different people from those “bad pedophiles”) are fighting for their rights too it the same time (almost) in the same way.
In both the right to adopt children is concerned.
So… if we say something like “fuck Kaczynski, church sux anyway, let’s have freedom – give more rights to sexual minorities†why should we give those rights only to homosexual couples? Pedophile want to rise his child too…he will be a good father because he truly loves kids.
And returning to studies: 1) there were also studies saying that almost all of pedophiles are homosexuals, 2) homosexuality is always connected with sexual and/or psychological disorders – and that can bring a thesis that homosexuality is a derivative of those disorders.
What about those studies?
homoseksualizm to nie choroba
Oh Krystian, it’s very brave of you to drop in here, how did you ever find this little blog? Are you going around the internet defending Kaczynski wherever he’s mocked for his backward views? If you’re going to pose as a psychologist and refer to “studies,” you’d do well to actually get up to date on the psychological literature. We’re a pretty bright and well-informed crowd here, perhaps you could tell us exactly what studies you are thinking of that say “almost all of pedophiles are homosexuals” and that “homosexuality is always connected with sexual and/or psychological disorders.” Please try to stick to studies conducted by reputable researchers, preferably published in peer-reviewed journals within the last 30 years at least…
I don’t know, maybe you’re a kind of Polish Donnie Davies, but given the article that started this discussion, it seems kind of redundant…
God, Krystian, just shut up. For polish-readers only now: homoseksualizm nie jest choroba. Istnial od samego poczatku i nikt tego nie zmieni. Radze sie przyzwyczaic i zyc w swoim malutkim swiecie, ewentualnie zabrac zabawki do innej piaskownicy i bawic sie tam, gdzie bawia sie inne “zdrowe” dzieci.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Hi everyone. I’m not gay but I’m trully with you! Living in Poland makes me sick, you can meet here racist on every corner. This is not my goverment, this is not my president. Few days ago I meet old man who said “They should set up a monument for Adolf Hitler for those Jews, they are everywhere…” – this is example why we have such goverment.
“But in Poland it looks like that” Yeah but in witch Poland ? ohh yeahh …POLAND of your dreams ! NEVER !!
dragan janovic
ble ble ble!! as one of your mps said…. kaczynskis believes belong to the past! as a conservative representative of _moherowe berety_ (see google:) he couldnt have commented the topic in any other way. i believe europe is over the whole homophobia thing and the subject is just brought up every now and then to gain a few votes (at least in Poland)… then you ban a parade in Warsaw and you are a hero of homophobic society. sure such comments should not take place (esp. given by a president) but i think theres a reason behind it…. you see, his wife is kind of….ugly…. 🙂 oh nevermind.
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