We’ve heard some classic excuses from guys who’ve been caught in compromising same-sex positions — everything from Larry Craig’s “wide stance” to the all-too-common “I did it for the money.”
But nothing compares to the yarn spun by former professional boxer Yusaf “Mack Attack” Mack, 35, who is attempting to cover up his tracks with a tale of twisted deceit after someone connected the dots and discovered his hardcore gay porn threesome living on the internet.
So how did this self professed straight father-of-ten manage to be duped into performing sex acts with men in front of a camera?
Naturally, it’s a bit of a long story.
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Mack, who is engaged to a woman, was in need of money and says he agreed to a porn shoot to make ends meet. But not just any porn shoot — a straight one. As he’ll repeatedly remind you, Mack is as straight as they come.
“My whole life, I’ve been what they call a whoremonger. I love females,” Mack told Philly.com. “The only time I touch a man is when I’m in the ring fighting.”
Related: Guys Reveal What It’s Like To Be ‘Gay For Pay’
After answering the offer on Facebook, Mack traveled to an address in the Bronx, where he says there were naked women roaming about the building.
“I think, ‘It’s about to go down,'” he said.
“I needed a drink or something. They gave me a pill and a shot of vodka.
“I took the pill down with the vodka.”
And that’s when Mack says his memory of the experience suddenly cuts off.
Related: “I Did It For The Money” And Other Popular Excuses After Getting Caught Acting All Gay
When he came to, he was on a train at 30th street with $4,500 cash stuffed into his pocket.
So what happened during his blackout? Well, that’s when a fully conscious-looking Mack (above) performed a hardcore threesome with two other men.
Rather than investigate what happened at the time, Mack took his money and went home. But now that he’s been outed as having participated in the shoot, he’s vowed to track down those responsible.
Well, he would try to track them down, but he says he can’t remember his Facebook password, so, like, he can’t get in touch with them.
We wish him all the best in recovering his lost password.
After doing a little digging into his Twitter account, it didn’t take long to crack one major hole in Mack’s story (as if its improbability really needed any evidential support) — a quick look a the tweets he’s favorited over the years (link NSFW) reveals a whole slew of gay porn-related likes.
But who knows, maybe he was drugged each time he favorited them, too.
Dennis Sandoval
Grant Mealey
Yup he looks pretty aware ð???
John Malin
Does ya Mama KNOW?
Manny Lugo
And I managed to get it up for Halle Berry. Puh-leeze…
Douglas Schlitz
Sure you were. , LMAO !
Jonathon Popphan
Sorry, but I am laughing so hard I am about to fall out of my chair. Who does he think that he’s fooling? “Can’t remember a thing,” my ass.
Deon Letsoalo
I believe him, and please don’t claim him.
Yikes! Should probably slap a NSFW warning on that Twitter favorites link, going to get me fired, lol
There are still professional boxers?
Sal Eduard Grana
Yo quiero ver el video, ¿algun link?
Luke H Thornton
There are way too many holes in this story for it to even make any sense that he didn’t know what he was doing.
@Benjiboi: What’s NSFW about this article?
So Yusaf is a father of 10 and ENGAGED? She’s either an idiot, thinks he makes a lot of money, or both.
Baba Booey Fafa Fooey
Another closeted gay homophobe. There are so many of you a-holes.
Steve Mcdonough
Bitch, please!
Can’t remember… yeah, that happens to me a lot!
(could someone get on providing a link? Qrty is so lame that way.)
Airon Cameron
Bob LaBlah
His reasons do seem a bit far fetched, to put it mildly. However, considering the guy is thirty-five years old and boxing I can’t find any joy in this “revelation”. It reads more like a cyberspace lynching that Queerty has inadvertently joined in on. People “reveal” shit like this out of jealousy and such but in this day and age, who gives a flying fuck about a boxer no one ever heard of until this? As far as I am concerned this is a case of the shit hitting the fan and a piece wound up over here. Next!
So this Queen; remember signing the contract’ or the Paycheck Jack! LOL, Sad really.
paul dorian lord fredine
oh, mary, puLEEZ!!! that black-out story works great in the soaps but nobody with more than 10 functional brain cells is going to fall for that in real life. it’s surprising he simply didn’t fall back on the ‘it was my long-lost evil gay twin brother’ excuse.
Oliver Thiele
I’d do him
A straight LIE that is 🙂
Here is his latest video.
Father of 10?!!? WTF???
Sorry dude. But your whole story is BS. And there is no way in hell that you are gonna be paid, $4,500 in cash doing porn for a low end company like that. And in this day and age, I don’t even think a high end porn company would pay someone that much…
Captain Obvious
@Spike: I take it you’ve never seen shows like 19 kids and counting?
10 is really not a big deal. My grandmother was like one of 12. Back in the day there wasn’t much else to do but bang.
Some people like having a lot of kids.
Drugged and then given 4,500.00 (4,500 B.S. more like 800.00!!!) IN CASH, and got home safe on a train at night in Brooklyn? Okay! How about the TYPICAL: I’m “straight,” my girl knows I’m here. I need the money for our rent this month. What he’ll do the following month who knows…. more scenes FOR THE MONEY, 200 homo scenes later!
And the porn award/Oscar goes to…
@Tackle: Low-end? Qualify it!
That’s BS. The porn industry has to comply with strict record keeping procedures according to United States Law. This is to prevent child porn abuse. There’s no way this happened. He got the D and the $$$ and know he’s embarrassed. If he treated this as no big deal it would have just been a blip on the news cycle. His histrionics have backfired on him.
@SteveDenver: I believe he was referring to the twitter link. Based on his faves, it looks more likely that he’s genuinely bi.
LOL I just found out the porn company he performed for is called “Dawg Pound” so yeah, he totally didn’t know what was going down.
Raúl Hernández
Oh not to worry. That’s what the internet is for
Straight-identifying men can get it up for a man. I’ve seen it many times. It depends on how horny they are.
If you get any straight-identifying male worked up sexually, he will do you even if you don’t have a pulse and a nipple.
Malibu Eric
I am definitely going to have to watch “Holiday Hump’n” http://dawgpoundusa.com/VideoStills.cfm?PAGE=3
Can’t find a link *yet* but this link has stills.
Dave Basora
If I had a nickel for every “straight” dude who told me that….smdh…
How thoroughly unoriginal.
If a straight-identifying woman does girl-girl in porn, she’s considered “glamorous” and “sexy”. If a straight-identifying man does guy-guy in porn, he’s considered “gay” and “controversial”. Double standard.
@Malibu Eric:
video preview
Paul Fucetola
How convenient for him…
What I have to say is, who cares? Haven’t we all done something we aren’t exactly proud of? Rags like this irritate me when they continually spin a story out of someone’s journey that’s on the closeted side. He’s a boxer for god’s sake. I’m a gay man, and I say leave this poor guy alone. If he wants to deny anything, that’s his choice. Believe it or not, everyone doesn’t want to wear a banner. Focus on your own life.
@Deon Letsoalo: “CLAIM” him?!? I wouldn’t touch him with yours…
Like most “straight men”…”I’m NOT gay!” But the asshole and the mouth is…
Bob LaBlah
@Malibu Eric: @Roan: Thanks to both of you for that link. I am sure this has to be the worst nightmare for these guys. We all say “I don’t give a fuck” at one time or another but some times it can come back to haunt us. In my case it was the IRS and I mean they made me R-E-G-R-E-T that decision I made in regards to them. If I had one I don’t think I would want my teenage son to see me do something like that, regardless of whether he turned out gay or not. I feel for the guy. And yes, I do think that he is cute.
Money, some say, excuses any behavior in despetate times. They also say that unless you ard in their sjoes dont be so quick to judge. I agree, however, one must also be prepared to take responsibility and not lie about the truth. Plenty os straight men have done gay porn, many narried or seriously involved with a woman.
I dont care what someones has to do in order to eat and be safe, so long as those actions dont degrade, dismisd or simply hate others. If he was man enough to stand up and say he did what he did to pay rent, bills or care for his family and that those people have been treated honestly then this matter would be a non issue. This is about him not taking responsibility for EVERYTHING he did, every drink he swallowd and every pill consumed and now for evety lie he has told.
He is not a professional athlete, he is a liar, a cheat and unable to be honest with himself about his actions and preferes to protect his guilt as hate to others.
No one in that video is drugged out of their minds. They all look like they know what they’re doing.
@Bob LaBlah:
I see the comments about respecting his choices and privacy. I agree, however he choose to go “gay for pay” which quite frankly appears to be more than a financial proclivity and not the first time he’s been on the business end of a tallywhacker, nor does he appear to be drugged or an unwilling participant. Gay for pay / bi for pay or simply being bi isn’t a big deal or a major revelation. It wouldn’t be an issue if he didn’t lie about it and demean gay people in the process.
Kevin Wotipka
Tommie Brown Davenport
well folks, he was drugged, the easiest way for no pain in the point of entry… hahahaha and i just dont remember… okay….
It has come round to bite him on the ass…or suck his dick.
Someone turned up another video of him with two different naked hot men. A still is on lovebscott.com, with a comment asking if this means he was drugged twice on two separate occasions.
A more honest and brazen defense might have worked: “I’m such a sexy horn dog I can fuck anything that moves. And I’m good at it. So I did it and they paid me.”
But as usual, the cover-up ends up making more trouble than the crime.
I’d gladly do him. And now I’ll probably buy his video. (No such thing as bad publicity.)
Nothing but lies to cover his ass
What a joke. There a little thing called a contract, and I do not believe he was drugged to sign it. Now that the world knows he was in a gay porn movie, he ought to think of it as another avenue to pursue when wanting to focus on men in the ring!
In that clip he’s acting like he knows his way around d!ck or 20!
Girl, just admit it and quit it!
yes and the pigs have been fed and ready to fly!
This guy is more full of s**t than a Christmas Goose…first of all I love how he is performing oral to a tee but said he was drugged? LMFAO
Secondly NO PORN CO pays $4500 for anything anymore there are no big porn stars anymore everyone and their mother is doing it. The most this guy made was maybe 800.00 tops. I can’t believe this moron expects anyone to believe his story
Masc Pride
His story is really not too surprising. There’s so much gay-shaming when it comes to gay-for-pay. This sets guys up to feel like they have to deny GFP work if they get caught. The majority of female performers are expected to girl on girl and commonly do it, but no one lesbian-shames them or relegates them to the LGBT box. Most of the girls have boyfriends/husbands and live totally hetero off-camera. A lot of GFP guys are just what they say they are as well, but they’re condemned for the work.
@Masc Pride: “A lot of GFP guys are just what they say they are as well, but they’re condemned for the work.”
If they say what they are: NOT “GFP,” but rather guys who are exhibitionists who take dick up the ass and in their mouth ON VIDEO for a few hundred bucks for our viewing pleasure KNOWING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE are more likely to see it; and they don’t care because they will do what they want with their bodies they are grown folk/adults, there will be no shame or guilt because they “convince” themselves that they don’t give a shit about what ANYONE thinks whether it’s their parents, wife, girlfriends, boyfriends, pastor, sons, daughters, bosses, potential and current EMPLOYERS, GOD, JESUS, the pope, “teammates,” THE MASS MEDIA, etc., etc., etc.
Now if “masculine?” pride can take your head out of your ass, you may surprise us with something intelligent, logical, and meaningful. I believe you have potential! 🙂
Miguel A. Roman
Good one! Lol
Negro, please!!!!!! Nobody is buying that story. Obviously he was on drugs and high as a kite telling that story with the delusion it would be believable.
@Thad: now that everyone and his dawg is a pornstar what else are they going to pro for
@Deon Letsoalo: Yeah, you would believe him.
@enlightenone: Sure. Falcon. Mustang. And Titian studios would be considered ” high end” based strictly on “revenue”.
Bill Pappas
Yeah , right, and I am the Queen of England….
Pornography is basically prostitution. There’s nothing dignified about it. Gay porn is appalling, and is full of drug addicts, pimps and all-round sleazeballs. It’s very rare to find a decent person in the porn trade.
It’s worth pointing out the bisexual double standard which exists in porn because it tells you a lot about it. Women are allowed to be bi in virtually all porn movies but men must only be bi in “bisexual” movies. It’s a form of segregation.
The hypocrisy inherent in the bisexual double standard tells you this is not a nice business.
Auxifur White Wolf Wolfgram
Pffft. Bitch, please.
I’d have to be drugged to have sex with him.
This guy is bi or gay but just closeted, in denial, or on the down low. He should just come out.
Masc Pride
@enlightenone: Maybe your comprehension is just poor. You’ve clearly misunderstood something (yet you haven’t let that stop you from responding with unnecessary hostility) because your post makes no sense. You don’t seem very enlightened at all. Sexuality is a self-identification, so if they identify as hetero while doing gay-for-pay, that’s what they are. However, my comment was about the double standard of how girl-on-girl is totally accepted and even encouraged where guy-on-guy is shamed and scolded. If the female performers who occasionally do lesbian scenes can identify as straight, then so can the male performers that occasionally do gay scenes. It’s not magically different when a penis is involved.
@Texan78730: LOL!
@Deon Letsoalo: You BELIEVE him??? Is he your father?
Hey, he will next be telling us just before taking the pill and drink, he might have spied Bill Cosby….but he doesn’t remember. Please, if you watch this scene called “Holiday Hump’n”, he not only does not look drugged, but is present and a enthusiastic participant, giving and taking, dipping and dripping. He is all in. He does not look like this was a first time occurrence…… at least on film.
@Tackle: “…Sure. Falcon. Mustang. And Titian studios would be considered ” high end” based strictly on “revenue”.”
“Revenue” in reference to the money made by the studios or what their stable of sex workers are paid or both?
@Masc Pride: My comprehension isn’t the least bit “poor!”
“Sexuality is a self-identification,” you wrote.
Sexuality is what we DO/BEHAVIORS, THINK (i.e. sexual thoughts. fantasies, daydreams, and OUR FEELINGS that includes our SEXUAL ORIENTATION even if we stick it in a closet!
GAY is a sociopolitical-cultural “self-identity” that you can’t be 4PAY!
Masc Pride
@enlightenone: It’s very poor. You’re wanting to argue with me over something my original comment wasn’t really about.
Sexual identity is no different than gender identity. A guy can identify as straight even if he’s having sex with men just like a man can identify as female even if he has a penis.
@Masc Pride: Queer theory?