Does anyone else find it hard, sometimes, to pay attention to what Rachel Maddow is saying because you’re so focused on those beautiful lips and animated hand gestures? Can I get a witness? It gets easier, however, when Ms. Maddow points out the “total U-turn” House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner, the Ohio Republican, took on who’s responsible for paying to clean up BP’s oil spill. At one point it was taxpayers, then it was BP.
oil spill
Rachel Maddow Is Sexiest When She’s Stickin’ It To Lying Public Officials
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No, no I don’t. I don’t feel the need to turn smart women into sex objects. I think she’s doing awesome at her job when she sticks it to lying public officials.
@ChicagoJimmy: I think the article’s point is that BEING a smart woman MAKES her sexy. At least I hope that’s the point.
love her
Love her! I’m a gay man, so while I don’t find her as sexy as the article poster, I think she is about the coolest thing on TV right now. I wish others had half her bravery and class.
I saw this segment this morning on the ipod, classic Rachel… she is the best at calling out the hypocrisy! Too bad only fags and left wingers watch her. Do will notice lately though….. some of the things she harps on is what is being called out. The congressman asking bp officials point blank about the walruses in the gulf for one… heard that first on Maddow, for instance.
She’s okay, but I think she is ever too much critical of Obama.
I’ve always enjoyed her show and I think she does a good job!