Rand Paul’s wife, Kelley, took a break from her usual rage tweeting about Black Lives Matter and mask mandates to defend JK Rowling this week.
Mrs. Paul used Twitter to voice her outrage over a New York Times ad seen in a Washington, D.C. subway about a woman named Lianna “imagining Harry Potter without its creator”.
The ad is part of the newspaper’s new “Independent Journalism for an Independent Life” marketing campaign which features several New York Times subscribers–including Lianna, who, like many, isn’t a fan of the transphobic children’s author.
Related: Rand Paul is being a total drama queen again
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“I have wonderful memories of reading the Harry Potter books to my kids. Sharing them and anticipating each new book was a magical part of their childhood,” Kelley tweeted. “Shameful that the @nytimes is trying to erase the woman who created them, the brilliant @jk_rowling.”
I have wonderful memories of reading the Harry Potter books to my kids. Sharing them and anticipating each new book was a magical part of their childhood. Shameful that the @nytimes is trying to erase the woman who created them, the brilliant @jk_rowling
— Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul) February 21, 2022
She followed that up with another tweet less than an hour later, writing: “Perhaps the @nytimes is jealous of @jk_rowling because most people don’t buy its fiction. Remember the tall tale below?”
Perhaps the ?@nytimes? is jealous of ??@jk_rowling? because most people don’t buy its fiction. Remember the tall tale below? pic.twitter.com/bPx5ntJOCe
— Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul) February 21, 2022
She followed that with yet another tweet a day later in which she shared a blog post by someone named “Helena” who claims she used to be transgender, but after transitioning from female to male, changed her mind and “detransitioned”.
“To better understand the world today’s kids are growing up in, take the time to read this deeply moving, brave and important piece by @lacroicsz,” Kelley tweeted, along with a link to Helena’s blog post.
To better understand the world today’s kids are growing up in, take the time to read this deeply moving, brave and important piece by @lacroicsz https://t.co/lKa3iIKMiV
— Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul) February 22, 2022
But this isn’t the first time Kelley has exhibited TERF-leanings on Twitter.
Earlier this month, she blasted the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the University of Pennsylvania for allowing trans swimmer Lia Thomas to compete at the Penn-Harvard women’s dual meet.
“Shame on the NCAA and U Penn – meanwhile a google search shows all top story headlines like ‘teammates express support for trans star Lia Thomas.’ Women are being forced into silent acceptance,” she tweeted.
Shame on the NCAA and U Penn – meanwhile a google search shows all top story headlines like “teammates express support for trans star Lia Thomas.” Women are being forced into silent acceptance. https://t.co/bzHhKrS4L7
— Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul) February 3, 2022
It’s also not the first time she’s said something completely stupid on Twitter.
Last May, Kelley accused adult contemporary singer Richard Marx, best known for his 1989 worldwide hit single “Right Here Waiting”, of being responsible for a “death threat letter” she received in the mail after he tweeted, “I’ll say it again: If I ever meet Rand Paul’s neighbor I’m going to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume.”
I got the death threat letter and called the FBI. This kind of violent threat is fomented against Rand daily by @ReallyAmerican1 , a Dem PAC that pays thugs like @mmpadellan to celebrate the assault that nearly killed Rand. @DNC ignores. @richardmarx was inciting more violence
— Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul) May 25, 2021
And last October, she voiced her frustration that the bloodthirsty “mob” that held she and her husband “hostage” when they were walking from the White House to their hotel after Donald Trump’s RNC speech in August 2020 were not being held accountable for “fake anthrax and death threats sent to our home.”
A mob held us hostage for ten minutes, spitting on and threatening to kill us. No charges! Fake anthrax and death threats sent to our home. No charges! Now just learned the person who called Rand’s Senate office threatening to shoot us will not be charged. I’m exhausted and angry
— Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul) October 5, 2021
Last year, Kelley made headlines when it was revealed she purchased as much as $15,000 worth of stock in Gilead Sciences, maker of the antiviral drug remdesivir, in February 2020, right around the time the World Health Organization announced the drug “may have real efficacy” in treating severe cases of COVID-19.
In May 2020, the FDA issued an emergency use authorization for remdesivir. By October, it officially approved the antiviral medication. Eight days after Kelley purchased stock in Gilead, her husband voted against an $8.3 billion emergency coronavirus bill. He was the only senator to do so.
So, just to clarify, the more people get Covid, the more Covid treatments get sold, and the more Gilead makes, and the more Paul's investment is worth. Got it! https://t.co/m7DR4DjNUJ
— X Bob (@JHowieJr) August 12, 2021
Graham Gremore is the Features Editor and a Staff Writer at Queerty. Follow him on Twitter @grahamgremore.
Rand Paul’s wife is a criminal insider trader, who hates anyone supporting for Black civil rights, and opposes LGBTQ rights. So a criminal full of hate.
Said another way, Typical Republican.
What intrigues me is how “libertarians” who theoretically value human freedom above all else, are laser-focused on removing others’ freedoms to exist, to marry, to live the life they choose, to give birth, and to not live in fear. Apparently the only freedoms that matter to these ignorant buffoons is their selfish freedom to be rude to other people and dictate how others live.
Jackpot, you got it! They’re about as libertarian as any garden variety right-wing fanatic, which is to say, they aren’t libertarians at all! They love when the government funnels money into their pockets at the expense of the vast majority of people, and they also don’t really believe in individual choice or liberty, except the liberty to be racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic, and control other people’s lives, particularly women’s uteruses!
It’s embarrassing how Queerty keeps referring to JK Rowling as “transphobic”, despite their inability to show one single iota of evidence to buttress that claim. Believing in science and biological sex is NOT the same as transphobia!
Ken A.
Oh they’re just a bunch of drama queens looking to start shit. Wanna be journalists who read other news and paraphrase it and sign off it. When they actually do an interview, the questions that are asked, surprises me they get answers. As to facts, they don’t care about those. Many gays support Rowlings, she has her personal opinions that she expresses just like anyone else. You disagree with the woke crowd and they attack you. Without proving why they feel they’re right. It’s pretty messed up. At one time the response was, “I disagree with your opinion,” and move on. The mature sophisticated and intelligent response. People who are trying to separate HP from his creator are delusional. HP belongs to Rowling and the two can never be separated.
Wow, you didn’t even PRETEND to wait a few minutes before coming in and backing up your own post.
But it’s cute you ALWAYS post the same comment about never proving something that’s already been proven.
As always, your troll game is sad and weak.
the problem is that she doesn’t. If you knew anything about biological sex, then you would know that it isn’t binary. 2% of births are intersexed; this is the same percentage as the number of red headed people. Gender is not the same as sex. Sex is between your legs. Gender is in between your ears. Scientist know that during prenatal development the brain is differentiated, and after that point only absorbs either T or E. What gets me is your uncaring ignorance. Don’t you have Google? None of this info secret. You just don’t want to know the truth.
@Halfnhalf: That 2% figure has been shown time and time again to be grossly overestimated. This derives from the 1.7% cited by the American Journal of Human Biology which was criticized for its overly broad definition of intersexed individual to include several disorders of sexual development such as Turner Syndrome and Klinefelter Syndrome. None of these syndromes are recognized today as falling under the category of intersex.
The current, accepted definition of intersex, i.e. chromosomal sex being inconsistent with phenotypic sex, occurs very rarely. In a Turkish study, the data of 14,200 newborns were analyzed – of that number, only 18 babies were found whose chromosomal sex was inconsistent with their phenotypic sex, or 0.12%. Other studies have trended that figure even lower to 0.018%.
So to answer your question: YES, I do have Google!
You’re just posing. You are not a biologist. Some of us spent multiple years and far too much money on our studies, and we can tell when bigots are just pretending. The science is not on your side. The Q cult is, though, so please go right ahead and start citing those folks.
@Brian: I really love it when people you’ve never met make complete fools of themselves online by pretending to know anything about you, your life experiences, what you do for a living or your academic and professional accomplishments.
You amuse me.
Globe, you are correct. JK is not transphobic. She is neither afraid of nor hates trans people. She does have valid concerns about how trans women can be integrated into traditional women’s spaces where men are excluded. This is a real issue that has not been honestly and fully debated. JK, as many others, refuses to agree that trans women are women. They are not. They are trans women. There are differences. Argue all you want with your made up statistics, or half-facts from biased studies – the differences are meaningful. Does JK believe trans women exist and deserve respect? Yes, as do I, but they are not women.
Lia Thomas has destroyed the ludicrous concept that trans women are women when it comes to reality. Just wait for the repercussions. I know it will amaze those of you living in the cancel culture bubble.
They are both ugly as shit and deserve one another
THAT Steve
Especially inside!
Heywood Jablowme
Mrs. Paul was so upset she burned her fish sticks!
humble charlie
Is there actually fish in Mrs. Paul or her fish sticks?
Heywood Jablowme
They both smell like fish but their level of fish content is disputed.
Rand and Kelley Paul are horrible people. That said, I believe JK Rowling is more in touch with gender reality than the cancel culture vultures. Most people who have hopped on the cancel JK bandwagon haven’t read anything she has put forward on the difficulty of fully engaging trans women into existing social structures. I fully expect those harpies to now attack me…but I will not be reading your hateful comments. So, there is that.