Reality television is filled with gay, black, Asian, trans, Hispanic, and — soon to be inevitably cast — aliens. But scripted television? The kind you find on the three-letter networks? Not so much. Is it because reality TV producers are such great proponents of diversity … or do they just love each demographic acting stereotypically in front of the camera?
[…] a report released last year by the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, titled “Out of Focus — Out of Sync,” accused the networks of perpetuating a view of the nation that recalls “America’s segregated past.” The 40-page report charged that non-whites are underrepresented in almost every aspect of the television industry — except for reality programming.
That’s no accident, according to reality TV producers and creators.
“We’re looking to create shows that everyday people can relate to, and for that you really need a true representation of the population,” said Dave Broome, executive producer of NBC’s “The Biggest Loser.”
“A couple of seasons ago, there was an over-the-top character who was white that we could have cast, but we sacrificed that for a Latino. That’s how important that is.”
The culture mix is driven by more than just political correctness. Although reality shows aren’t directly in the business of bringing racial and ethnic enlightenment to America, they are in business. For shows that thrive on conflict and drama, a collection of cast members from varied backgrounds often serves that goal. Unresolved issues surrounding race, class and sexual orientation can either quietly fuel tension on programs or generate outright emotional explosions. [LAT]
Um, from a tragically pale, white, blond, blue eyes boi sitting here, I am incredibly offended by, “A couple of seasons ago, there was an over-the-top character who was white that we could have cast, but we sacrificed that for a Latino. That’s how important that is.”
“That’s how “important” that is” – STFU
Anthony in Nashville
I think by the 2nd season of the Real World I realized that what the producers (and, by extension, the audience) wanted was a false type of diversity, where the “minority” behaved as expected.
I do not watch a lot of reality shows, but the impression I get is that you can always count on a stereotypical gay man and angry black dude on most of these programs.
I think the fact people haven’t gotten tired of them show how much people believe these stereotypes and enjoy seeing them validated.
Reality TV loves stereotypes.. If the contestant’s gay, it’s someone flamboyant. If the contestant’s a Christian, it’s a bible thumper. If the contestant’s a southerner, it’s a redneck. If the contestant’s a blond female, it’s a ditz. And so on… It’s sickening.
I hate to rain on anyone’s parade. But there is sort of a reason for stereotypes – they don’t just appear out of thin air. They become stereotypes because a lot of times they are true. That doesn’t mean we should write people off and think we know everything about them – however, some of these shows pick stereotypes because that’s all they have to choose from when it comes to diverse people. When you look at it, the whites on these shows are pretty stereotypical themselves.
Anyone who goes on most of these shows isn’t exactly your normal everyday well-balanced citizen to begin with. Oops, I’m stereotyping reality show participants. Sorry
@Dan – point well taken, specifically the “well-balanced” part.
Reality shows are always comprised of 90% straight white female bimbos with no brains or morals. And they all look the same except they come in 4 different shades of blonde.
What cracks me up is shows set in NYC with all-white and all-straight casts! I mean, HOLY CRAP! When was the last time you saw a straight white person in NYC? Have these writers ever even BEEN there??
Smokey Martini
As an aside: has anyone noticed that the older gay couple in the photo are the only ones with a gap between them? Talk about double standards.
@smokey martini – r we sure its a couple? I thought this was that show where they also have brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors, etc.?? I’m not sure, just curious, because a few of the gals look like sisters?
Smokey Martini
Correction: not a couple, but a father-son team where the dad is gay. See the website here:
Nevertheless the double-standard is still there. Even with the photo, one can tell that the duo somehow involved ‘the gay.’
@smokey – I’m not so sure about that. It could just as easily be a str8 father son pair and just a coincidence that the father is gay. I’m suspect that the photographer told them all to stand very close, except for the two of them. I get the impression that is just what happened.
its TV for fucks sake! at least the “reality” shows acknowledge the “gays”. they will always have the bitch, the queer, the christian, the dingbat, the slut, the im so str8t, and so on…otherwise there would be no drama…soooo lighten up!