Right-wing commentator Erick Erickson is hardly known for his Churchill-like flights of oratory. After all, this is the man who said the retirement of Justice David Souter deprived the public of “the only goat fucking child molester to ever serve on the Supreme Court.” So it’s no surprise that Erickson is laying the lack of treatments to Ebola at the doorstep of lesbians.
In a post titled “Fat Lesbians Got All The Ebola Dollars But Blame the GOP,” Erickson insists that it was the federal government’s choice to fritter away taxpayer money on useless studies. Chief among them: a project “studying the propensity of lesbans to be fat.”
Erickson, who is himself pretty chunky but presumably not a lesbian, was responding to an ad accusing Republicans of cutting budgets so severely that the nation was left ill-prepared for the Ebola outbreak spreading through Africa. It’s an argument that’s been made by no less than the National Institutes of Health’s Director, Francis Collins.
However, even a stopped clock is right once in a while. Following the accusations against Carl DeMaio, the GOP congressional candidate whom an ex-staffer said masturbated in front of him, Erickson said that DeMaio would have been dumped immediately if he wasn’t gay. Instead, the GOP establishment “likes to raise the diversity shield where it can.” That’s one observation that’s hard to argue with. It just doesn’t balance all the other loony ones.
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H/t: Talking Points Memo
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore
Paul Nadolski
Ebola is not a threat to America. The CDC has already said that. The growing wage disparity, lack of good jobs, income inequality, lack of national leadership by either party…these things are a threat to America. But the media won’t talk about them for some reason.
Conservatives who resort to such inflammatory language justifiably deserve to be scorned as the raging homophobes they are. Shame on the republicans for repeating this hateful silliness as a way to make a broader point. In truth, the CDC has ONE JOB (to borrow an internet meme) and that job is to control diseases (hence the name). At this point, they seem a bit shell-shocked and unprepared for the ebola outbreak. I doubt that it has anything to do with “budget cuts” and everything to do with kicking the can down the road when it comes to preparedness. They can’t even properly define what they mean by “protocols” for healthcare workers on the front lines. I understand that they are trying to avoid a panic (kudos, if so), but so far their public statements have come off more as political that practical. Yes, the Republicans are playing politics, but from what I can see, so are Democrats. Public safety is not political… both sides are behaving horribly.
Except for the fact that the head of the NIH says that work on an ebola vaccine was derailed by cuts to NIH and CDC demanded by the GOP.
Desert Boy
Vaccine trials for Ebola will begin today. The Vaccine is manufactured in Canada. It will be 3 to 4 months until we know if the vaccine provides antibodies for the Ebola virus.
Saint Law
Were conservatives always this crazy?
“studying the propensity of lesbans to be fat.” Hmmm. Seems he should be blaming the Lesbans rather than Lesbians.
tricky ricky
has he looked in a mirror lately? talk about a fat ass.
FAT? lmao… Ok..
Let me guess, he said this while he was reaching into his desk to spread cream cheese on doritos and shove them into his mouth during the commercial break.
@Paul Nadolski: Who in their right mind would believe the CDC?! This agency has “disease control” as part of its title. Why on earth are they spending valuable resources in trying to implement a national motorcycle helmut law and sponsor studies on the effects video games have on children?! BTW, “H/T: Talking Points Memo”? I wouldn’t put much credence in that news source just as I wouldn’t in the Huffington Post or MSNBC – very left-wing, biased news sources.