Iris Robinson needs to learn to shut her mouth. The N. Ireland politician raised eyebrows last month when she came out against the gays. Robinson has since become the butt of many-a-joke – as well as a campaign to unseat her – and, quite frankly, she’s pissed. No, not because people are mad at her, but because they’re twisting her words, she claims:
Stormont Health committee chair Iris Robinson last night accused her political rivals of twisting her comments on homosexuality and denied she believed it was a mental disorder.
Mrs Robinson said: “People have attempted to suggest that I indicated that homosexuality was a mental health issue. Nothing could be further from the truth. What I did say was homosexuality, like all sin, is an abomination.
Because that’s much better. Meanwhile, Robinson still thinks psychiatric counseling can help set us straight:
Will the minister agree with me that there are some people who are in their teenage years sexually confused and that they could do with help in terms of practitioners assessing them with talking therapies to help them realize exactly what they are, whether they are heterosexual or homosexual?”
Sheesh, can’t these kids find out the old fashioned way: experiementation. It’s worked for generations – and is way more fun.
With the things she says, the way she talks about people in “their teenage years sexually confused” and needing help… I bet she was one of those kids, who could never deal with what they truly were and learn to accept it. Self-hating homo? Yep, probably.
I hate to admit it, but she’s right.
Being gay is totally wrong.
So, you all should just leave your boyfriends @ my place + give up your wicked, wicked ways.
The Milkman
Oh, so I’m just an “abomination”?
I feel so much better.
Clearly, this woman would benefit from knowing a couple of homosexuals… have you seen her hair?
She probably really does know two people who were confused about their sexuality and turned out to be straight. Now she thinks that is the norm for all people.
I met a guy online who knew two recovering drug addicts that he claimed had left homosexuality behind after finding god and sobriety. When I mentioned that someone who prostitutes himself to satisfy a drug addiction doesn’t really count as gay, his eyes seemed to open up.
These people are so small minded, they think the experience of one or two people qualifies as the experience of every individual.
Kevin Foster
So, according to HER beliefs, we’re just like everyone else; for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Who cares what this fucking cunt thinks, she just some old Irish scuz. Her beliefs are probably a combination of her Catholic-child molesting religion she comes from and Irish alcoholism anyway. Do we have to keep hearing about this ole hag?
She is a born again christian, holds a British passport, wife of the first minister of Northern Ireland, and a member of the DUP.
Don’t think she holds Catholic beliefs : )
Her hubby has the look though 😉
Phoenix (the nelly one, not the Pale one)
Iris, darling,
Leviticus does say homosexuality is a sin, but puts it on par with wearing polyester and eating shellfish. It’s not that big of a deal. (If you actually are a Christian, I’m not)
p.s. this isn’t my website but I wish it was.
B Nesbitt
haha michael, maybe you shouldn’t get involved here….
yes Iris robinson the Catholic Irish! nice one, you just made a bit of a fool out of yourself, you silly ignorant racist.
Not a chance fredo777 😛