Even though you can get the crap beat out of you for using a McDonald’s restroom, their restrooms can also be a magical playland, at least according to Swedish pop/disco trio Dildorado.
According to their newest video “I’m Loving It”, the greasiest clown in town gave their frontman a beej and got arrested by Officer McNugget for providing a Happy Meal in a non-dining area. Oh well. Dildorado may not be the most helpful trick, but we do agree with them when they say, “All people including clowns have the right to love whoever they want…”
Be sure to also view their staggering video about Russian domestic politics entitled, “Put It In Putin.”
Wait, so you totally misrepresented the plot of a MUSIC VIDEO to make a headline that sounded like NEWS? The old Queerty lives!
That was… different.
Not sure how they’d get this past lawyers, but I hope it stays up.
(“Officer McNugget,” though? Not that it really matters, but with all else, I’d have had to go with “Officer Big Mac,” as that’s the name of McDonaldland’s only policeman 🙂 )
Thom Freeheart
The lawsuit that is about to fall on Dildorado is going to be massive.
File saved.
the crustybastard
Checking again…nope. Clowns really don’t make anything funny.