South African homos are preparing to protest outside the Sunday Sun’s offices after the paper published a “shocking homophobic article” penned by Jon Qwelane:
Qwelane wrote that: “There could be a few things [about which] I could take issue with Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe, but his unflinching and unapologetic stance over homosexuals is definitely not among those.”
He added that he could only pray that politicians would one day have “the balls” to scrap the sections in the Constitution that sanctioned gay and lesbian marriages.
Ah, yes – and, while they at it, why not reinstate apartheid…
There is nothing so ugly as tearing others down to make oneself feel better.
Jon Qwelane:
The only reason South Africa is considered quasi-developed is because of its white-controlled recent history. This is Zimbabwe redux – as blacks consolidate power in all areas of South African life, whites will be shown the door, and gays will be killed.