A new scandal has emerged on the horizon for the US Department of Justice. Reuters reports that internal complaints within the justice department itself have raised concern over a non-profit group receiving anti-human trafficking grant funds. The group in question: Hookers for Jesus.
Yes, really.
The Nevada-based group is run by Annie Lobert, a self-described “born again Christian” and human trafficking survivor. The group purports to aid trafficking victims by offering refuge in a safe house. Lobert, however, prohibits the reading of “secular magazines that portray worldly views/advice on living, sex, clothing, makeup tips” in the safe house. Training manuals for Hookers for Jesus also describe drug use as “witchcraft” and condemn homosexuality.
In a statement, Lobart told Reuters “We are not going to discriminate toward anyone. But,” she added, “we are Christian. And there is an understanding before they come in here that we are Christian.”
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Hookers for Jesus has received more than $500,000 in grant funds since 2017. The group initially received money in 2017 as part of a grant, but had those funds cut off after concerns arose about the way Lobart had run the organization. Documents issued by the state of Nevada reveal grave concerns over Lobart treating victims in her care “like prisoners” and forcing them to attend religious services. In her initial grant application, Lobart denied that anyone in the care of Hookers for Jesus would have to attend church services. The same documents also criticized her lack of experience in treating men, minors, and foreigners.
In a statement to Reuters, Lobart claims to not remember the denunciation of homosexuality in Hookers for Jesus guide manuals, saying “That is probably something we don’t have anymore.” When pressed, she declined to release the current training materials to the public.
Hookers for Jesus is just one of several non-profit, anti-human trafficking groups receiving grants from the Trump Administration to come under fire. Another, the Lincoln Tubman Foundation, has received criticism for a lack of experience and infrastructure. The group was founded by a prominent Republican and former delegate to Donald Trump at the 2016 Republican National Convention.
You just know that the Orange Traitor saw the name of this group and thought that he was having a wet dream. ( You decide what kind of “wet”) He could throw money at his favorite kind of women and pander to his evangelical base at the same time. And all with taxpayer dollars. What could go wrong?
Jared MacBride
This is a fraud. They aren’t really hookers.
Lol. Would make a great John Waters film, circa 1970s
Whats’ being a Christian got to do with it? There are a lot of gay men and women who are also Christians.
These aren’t the New Wave Hookers so beloved by porn fans.
This is while Trump is cutting funding for medical care, social security and environmental protection.
Why do people feel the need to claim a religion? Just believe in God. He trusts the person he made to be loving, caring. Stop following the leader. Most idiots in America “follow” Jesus because it’s America. Duh. Jesus is the man, here. If you were Asian, would you believe in Jesus, still? I laugh at you, if you say yes. You know, your religion says lying is a sin, now. You’ll go to hell with Trump. Silly boy. Fire. Take shorts & sunscreen.
The NEW sexual orientation and acceptable sexual behaviors are adultery, pedophilia, and rapist in the Trumpf era!
Stop- this won’t make a dent with his base…all the daily outrage is getting us absolutely no where!
You mean the way it didn’t have Democrats win back the House in the largest vote total landslide in U.S. history?
Low Country Boy
I think everyone is missing the point here. When George W. Bush established Faith Based initiatives (“FBOs”), the federal money the FBO received came with strings attached: (1) No, discrimination in providing services to anyone based on their religion; (2) No use of federal money to promote their particular religion; and (3) No provision of any services could not come with adherence to the FBO’s religion — there had to be the same provision of services with a secular option. This bitch is flouting all of that; not that it will matter in the Trump Administration. Regardless, it is unconstitutional as hell.
They couldn’t find a better name than “hookers for Jesus”?
Why not “sisters of the travelling pants”? Or “Reformed hookers of America”? Or “Born again hookers of redemption”? Or “Resurrection of the hookery flesh”?
They missed an opportunity here!
Hookers for Jesus? How about Friends of Belle Watling? Sorry, dated myself. Old Belle is probably the most famous hooker in Atlanta and Rhett Butler paid for it!