A new study has concluded what many may already suspect: experiencing sexual racism on the dating scene impacts your mental health.
The study, entitled Sexual Racism Is Associated with Lower Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction in Men Who Have Sex with Men, was published last month in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour.
It was carried out by Dr Michael Thai from Australia’s University of Queensland.
The study surveyed over 1,000 men in Australia, approximately three-quarters of whom were white and a quarter of whom were men of color. All were recruited via Grindr.
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Related: “Photographer hopes to end sexual racism with stunning new photo book celebrating Asian men”
The survey asked respondents questions about their experiences of sexual racism. These included: “How often are you rejected in the domain of sex and dating due to your race?” (answered on a sliding scale between ‘never’ and ‘always’).
They were then asked to agree or disagree with statements to measure self-esteem and life satisfaction, such as: “I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.” (again, answered on a sliding scale between ‘strongly disagree’ and ‘strongly agree’).
The findings showed that experiencing race-based discrimination in dating (e.g., being rejected due to your race) was associated with lower self-esteem and lower life satisfaction.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re a racial minority or if you’re white – when it comes to dating, being discriminated against because of your race hurts for everyone,” says Thai.
He continued, “The good thing for white men, though, is they don’t appear to experience this form of discrimination very often. Men of color, on the other hand, report experiencing it a lot more.”
From those surveyed, white respondents reported experiencing sexual racism the least while Asian and South Asian respondents reported experiencing it the most.
Thai notes, “There is contention regarding whether discriminating between potential sexual and romantic partners based on race constitutes racism, with some considering it a form of racial bias and others maintaining that it merely reflects benign personal preference.”
He contends, however, that, “regardless of whether or not it is actually racist, it is certainly not benign; experiencing race-based sexual discrimination in dating is associated with detriments to psychological well-being much in the same way experiencing general forms of racial discrimination is.”
Related: “In an effort to curb sexual racism, Grindr goes Kindr”
He suggests that dating apps should help to promote anti-discrimination messages to tackle sexual racism and other forms of discrimination in dating (e.g., HIV stigma, femmephobia), and highlights initiatives like Grindr’s Kindr.
Launched last year, this aims to encourage users to be nicer to one another and not use exclusionary language.
“Sexual racism” ..,More PC bullthit. Everyone is entitled to have their own sexual preference. So tired of this nonsense being banded about that if you are not sexually attracted to someone you are a “racist” or “bigot”
Stating very clearly whom you are seeking is everyone’s right. It also eliminates a lot of back and forth before deciding there is not a match. As long as you are not spewing hatred nor demeaning persons or a group
To those who deem not being included in the type of person someone is seeking, you need to put on your big boy pants, move on, find someone where there actually is a chance for a connection and stop pulling out the “racist” or “bigotry” card….
LOL – Sexual racism. That means all gay men are sexist against women. Ohhh – and let’s not forget, if you don’t sleep with 90 year olds that means you’re ageist too. And all straight men and women are homophobic for not sleeping with gay men. My god, what a sexually prejudiced species we’ve become. My, my.
You freaking snowflake, how about dealing down your own political correctness right wing victimisation machine. We are all tired of it. And of you. Both of you.
All of you whose fewings get hurt because you get called a “bad” name.
Bob LaBlah
A few years ago I had to sit a friend whom I’ve known almost three decades down on the sofa in his living room and explain to him as gently as I can that he no longer looks like he did when I first met him in his late teens. He still has a hard time understanding that once upon a time he had that thug, tight body look but he is older and those days are long gone. He is fifty pounds heavier, a receding hairline and a graying beard that makes him look all the more obnoxious. Even if he had become a gym rat it still wouldn’t have prevented that thing called father time (his inherited genes) from entering the picture. An earring in your ear does not take thirty years off of your face nor change your genealogy. We must learn to accept that a person is not interested regardless of the manner they showed it and move on to the next guy. I thought we all knew that by the time we hit the big 2-5.
No one takes the racist accusation seriously anymore because of BS articles like this! The real racists are the ones who call others racist! To them if I say I don’t like Beyoncé then they will call me a racist because she happens to be black!
“Sexual racism” ..,More PC bullthit. Every….- I have nothing to add But i am here not only to discuss this article but I would like to share with you new but really great site for gay singles only. It is still private, but you can find it easy. Just google: “Jdm67MYg5c0Yfugu6lu3873118” .
Apolodorus: First day with your new brain?? Cause it doesn’t seem to be wired correctly. Ya need to get that checked out sweetie!
“Sexual racism” ..,More PC bullthit. Every….- Absolutely agree with you But i am here not only to discuss this article but I would like to share with you new but really great site for gay singles only. It is still private, but you can find it easy. Use the most famous search engine to find it: “bcPLbq0oKZfSiaYAFfugu6lu7858649” .
Look at all these guys quickly jumping up to defend being an asshole. Here’s a tip : don’t be a dick. It’s not complicated.
Sister Bertha Bedderthanyu
My, what a nice soul stirring topic to bring up on a Sunday. Are things really that slow?
I’m just not sexually attracted to black men so now I’m a racist?
Wicked Dickie
We took a vote in the last meeting of black men and the unanimous conclusion is we don’t care who you are sexually attracted to as you are not the last gay on the planet. Have a blessed day.
Probably, but not being attracted to any Black men is only part of it.
Wicked Dickie
I don’t know why white gays think just because they aren’t attracted to black or asian gays that automatically assumes that the black or asian gay gets traumatized. Take your pink peen and go hang out with the other pink peens, who cares. That’s why we have our own Black gay pride in DC, NY, Chicago, Dallas, LA. We go where we feel welcomed and loved.
But just remember, for every “it’s just a preference”, there’s a heterosexual white person that is discriminating against you in housing, job, health, protection, security, freedom, empathy, and respect. A white gay utopia will NEVER exist. The sooner WE ALL learn to work, coexist, and harmonize together, the sooner WE ALL will get to live the American dream of freedom and equality.
Wicked Dickie:. Not all White guys aren’t attracted to Black or Asian guys. I look at every individual I’ve pretty much sampled the United Nations of peen…:-p
As stated above its perfectly ok to state who you are attracted to. Just don’t be a Dbag and be spewing hating on others in your profile to those you aren’t attracted to..
You won’t win the fight against racism with more racism!
@Rustyjams, you’re not fighting against racism at all, you are the keytapping example of it, as you’ve demonstrated more than once on this site.
Black Pegasus
@Wicked Dickie
LMAO thank you!
rustyjam, go back to Europe
all of my comments are awaiting moderation!! ? hmmm wonder why?
Queerty’s moderate policy makes absolutely no sense at all….
Bob LaBlah
Isn’t it amazing how our comments go thru moderation and NEVER post afterwards regardless that they contain no profanity or derogatory/suggestive language toward anyone in particular but yet these foolish. robocall sounding phony ads slip by with TOTAL ease? Its enough to make you wonder are those ads generated by an ‘insider’, shall we say.
@ bob lol and it’s pretty obvious that the guys who run the site post here all the time and are extreme sjw types who are fast to jump and judge other opinions but slow to question!
Bob LaBlah
@rustyiam……………Rusty, there is something you said in your comment I have LONG suspected about a certain “whiner” on this site who gets highly upset once he realizes he should some times shut his mouth up but keeps on and on until he has backed himself into a corner of his own creating. I have LONG suspected that about him. It ALWAYS happens when its an article about a “victim” regardless of race. I honestly don’t believe he is black either because his comments ALL seem to be results of a google search, not experience. He’s too careful at what he says in his comments and no matter what he never relays why he is so adamant about his defense of the topic. Ok, if it isn’t personal then what else can it be other than “my readers are offended” type reason? My gut feeling is telling me I am right.
How does one flag comments, especially ones that are advertisements
lemme say something to all y’all who want to sleep with white guys, but they wont sleep with you. it aint all that. jus sayin. better to find yourself a rich guy instead.
Please! Just referring to a black man as”gifted” is racial in scope but most black men take it as a compliment. So exactly what is racism if not arbitrary?
Jesus not this topic again, I thought we all agreed last time that a potential suitor being racist openly is a good thing. It’s like a neon sign that says “stay away I’m an @sshole”.
I rather know before hand the kinf of guy I’m talking to and not waste time.
Well…I did. I totally signed on for this idea of “let them;” because it lets EVERYONE know that they are a myopic and most likely, racist asshole. But that doesn’t mean the topic shouldn’t continue to be explored to some extent.
Omg so many angry white snowflakes lol
lol. aaron schock’s friends.
I get it. Especially as a black man in a large southern metropolis. I see A LOT of “no blacks,” “no asians” and even “no middle easterners/arabs or indians.” It seems sometimes on dating apps and even in the bars in my area, if you’re not white or latino, you’re “other” and thus undesirable.
BUT, instead of letting the focus remain on these racist assumptions, more focus should be paid to teaching the so-called “other” that they are worthy of better than those who have this mentality. Block them, for one. Don’t waste your time. I think too many are frustrated at the fact that they clicked on a hot pic of a guy that they would absolutely love to date/hook up with/etc. only to find a dehumanizing statement in their bio/description like “no blacks” and let themselves be devastated by that. Racists come in every physical form; and dating apps have proven that. For some, it’s a fact of life that we had been rarely exposed to on a daily level until dating apps.
But, simply, you’re better than them and you need to know that. Those that are vulnerable to the “your entire race is not sexy” narrative are those that believe that themselves. If you know you’re sexy, worthy and an overall great guy, you could care less what some idiot on the Internet says about you. And as always, it’s hilarious that a mainstream gay media site runs this story considering the “great” job gay media does in promoting inclusiveness and showcasing attractive guys in all categories. Now, I’m not necessarily calling out Queerty, who BTW does a WAY better job of this than most. Just gay culture/media in general. In short, F’em, it’s their loss, not yours.
Black Pegasus
Beautiful comment. Thank you.
+10. USA is such a dreadful ‘country’ with all its racial issues
1.) Excluding a whole group of people based on skin color makes you racist.
2.) Using the “Gay men not liking women makes you misogynistic” is a bullshit argument. You’re not attracted to women, you’re attracted to men, so that persons skin color shouldn’t matter… unless you’re racist.
3.) Learn the difference between preference and aversion. It’ll save a lot of you racist some time.
Do you say yes to everyone who messages you? Or do you also have preferences and standards?
So what’s next, an article on gender discrimination in dating? I can see it now “Women report the highest amount of discrimination on gay dating apps. This atrocity must be stopped!”
I think David Hudson owe all readers an apology for his brown washing campaign.