Hey guys! It’s week two of our videos to get you hot for Halloween! This week the Phoenix Effect trainer and hottie Joel Harrison will take you through another “ghoul-ing” workout so that you are in top top shape for all of your tricking and treating this year.
Remember, we suggest 10 – 15 reps of each exercise, 3 to 5 sets. Halloween is just around the corner, so go heavy if you are up for it. And make sure you are getting enough lean protein, vegetables, plenty of water and sleep!
Step Ups with Bicep Curls
Slutty Quarterback Rows
Side Lunges with Shoulder Abduction
Frog Pushups
Sexy Beached Whales
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Thanks for watching and see you next week!
He’s such a big ole girl, but I like him a lot, and I LOVE his workouts!