Though Singapore’s Information Ministry thinks the national men’s water polo team’s new swimsuits — designed by the athletes — are inappropriate, CNN clearly does not. Bring on the close ups, because really, who needs a backscatter machine?
Singapore’s Water Polo Team Will Stop Using Its Curved Phallus Speedos
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Man, I gotta start swimming!
There’s nothing obscene about those swimsuits. Some people have too much time on their hands.
CNN- Shut your mouth! There is nothing wrong with those suits. The mere fact that CNN has a n issue with them is amazing…. so what is next , no more coverage of the Tour DE France? You can see more of the cyclist’s junk moving around in his spandex than in those suits…. REALLY CNN?!
Fellow respondents… I miss read the article… I was ranting on the Ministry not CNN… I am late for work…see ya!
I kinda want one of those suits…
Also, I need to start paying more attention to water polo.
scott ny'er
LOL. Sometimes, certain designs might have a sexual context behind it by accident. People go over board in what they see. I remember I designed a brochure and put a large building in it and my Art Director at the time said that it was too phallic. And I did not see that at all. Neither did my co-workers.
It’s all perspective.
Speaking of provocatively draped men, are you ever bringing Morning Goods back?
@dvlaries: Every MG thread was full of complaints: the subject is too old, or too young, or too muscular, or too puny, or too shaven, or too hairy, or had skin of the wrong hue…
Sometimes a banana is just a banana
Predicktion: That Singaporne phallic flag print on those sexy suits will be next seasons hot multi-colors fashion pick for summer. Question is; which company is going to pop the first load kick starting the band wagon?
It looks like an oar or a flipper. What do the two nearest stars represent. WOOF.
Just made new website about Toddlers Swimwear. Check it out. Toddler Swimwear