“It seems like maybe that’s a sensible law. As you know, I’ve been very rebel all my life. Still am. And I have to tell you, I’m shocked by some of the behaviors and the thinking of the new generation. It takes so much for granted. And so much of the argument, so much of the thinking, so much of the newspaper, television commentaries about gender, people identify themselves, and social media, this and that, I’m male, I’m female, I’m transgender, I’m cisgender. It goes on forever, and there is a big fight about who is who. It seems like we miss the bigger point.”— Director Oliver Stone in conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking about the country’s anti-gay propaganda law, which criminalizes publicly presenting homosexuality (or being trans) as normal or acceptable. In response to Stone’s comment, Putin replied: “They live too well. They have nothing to think about.”
In Quotes
‘Snowden’ director Oliver Stone says Russia’s antigay law is “sensible”
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Yeah, Stone can now direct right wing propaganda films. Of coarse not like he’s been doing much lately anyways.
Yeah, Stone can now direct right wing propagan….- Real truth But i am here not only to discuss this article but I AM LOOKING for NEW Soulmate. My whatsapp number is 17732425635 . Drop me some lines nly if you are single and really miss for love and pleasure..
Oliver Stone is essentially a has been.
Yes, I am about de-emphasizing the importance of “labels”, and I do feel that too many “queers” are overly obsessed with purporting their sense of self and promoting identity above all else. But this is where the double-edged sword comes into play. Two men using the “they all just want attention” excuse to cover up their hate and megalomania and excuse crimes against human decency.
He’s now asking people to watch that piece of shit Alexander movie to “prove” he’s not homophobic. First, no one should be forced to watch that torturous shit fest, outside of maybe Putin. Secondly, Jared Leto semi flirting with Colin Farrell for one minute out of a four hour movie is hardly proof of anything. Lastly, homophobia and being anti-gay are two different things. Being homophobic means you have an issue with homo behaviors. Being anti-gay means you have an issue with respecting gay relationships, with respecting people who identify as gay, with being okay with people who are unembarrassed about having affections, passions, love, relationship ambitions towards their gender. Stone’s cookoo ass, like many, is probably in the latter.
He must have sucked some misguided neo-con swimmers out of Val Kilmer
Another one who has learning deficiencies, like Putin, he makes ridiculous assumptions about those he knows nothing about.
Putin is probably the wealthiest person in the world. He has his faults, but “learning deficiencies” is definitely not one of them.
@JaredMacBride, are you for real? A dictator that suffers from the short sh–t syndrome. Money or not!
@white queer African – are you for real? Because he’s a dictator who plays to the prejudices of the populous doesn’t make him learning deficient, and if you believe it does you are thought deficient.
@JaredMacBride, gawd Mary, you sure not have not the command of the English language! Note my sarcasm,,,, Maybe a troll bot? Whatever,,,,,
why are you ‘lefties’ blasting one of your icons? Had the conversation with Putin been otherwise, you would be praising him to gay heaven! But Oliver does make a point and that is the extreme lengths the ideologues of LGBT go to divide, sub-divide, micrometer labels of homo sapiens, to the point where one cannot be sure what group they should be in or be identified with! ALSO, the extreme sensitivity they feel if one, by chance, uses the more conventional identity marker instead of the PC one! In closing, the Left needs more Oliver Stone’s to bring common sense to this most important subject: LGBT acceptance, understanding and fellowship with the straight community. [IMHO}. lol.
He has never been leftist icon. Him, his filmmakers, his conspiracy theories have always equates to him being a divisive figure among all, especially from the 90s on. Furthermore, Putin supports criminalizing “gay propaganda”, public displays of same affections, unabashedly trans people. What does that have to do with people being to obsessed with labels? You can’t react to what you feel is “extreme” by doing shit that harms people. People keep trying to use “progressive extremism” to disguise resentments and repressions. And no one is falling for it anymore.
I am always amazed by the rightie assumption that the left is afflicted with “group think” like they are.
For the record we have very few icons that we all agree on.
Oliver Stoned’s black dyed hair is a good indication of……
Ah, forget it. Why give relevance to a forgotten whatever.
Stone is a washed up has been who has a hardon for all things Putin and Stalinist. He really showed his true colors in “The Untold History of the United States” when he waxed poetically about how Stalin was a glorious misunderstand leader ahead of his time, totally washing over the millions of his own people and Ukrainian Jews he slaughtered. Sure, Stalin was important to defeating Nazis, but because of his actions he really is in the same circle of hell as Hitler. He’s so far up Putin’s ass, he should just stay in Russia and see how long he loves it there with is massive limits on free speech and intrusive government surveillance.
Gandalf The Grey
Thank you. That pretty much says it for me as well!
They make as much sense, as making it illegal to have red hair, or for being left-handed.
He’s still alive?
But Stoney…..you is STILL ugly.