Pick your battles, I’d say. Maybe that’s the one you want to pick, but I don’t know. I didn’t really get passionate about it. I just kinda went, ‘Eh.’ You know, it’s like when an old person is racist, or Jerry Lewis says that women aren’t funny. It’s like, ‘Who cares? It’s adorable.
—Sarah Silverman, brushing off the anger aimed at Vince Vaughn’s The Dilemma, because hey, comedians should be able to pick on anything [NY Mag]
Ron Howard: The Dilemma’s Unfunny And Juvenile Gay Joke Stays
I mean, it IS a fucking Vince Vaughn movie. Guess I wouldn’t expect anything less.
Bryan Ellis
Honestly I have to agree with Sarah Silverman on this one.
Sorry guys!
Sarah Silverman is a tool. Nuff said.
i agree with SS
i don’t walk into a redneck bar expecting intelligent conversation
consider the source material
Well, she did equate his gay “joke” with racism and sexism. That’s something.
Gary B.
I agree with Sarah here – there are far better battles to go after than this one. Sarah Silverman RULES!
(I’m glad they disabled voting as I know I’d get plenty positives and negatives – she’s pretty polarizing)
the crustybastard
Oh ferchrissakes, she is hardly making the point comedians should be able to pick on gays — she’s trashing these sorts of movies and comedians as ignorant and unfunny.
my grandmother is very very racist. I admit that my reaction to this is a bit like sarah’s. It’s easier for me to laugh at bigots than to cry because of them.