Tonight at 8pm Soledad O’Brien will host CNN’s Gary and Tony Have a Baby special. It is worth watching if only because — wait for it — Ms. O’Brien is actually qualified and informed and educated enough to tell a story about gays and parenting! Listen only to her interview on Ben & Dave’s Six Pack to realize that, hey, CNN isn’t just a la-la land filled with Bill Donohue and Richard Cohen guest spots.
(Cue to 25:33 for Soledad’s interview)
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The only thing that really concerns me is the provocative title “have a baby”. The suggestion is that the two men have conceived a baby. Babies are produced from a male and a female. This can’t be denied.
Look, it’s great that the two men are raising a child. But let’s not make it something that it isn’t.
Actually if the title were “Gary and Tony conceive a baby” then it would be misleading. Stating that they have a baby does not mean that they are actually fucking and producing a baby from it. It’s similar to saying “I have a pen” or “I have a Meatball Hot Pocket”. It’s something that I have in my possession and doesn’t particularly indicate that I had intercourse to produce a pen or a meatball hot pocket to obtain those items.
If anyone sees the title to that and mistakenly thinks their butt sex led to a baby being created, I think there are bigger problems than mis-reading a title.
Jason: Any doubts about your intelligence level have been confirmed: Most common meaning of the verb TO HAVE = to possess.