Here’s my issue: It shocks me how many people come to their defense, first of all. I’m sorry, it’s 2012, if you really think it’s OK to deny anybody their basic human right of loving who they choose to love, you can go f–k yourself, honestly. And you can print that, because I’m done. I am so over it!”
— Sophia Bush, star of new CBS sitcom Partners about a gay-straight bromance, giving her take on the Chick-Fil-A controversy to E! News
Photo: Glenn Francis,
Thanks for being so brave Sophia!
Thanks to Sophia for not falling for the B.S. of “Oh, they aren’t bigots, it’s just their opinion.” etc…
She put it short and sweet….they can go fuck themselves. I’ll be checking out her new sitcom.
Funny how Free Speech only applies selectively to Conservatives, if for instance I said on the internet that I sincerely hope the management of Chil-Fil-A have a series of car accidents and they die slowly of various painful injuries.
They will have an issue with that, even though I’m some guy from another country who cannot possibly act on anything I say other than sincerely hope.
Yet them funding the taking away basic human rights of their own countries citizens in real life is not the issue. People sorely need a reality check.
charli girl
Wow,shes HOT ill b watching that sitcom now,no doubt!