“In 2002, you supported Texas’s anti-sodomy law. Do you dislike bootysex because the peeny goes in where the poopy comes out?” was just one of the many questions Rick Perry was asked while speaking at Dartmouth College over the weekend.
The Texas governor was there to speak about the results of the midterm elections and, of course, to plug himself for president in 2016.
Prior to his speech, a flyer was circulated among students with proposed questions for the governor. Some of those questions included:
- You once played yourself in the movie Deep in the Heart; would you ever let someone go Deep in Your Fart (cavity)?
- You have fought hard against abstinence plus safe-sex education in favor of a strict abstinence only policy. You have also taken a strong position in opposition to abortion. Is this because you want people to not know what condoms are, and not be able to terminate unwanted pregnancies, so they have to have anal sex?
- I know you have been very strong on all foreign policy issues, including Somali pirates, but what is your stance on butt pirates?
- Does your ideal anti-sodomy law prevent me from playing with my own poop shoot?
- You have recently said that homosexuality tears the fabric of society. If I showed you hard science that anal sex does not tear the fabric of your butt hole, would you change your mind?
According to people in the audience, Governor Perry became visibly uncomfortable and deflected the questions as best he could. When things started getting too out of hand, president of the school’s College Republicans group, Michelle Knesbach, grabbed the microphone and demanded students quit asking such vulgar and inappropriate questions.
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Unfortunately, her efforts were in vain, because immediately after that, a student brought up that, so far, Perry has accepted a total of $102 million in campaign contributions during his various political campaigns. “Would you have anal sex for $102 million?” the student asked.
As soon as the speech was over, an embarrassed Perry hurried off the stage.
Knesbach told The Dartmouth she was “horrified” by the questions. “They were phrased in incredibly insulting ways,” she said.
But it wasn’t just student Republicans who were appalled. Some student Democrats, too, thought the questions went too far.
“I think it’s really disappointing that anyone would undermine a serious political event with sexually explicit questions,” Spencer Blair, the president of the College Democrats said. “Neither I nor anyone from College Democrats would ever condone such behavior.”
They might not condone that kind of behavior, but we do.
Related stories:
Texas Gov. Rick Perry Likens Homosexuality To Alcoholism, Remains Fox News Favorite
Dartmouth’s Anti-Gay Vandal Has Embarrassingly Bad Spelling
Rick Perry Cites Slave Owner As The Type Of Leader The Boy Scouts Should Emulate
Graham Gremore is a columnist and contributor for Queerty and Life of the Law. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
The last thing this country needs is another dim witted, Texan Governor as its President.
“…a serious political event…” and Rick Perry should never be put together
What’s truly vulgar is a politician bashing minorities by spreading lies only to satisfy his greed for power.
That’s what those allegedly “vulgar” questions wanted (and managed) to expose.
Oh, college.
I dunno. Back when I was in college and the gay right situation seemed hopeless to me anyway, I’d find this a hysterically funny jab in the eye and a good way to protest a law that’s just as juvenile as these questions. Nowadays, I’d rather see someone ask him a question about anti-sodomy laws that he wouldn’t be able to refuse to answer. Putting questions like this in pee-pee doo-doo terms just gives him an out not to talk about it.
I’m sure that in the picture, he’s hiding his shit eating grin.
Desert Boy
If Perry puts Santorum on his ticket they can run on the “frothy platform”.
Personally I think that was tad bit far, but sometimes you have to cross al ine to get a point across.
Please, let there be video of this event.
This is the funniest thing about Texas Governor. I don’t like him just because I am Democrat, but because his logic does not make sense regarding economic study, the trend of social issues, and his comments about women. The spirit of Republic during Lincoln has been gone, remained by bunch of hates, and hates. American has bee proud of promoting freedom everywhere in this world, but can’t open their minds to their sons, daughter, and relatives.
@enfilmigult: I agree, otherwise, appropriate for an inappropriate, clown of a governor right up there with the governors of Florida, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Louisiana, ex Pennsylvania governor, and a few others!
He probably had to run off stage to play with his pooper
yep, incredibly vulgar and utterly tacky. That said, it is a circumstance of fighting fire with fire, and the escalation of what is “vulgar” has escalated over the years…..
These Dartmouth students should be ashamed of themselves. To ask questions like this of a politician like Rick Perry — and not to post video of it all on the internet? For shame. For shame.
Seems to me that if a comedian used the term Butt Pirate in a joke on tv some gay group would complain.
No political event featuring the likes of Governor Good Hair can ever be considered serious, so their behavior was completely appropriate.
This is plain stupid and pathetic. Fight for equality and respect by using logic and statistics, not poo talk like a 12 year old. Make Perry the idiot of the day, not join him.
@Shannon1981: So lower to his level? Smart, uhuh.
Leonard Woodrow
I can’t help but agree … but it’s good to see that the young people of today are not afraid to point out the truth, even though the terms they used were a tad juvenile.
Clearly this governor has no shame in his politics; why should the students in their questions? I’m proud of them for being inappropriate and for refusing to allow their encounter with power be regulated by notions of propriety.
Ridicule is the ultimate way of bringing down those in power. And these students did so with aplomb.
jason smeds
Since when is anal sex “gay sex”? Straights have more anal sex than gays combined. I think that the students were being silly and possibly homophobic.
Pointing out Perry’s intense homophobia every time he steps in front of a camera is a good thing, but the method these Ivy Leaguers chose seems childish and counter-productive. There are better ways to lure him into an argument that he can’t win.
Ironically, Perry has been dogged by gay rumors for years. Maybe those who want to trip him up in public should do a little more research and see if they can find some truth in those rumors. Exposing him as a self-hating closet case would be a lot more valuable to the cause.
Maybe there was a point to be made with the Ivy Leaguers counter-productive questions. Perry has made a habit of taking on issues and answers of his anti-gay agenda by spoofing questions to him. In the end, his anti-gay attitudes are as funny as some of the questions he was asked. I’d love to see video of this and see Perry squirm.
Since young people support human rights for gay people and Rick Perry has made his career off violating the human rights of gay people, it is little surprise that most young people would have only contempt for him. Only 37% of voters showed up in this last election – lowest turn out since 1942. Obviously, average Americans have grown tired of the corruption and once they check out of participating it all falls down because no one has a reason to trust wealthy mass human rights violators in government who are only in it for their own greed while harming millions of Americans along the way.
Perry is the vulgar one in this story, the questions were not. Congrat’s to the sane student’s at Dartmouth for taking a stand and shame on the student’s who brought him there to speak.
@jason smeds: It’s not that anal sex is gay sex; it’s that anti-sodomy laws are anti-gay laws.
I can’t stand Rick Perry. He’s proven time and again that he is nothing but an ignorant, bigoted moron. However, this type of attack IS very inappropriate, and does nothing to win friends and influence people. Quite the contrary, it puts us on the same level as Perry, looking childish, rude, and crude. Thumbs down to the ‘genius’ at Dartmouth who thought up this dumb stunt.
BJ McFrisky
College kiddies using vulgarity to disrespect a conservative?
How very edgy of them.
I bet they got super-edgy and even called him a Rethuglican.
How courageous.
Rick Perry is a deluxe prick but this stunt was juvenile and counterproductive.
@BJ McFrisky: For lack of a pillory, a podium was provided!
@Marc: It was for his own benefit…language he could actually understand…and maybe REMEMBER!
@jckfmsincty: Or a brother of one.
Desert Boy
I recall hearing rumors about Perry’s sexuality years ago. In fact, some guy came forward alleging a relationship with the Texas governor. I don’t know if the guy was forced to retract the charges or if Perry’s goon squad had his off’d.
Ogre Magi
That’s awesome! And how could anyone call an appearance by dimwit as a “serious political event”?
Rick Perry is an idiot. He always has been and always will be. An idiot deserves idiotic questions. Would anyone really be interested in hearing his stance on abortion, climate change, women’s rights, or gay rights? He has spewed his idiocy on all of those points before. He bragged about texas health care and they screwed up royally on the first ebola case in this country. Why? Because a black man without insurance doesn’t deserve good medical care in Texas. If he was admitted immediately and received the treatment on time, he most likely would have survived. Ricky didn’t apologize to the family, but he was quick to jump on the bandwagon to close the borders and oppose anything Obama said. Texas should be apologizing to the world for electing him to the agriculture department 20 years ago. Why would a school with credentials like Dartmouth give this jerk credibility?
Guys today have more seminal audacity than I would have had in the mid 80s when I was at a college age. I am proud of *most*, not all, the questions because Rick Perry is an embarrassment and infringement to the Freedom of Expression, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness that we should have in the American fabric.
They seemed totally relevant to me. Its sad that any of those people have no voice because of the way the lines are drawn in Texas. Austin is pure Democrats and they are represented by 4 or 5 Republicans. So the Governor is an ASS and that is why all the questions about his corrupt poop shoot.
@Marc: I’m not saying that this is something that I’d do, or even really condone. What I am saying is that talking to someone like Rick Perry about homosexuality is like talking to a two year old about quantum physics. In other words, to try to have any sort of meaningful dialogue is pointless, so laughing at him and embarrassing him becomes a viable alternative. Would I have done something like this when I was say, 18? Probably. I’m 33 now, though, and I understand that it is not helpful. That doesn’t stop me from finding it amusing, though.
I find this embarrassing, they were at the right venue to try and have him talk about these topics. instead the students turned into a spectacle that only made them look bad and not the speaker.
[email protected]
I am very proud of them for having the nerve to do it and the good sense to plan well.
While I dislike Rick Perry and think he is a complete idiot, this is not the way to deal with him. How can people take us seriously as minority group when we do things like this- There are much better and more professional ways to make a point.
@robho3: and others- I think something we have to remember is that these are college students. Some of the folks who participated in this were as young as 18, and likely no older than 22 or 23. Most of us who frequent this site are quite a bit older than that, but don’t tell me you guys didn’t engage in some brand of toilet humor at that age. I know I did.
Sammy Schlipshit
I’m encouraged by those young’uns.
What a great idea to ask such questions to such an idiotic boob.
Those students set just the right tone for such a farce event.
Dick Perry should be hounded like this every time he pops up out of his ‘whack a mole’ hole.
Just when I’m ready to give up on kids these days, some of them restore my faith in their judgments and experiences.
I am already thrilled and impressed by the acceptance of different forms of sexuality’s the kids of today not only accept but embrace….and experiment with.
Just wish I could have been there to enjoy, laugh and see that president of the republican’t club head explode.
Another example of just how they can dish it out but can’t take it. Seriously, just how ignorant and living in denial can those republican’t kids be?
Bathroom humor certainly doesn’t move the conversation forward in a productive way. Some is fine, but then get serious. Penis-Wrinkle Perry deserves no public platform to move his career forward. Not from a public perspective, not from the students’ perspective, and not at all. He’s done and needs to go away.
Well, he should have been better “prepared” for an open forum at an Ivy League University . . .
@jckfmsincty: I wouldn’t want to see Rick Perry necessarily the opponent to what the Dems put of there for 2016. But the second “…last thing this country needs is another…” liar candidate in the likes of Hillary Clinton – what a vile, corrupt politician.
Sammy Schlipshit
I completely agree with you about Hilary.
I’m from Little Rock but fled to Northern California while I was still young and impressionable.
Lived in LR at the early stages of their collective political lives. Staying in touch with some pals back there and the rare visit, I remained quite aware of the Clinton’s shenanigans.
Both are just as bought and paid for by corporations and the king makers as the republican’ts.
She is especially conniving.
She is completely supportive of any thing that benefits big businesses while just loving supplementing the coffers of the military industrial complex.
Don’t trust a word she says….as has become even more true for all politicians in recent years…..or maybe lying and deceiving has always been the way.
I, for one, am VERY embarrassed that both the article AND the comments section refers to a butt as a “poop shoot”. The correct words are “poop CHUTE”. C’mon people get it right…or just call it what Texan President Lyndon B. Johnson called it: “My Bunghole”. And yes, there is VIDEO for this!
Miss Understood
I love this! Keep it up kids!
I don’t know what all the fuss is about. Clearly, the students who posed these questions were gearing them toward Perry’s level of intellect. And kudos to them for using easy words he could understand, like “peeny” and “poopy.” You want reasonable questions becoming of a high-ranking politico that address important global concerns, like Mid-East foreign policy, the economy, Citizens United, immigration reform, healthcare reform, etc., etc., etc.??? Then next time invite a Democrat to be your speaker.
@Mike: It’s called an “oxymoron”, dear.
@MarionPaige: Fighting facts with opinion, the repugnican go-to.
@manjoguy: Who let the self-hating Log Cabin repugnican in?
@Sammy Schlipshit: I’m no Hillary fan either. But rather than smear someone (who won’t take away our civil rights, BTW), I will say that in a better country, Elizabeth Warren would be the best candidate. Now, tell us, just who are you two Clinton-haters supporting?
Sammy Schlipshit
Here goes….
I am not a ‘hater’. As an aside….what or who are you referring to when you wrote “you two Clinton haters?”
I am someone who has formed a negative opinion about a very public figure based on my observations and collected data.
No way is Hilary a long time, out loud supporter of our people. Being vocally supportive is relatively new for her. Bill was even worse.
It’s more hypocritical of both Clinton’s seeing how they have had gay folks in their personal and political lives forever.
At least in their political scene our brothers and sisters were/are props. We are only allowed to show up so they can bolster their voting base.
Still I say, can’t trust anything she says. The Clinton’s love their polls. They don’t take a crap unless it proves positive in a poll.
I do agree with you that Senator Warren is by far in every way a much more outstanding woman/politician that Hilary could ever pretend to be.
Senator Warren is one of the few ‘real’ people in politics. Among others would be Senator Bernie Sanders.
Since there are only very surface differences between the two major parties I can’t support either of them
I am a registered Green Party member.
…..and, just because I thought she would make a better president than anyone else on the ballot, last election cycle I voted for Rosanne Barr.
Alan Aurmont
I’m applying to Dartmouth now.
Alan Aurmont
People, where’s the epic video???
The students showed Perry the respect he deserves. They should have electrified his chair.
@MarionPaige: It depends on whose butt he was pirating.
@Mike: @Kathukid: ‘My reaction exactly.’ On an unrelated note, ridicule is a perfectly appropriate tactic when an ignorant bigot is given a platform to spew his hatred. It effectively neutralizes his message given, that he is unable and unwilling to engage in meaningful political dialogue.
As a gay Texan who was around when Perry was still a state senator, I can tell you that his stance is totally hypocritical. I used to frequent a gay bar called Sally’s Apt. in Austin, an establishment that has since closed down. Perry was seen in there several times cruising and picking up guys. He may have left that behind now, but he’s been there and had gay sex, so he should not be so adamant against it. A rumor also stated that Anita found him in bed with the Secretary of state during his first term as governor, so maybe he’s on the DL now. Check out Glen Maxey’s book on Amazon, The Secret Life of Rick Perry.