Accused philanderer and Nevada’s chief executive Jim Gibbons was all “let’s keep gays as second-class citizens” when he vetoed a bill to provide domestic partnership benefits in a state that banned same-sex marriage. Some assumed that was it for gays, at least for the time being. And then the Nevada State Senate went and did something remarkable: They gave Gibbons the finger and overrode his veto with a 14-7 vote. Oh, and then the Assembly did the same thing, voting 28-14 to put Gibbons and his inequality in its place.
Still short of marriage, Nevada does become the 17th state to officially recognize same-sex relationships under state law, according to the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada.
Now how’s that nasty divorce going, Gibbons? Surely it’s upholding the values of traditional marriage.
Captain Freedom
What a pathetic loser! He’s just another sacrificial lamb to the religious reich that always preaches the death of gays but then they go into back rooms and beat off into each others’ mouths while dreaming of committing hate crimes.
“Philanderer,” not “philander.”
Good for Nevada! I’m glad they all had the balls to stick up to that bigoted, homophobic, hypocritical Gov. More states should stick up to them. I read that the MN Gov. Vetoed a bill that would stop bullying in Schools. I guess he felt that by supporting a bill protecting children, the other GOP’s would think he to be a gay sympathizer. I just don’t get these “NUT’s!!!!!!!!
awesome, Nevada! what happens in Carson City doesn’t stay in Carson City.
oh and p.s. Gibbons has an 11% approval rating. served.
The Gay Numbers
These are unequal institutions, but there is a value in this sort of victory, because they are unequal treatments under the law rather than strict denial of all rights. Each state, now 17, that accords rights to gay couples make the eventual federal suit for us winnable because it shifts the legal facts from “no one in the history of the U.S. recognizes these rights for us to what kind of rights are to be recognize?” That shifts the battle firmly into the terrain of equal protection when you are trying to decide between impact of unequal laws rather than the impact of no right having previously been granted. It moves the Overton Window.
@The Gay Numbers: exactly. i see each state as an additional argument that will hopefully tip kennedy’s opinion.
Nevada will come to its capitalist senses soon enough and realize that marriage equality would instantly make it the mecca for gay marriage.
Three cheers for the state legislature!
@anyway: Yes… But since NV has a voter-approved constitutional amendment banning marriage on the books, I think the only thing we can do to undo it is to go back to the ballot soon like we will be in CA.
@The Gay Numbers: Here’s HRC’s map:
And their statement on NV:
You can now color Nevada gold. 🙂
Michael vdB
@anyway: And it was the capitalist agenda that got DP’s for Nevada. Did anyone else notice the constant ads on LGBT blog sites over the weekend extolling the virtues of Las Vegas as an LGBT destination? I called every freaking casino and Vegas to tell them we never come back to Vegas again unless they stood up to their governot. The casinos want DP’s because they want our money and they left us clues all over the net to spur us into action. It worked. And it can work again – but only if we can all agree that civil rights is more important than some f**cking white party in Atlanta or Miami. Imagine the “oh shit” when the Mayor of Miami finds out the gays aren’t coning this summer. But will we do it?
@atdleft: First time I can remember seeing that style of map and *wanting* to see states turn red 🙂
sparkle obama
what a fabulous story!
i have been a nevada resident for years, but i identify as a californian.
it seems to me that Change is constant, real and even overwhelming to digest it all.
i don’t know why the gay news junkies stay so cranky, because clearly,
Change is What’s Happening, mama!
@sparkle obama: Good attitude! And as someone also about to become a Nevadan (part-time, at least), I’m so proud of my new home state! Nevada IS changing for the better, and hopefully within the next few years we’ll see the marriage ban overturned as well.
Btw, do you know if ACLU or Lambda Legal or anyone else yet has sued over Question 2 (the 2002 marriage ban)? I’ve heard rumors that it’s on flimsy legal standing, but it’d be awesome if we can REALLY see gay Vegas weddings soon! 😉