Identity Kenya is reporting on the horrific murder of Tanzanian AIDS activist Maurice Mjomba, whose decomposing corpse was discovered last week.
According on an eyewitness, Mjomba, 32, was found in his home in Dar es Salaam, “slumped on a couch with his mouth and nose shut lid with a tape.” His hands were tied behind his back and he had been beaten severely. “It seems his private parts were injured as there was a lot of blood coming out of them,” said the source.
Apparently the stench from Mjomba’s house became so bad that neighbors called police to investigate/
Mjomba, who went missing last Saturday, was a sexual-health educator and HIV/AIDS coordinator in his homeland, located in East Africa near Kenya and Uganda, where legislators have tried to codify violence against gays and lesbians.
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Photos: Identity Kenya
Black people problems….
Daniel L.
Where *is* the reaction and response from the black leaders both domestic and abroad about these brutal LGBT deaths in Africa? so far it’s been a collective silence. Very interesting.
@Daniel L.:
I’d imagine, because it relates to gays suffering, no one wants to touch it. The black community was very responsive to KONY movement and are usual very vocal toward mistreatment of straight blacks, especially straight black men. Don’t expect to see much reaction or condemnation when it happens to gays. Just the reality of the matter. It’s a sad cultural thing.
Can you imagine if there was a continent where black folks were being murdered in large numbers by leaders strictly because they were black? The entire world would get involved. But somehow as a global society, we’ve traded in racism for homophobia. More sad that it’s now happening in the hands of the very people who endured racism. The opressed become the opressor as we’ve all learned throughout history.
Let’s just put the PC crap aside and face it, the countries that are predominantly black are the most violently homophobic places in the world, be it African nations or Jamaica. THAT’S NOT A COINCIDENCE and we need to start getting real with ourselves. Not to mention the fact that the highest number of anti gay hate crimes in our own country happen in D.C where 55 anti gay hate crimes were reported, most physical, and all were black perpetrators. Yes people, if our own country were majority black, you could expect nothing short of extreme gay genocide. It’s important to recognize facts, even if they are not politically correct.
A man was murdered and all you racist assholes want to do is talk about how awful black people are. You all disgust me.
Actually a lot of the recent surge of violence can be laid at the feet of increased US christian funding of anti-gay crusades in the region. You know, the whole thing behind this Chick-Fil-A drama? Or do you only forget facts when it gets in the way of your anti-black bias? Here’s a link to educate yourselves with:
A lot of predominantly black countries are quite homophobic, disturbingly so, I was just reading through comments on a Jamaican site talking about LGBT issues. But has it occurred to you high and mighty first-worlders that maybe it’s not because they’re black, but because they’re poor and religious (read: Christian)? Arabic countries are also incredibly anti-gay, but Queerty and other LGBT sites are quick to brush these facts under the carpet in order to attack Israeli “pink-washing”.
There is a large body of evidence pointing out that Pre-Christian societies across the world had varying degrees of acceptance and integration of LGBTness. Some cultures excluded and punished it like the Judeo-Christians did, but many others embraced LGBTs as normal and even necessary for a healthy society. But of course, thanks to white colonialism and christianity, that’s all down the toilet now, and instead there’s a very vicious fundamentalist form of christianity in these poor countries.
The problem can be resolved or made better if the LGBT black community would involve themselves in combating homophobia, but as we often see even here in the U.S, black gays can’t be bothered with it because the level of passion they have to fight racism is nowhere near the level of effort they put to tackle homophobia. And it becomes a vicious cycle of enabling it because many black LGBT you find are too fearful to confront it. Having that conversation with local Church leaders, family members, or even friends is too uncomfortable you’ll hear black LGBT say, but what they don’t realize is that progress is made through difficult tasks, including uncomfortable convos. I know first hand.
I’m Cuban American. wanna know just how conservative a cuban family can be? my family has never ever even thought about voting democrat. but yet, I made the effort to come out, be open about being gay, not be on “the down low” and perpetuate that sick phenomenon, I had convos with them, and now so many of them are embracing and even helped our neighbors get it. I have a large family. I’m proud of helping them become more open minded on LGBT issues. Most black LGBT I meet just couldn’t care less about homophobia or adressing it within their own communities, even though they don’t get, HOMOPHOBIA HURTS THEM THE MOST. but hey, to each their own. Some people pick and choose their battles
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos A
@hamoboy: Theres more religious parts of the world that are more religionist like my country here in Argentina, but we are accepting of gays. so its not just religion. its culture. some people are not friendly to gays. its how they brought up and its how they are. its sad and needs to change.
You just know some black gay poster is gonna POP OFF, ignore the horrific homophobia covered in the original story and instead direct all their attention to calling everyone who responded a r a c i s t. I.E, ignore present homophobia, focus strictly on r a c i s m by randoms on some silly comments section; give green light to homophobia. Yup Yup.
@Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos A: Yes you are right, it needs to change! It is true that this can be attributed to culture. But one thing I think you have missed in your analysis is that I mentioned that most homophobic countries are quite poor. Argentina is a brilliant example of LGBT rights not just for South America, but for the whole world. Yet it is important to note it is one of the most economically developed countries in South America, and is highly ranked on the metrics of GDP and HDI.
Homophobia often finds it’s best home amongst the poor and disenfranchised. Witness the stark difference (wrt acceptance of LGBTs) in European countries between the richer countries like Germany and France and poorer countries like Poland.
@Levibrand1982:”focus strictly on r a c i s m by randoms on some silly comments section”
Oh, you mean like yours?
There is no excuse for homophobia. It’s fucked up and evil. Likewise there is no excuse for r@cism. If you think the appropriate response to homophobic trolling by a minority is a r@cist attack, then you’re a very sorry human being indeed.
Negro people are not simply violent people…it is because we have been treated so poorly by history. Africa was invaded and its resources were stolen, it’s peoples history was stolen, and racism and slavery kept many of my ancestors from starting a businesses of their own to better themselves.
Every culture has a rich history, except the blacks…italians, Scottish, English, Chinese, Japanese, Spaniards… all of these cultures have something. With all the Negro people in the world, do you think that we all lived in grass huts and left nothing behind…
Christianity and Islam were imported to Africa to control people and keep them in line…keep everyone thinking of the glory days when they die so they can tolerate the horrible conditions of present. Religion is the reason many African countries are homophobic and that was brought from abroad. I could be wrong about their not being homophobia in Africa, since there is not much history, however you cannot lump all Africans as just violent people. It’s no secret that many christian pastors like Warren, whats his face, go in to Africa and give a lot of money to corrupt men in order to oppose homosexuality. These men become leaders in the poor communities and spread there lies and hate about gay people. Any black man with positive character traits that believes in helping the gay community is called gay themselves and treated with contempt.
I think homophobia is a weapon of war; it’s like a rotten apple…once taken in, it infects the people where everyone ends up mistrusting each other; it’s like that book Fahrenheit…homophobia stifles creativity and love with fear and hate. In my personal opinion, gays are very creative, and if you stamp out their creative spirit, then you can halt economic development and discussions which can lead to economic growth, and union within the black community. Straight men that possess creative spirits are also stifled.
Are you guys saying that as a race all Negros are just sick in the head… that there is just something not right there? Do not kid yourself that there would not be genocide here and in many European countries if Warrren and his cronies had there way. It is your white privilege, your power, that keeps the wolves at bay, which I’m grateful for. After the gays, they will probably come for the blacks, women, then other minorities. I’m not saying that black evil men don’t exist… because they can exist like in every other race.
In America we have the same problems as in Africa…low self esteem. Please try to understand that many Negros do not know their history…we are a lost people looking for love in all the wrong place. Many black people resort to violence because they have little or no self esteem and power. There are a lot more reasons, but I’m done…this is not just an African experience, it could happen to any race…we are all human.
Cali Greg
@hamoboy: Nice try, but there’s no section in education and school about gays. I know many people who aren’t formally educated -advanced schooling- yet they know homophobia, and prejudice based on who someone inherently loves is wrong. Could it just mayyyybeeee be a cultural aspect in some demographics? fueled by hate driven music like hip hop and the glorification of violence in these types of music?
Kevin Chi Town
@Cali Greg: Of course it can. I’m biracial, and the honest truth is, many of the problems black people face CAN be overcome by black people, but we’re so caught up as a people in blaming everyone else for our adversity that we very rarely take time to self evaluate. Although, many black leaders, usually more conservative leaning, are coming out and requesting black people take some more accountability. Otherwise, the cycle will just continue, and we’ll say “what? it’s not our faults” even if we are the ones killing each other in mass numbers on the streets of Chicago where I live. Education is afforded to us all, but it’s NOT promoted within black households. I’ve lived in “the ghetto” all my life. Black families DO NOT motivate their children to pursue higher education. The Dad’s often disappear. The kids find refuge elsewhere. Our culture, role models, and artists are glorified thugs. MANY people are trying to speak about it, that is when we don’t get called Uncle Toms for suggesting some rap artist singing about shooting, b-tches, h-es, strippers and getting high ISN’T who we as a people should be celebrating as “stars”
It’s all messed up, it DOES require some introspection, luckily some black people are willing to do it, but certainly not enough. It all contributes to more violence, black on black crime, mysoginy, and yes, rapid homophobia.
Here in D.C, the number of homophobic crimes is crazy, and it’s mainly from the African American community. There’s a lot of buzz within gay and lesbian circles, especially considering some of the attacks have been toward lesbian women by a mob of young black men, and it’s all unsettling.
disappointing too because here you have a group of people outspoken about racial injustice and not being mistreated, but they and so many of their children are responsible for going out and terrorizing another group of people in a major city. We’re sick of it, and frankly sick that no visible change is being made by local black groups or LGBT black org.
It just shows a reverse sense of privilige like “well, we’re dominant, and now you all know what we went through. Enjoy it” and you know what? it creates more racists out there not less. The gay and lesbian community can only ignore who is targetting them for so long before they are fed up with the pattern and that NO ONE is willing to talk about the obvious pattern.
Here in D.C, the number of homophobic crimes is crazy, and it’s mainly from the African American community. There’s a lot of buzz within gay and lesbian circles, especially considering some of the attacks have been toward lesbian women by a mob of young black men, and it’s all unsettling.
disappointing too because here you have a group of people outspoken about racial injustice and not being mistreated, but they and so many of their children are responsible for going out and terrorizing another group of people in a major city. We’re sick of it, and frankly sick that no visible change is being made by local black groups or LGBT black org.
It just shows a reverse sense of privilige like “well, we’re dominant, and now you all know what we went through. Enjoy it” and you know what? it creates more rcist out there not less. The gay and lesbian community can only ignore who is targetting them for so long before they are fed up with the pattern and that NO ONE is willing to talk about the obvious pattern.
2 cents CiCi
This will never change unless the black community throughout the world is willing to have an honest conversation about homophobia, because clearly not having it is hurting themselves. Be it in STD rates, violence, or many members of their own community feeling shunned, somethings gotta give, and it will not happen unless collectively a campaign is created that seeks to address homophobia in black culture. If that day does not come, forget all this back & forth comparing of notes, and chatting. It’s just that…talk. Nothing being done. And it will take a few brave black souls to make that happen, with a platform, and a very driven desire.
@Cali Greg: I don’t even understand your objection. Sure there are uneducated people who are not homophobic, just as there are highly educated people running for office in the US and elsewhere, and running companies like Chick-Fil-A, who are VERY homophobic. Culture, education, type of religion, intensity of religious feeling, economic prosperity, recent history, all of these things affect the extent and seriousness of homophobia found in a country. I am not aware that I denied the fact that culture plays a role. Intersectionality. It’s a thing.
@2 cents CiCi: “black community throughout the world”?!?! LOL! You mean like the “white community throughout the world? (protip, there is none). AHAHAHAHAHA. People are more than just their skin colour. There is no such fictive “community” as a black community throughout the world. The homophobia in Africa is linked to the US, but instead of hip-hop and “black rappers”, it’s actually conservative christians and their culture wars rhetoric being exported to Africa.
@hamoboy: Lotta excuses, little self reflection makes for no change. I agree with other commentators. And at the end of the day, we all make a generalization based on the prominent display of a grouping. That’s how statistics work. Take a sampling of population, not look at the outliers, but the majority. To ignore that a majority of black people have a hang up with homosexuality, and constantly throw in “but…but…but caucasians, and uhh Asians too” of course there’s homophobia in existence in every people, but it’s also extremely important to examine the statistics of homophobia within specific people. When we fail to, we can’t create a specific model to target;educate said people. A vague anti homophobia mission doesn’t address different forms of homophobia in different groupings. When it relates to homophobia within the black community, a distinct model and approach needs to be created. What I’m hearing often is the frustration in the lack of willingness to create it, much less admit there’s a problem. When anyone does, it’s quickly met with THEM being called a bigot. Not much resolution can be uplifted if people are shout at for simply bringing uo matters of fact. But keep on keeping on with your method of ignorance being bliss. Clearly as the above image shows, it’s working very well.
@LazerLightBeams: MmmmMmm. Preach it! well said to the tee. Thank you for saying that!
@LazerLightBeams: A very honest, real and truthful response to this topic. One of the most honest ones I’ve read on this topic. Expect to be called a raging r a c i s t by every person who can’t muster up a valid response back to you.
What a disturbing trend in Africa. And I agree, nothing is being done to fight it.
@Michael: Also, the Catholic Church has a great foothold in Africa and they aim to expand it.
The problem in Africa is simply lack of education. Uneducated people tend to be easily controlled and tend to be extremely prone to religious control. That religious control tends to be of a fundamentalist nature. Therefore, they tend to be more homophobic.
That is the case IN ALL areas where people are highly uneducated. There is a reason why red states in the USA are more homophobic than blue states. Look at the educational attainment levels.
@LazerLightBeams: Yes because the black community in the US is the exact same community in Africa. Everything you know about african-americans applies exactly to africans in Africa. Totallyyyy.
If you want to start a conversation about black people in the US having higher rates of homophobia than the general population (an accurate statement), then you might want to start talking about rape culture in prisons, and how economic realities and racially skewed laws ensure a higher rate of incarcerations for american blacks. If someone’s first experience with homoerotic behaviour is being raped in prison, or an ex-prisoner performing this twisted brand of homosexual behaviour when released, then it’s pretty obvious they’ll have some pretty twisted views about LGBT people. You have the nerve to call me ignorant without even trying to seriously think about this “distinct model and approach” you are touting.
How can you even begin discussion of a “distinct model and approach” to confront homophobia in Africa when you ignorantly conflate black american culture and the many and varied african cultures as one and the same? There’s ignorance in this comment thread, and it’s not coming from me.
@hamoboy: There’s a lot of excuses coming from you though, and people like you. I notice people like yourself who defend black people of all wrong doing have a plethora of excuse making, be it black childrens choosing to drop out of school (highest drop out rates) to black fathers not involving themselves in being part of their childs life (their own choice) to black people commiting crimes and ending up in prison (again, who forced them to kill that innocent person, or rob that poor old ma and pa shop and shoot the owners? who did that? they chose to) as someone above said, the answers to their problems is often right in their hands, but never do you ever see the black community take accountability for their actions. EVER. And as it relates to homophobia, it’s again, the prison system and this, that and the third, excusing all accountability for the black person. With that logic, why bother? I suppose Asian, white folks, middle easterns, and wealthy people, as well as educated people all need to gather their time and resources investing it in helping black people apply common sense in their lives, even though virtually every other group has a good grasp of it. To point out facts is called r a c i s m by people like you. To point out taking self responsibility is called r a c i s t by people like you. The only answer you do want is to play the blame game, blaming everyone else for the actions of black people—-EXCEPT FOR black people.
Society will not piggyback on that.
Reality 101
Black people can and often do look at personal experiences with a majority of white people, and they are told it’s their duty even to start a dialogue about white racism and racism in the caucasian community to help reverse that.
Gay people, of all backgrounds, are told to ignore their experience of disproportionate rates of homophobia experienced by the black community, stay silent on it, and not dare speak of it, and reversing that isn’t hardly a priority.
Yeah, that makes sense.
The lids eventually gonna fall over when the pot is boiling. Even if you keep trying to force that lid to stay on top.
Kevin Chi Town
@hamoboy: You’ve got to be out of your ever loving mind if you think the promotion of thuggery in rap and gangsta rap blasting all over black oriented festivals, events, radio stations, and black media is contributing in some of the discussed behavior. I mean really now. Let’s get real for one second up in here.
Kevin Chi Town
@hamoboy: You’ve got to be out of your ever loving mind if you think the promotion of thuggery in rap and gangsta rap blasting all over black oriented festivals, events, radio stations, and black media isnt contributing in some of the discussed behavior. I mean really now. Let’s get real for one second up in here.
Of the recent violent homophobic attacks HERE in our states, Kentucky (lesbian teen), Colorado (lesbian married women), Mass (teenager on the train), and three incidents in D.C all within a span under two months, all carried out by black attackers. Real shame, but hey, opressed are now the opressors.
@coldstonecream: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Never have I utter a single excuse. My very first comment on this thread was that there is no excuse for homophobia. Everyone is talking some big talk about how black people are so homophobic, and when I try to engage commenters on reasons (reasons are not excuses, unless you have no time for facts) behind homophobia (I started off very general but it’s become specific to black people in the USA for some reason), all I’ve gotten was the same ignorant bullshit that you’ve just summarized in a single comment. There will be no progress without understanding the underlying reasons, and they’re not so cut and dried as you seem to think. The black community seems to be VERY accountable for it’s actions, isn’t that why blacks are much more likely to be arrested, and are incarcerated at higher rates and with longer sentences than whites and other groups?
The original article isn’t even ABOUT black americans, but about Africans, Tanzanians to be exact. The fact that everyone was so quick to unpack their baggage of black american homophobia and dump it onto another country is telling.
@Reality 101: Who are these people telling gays to “ignore their experience of disproportionate rates of homophobia experienced by the black community, stay silent on it, and not dare speak of it”? I don’t see them on this thread. What I see is people telling LGBTs who are also POC to shut up about the racism and inequality thing and toe the party line that “black people are just naturally homophobic”, which commenters are quick to insist is not r@cist. All I will say is, if the shoe fits…
To all commenters here, we all know what straight privilege is, because many a time in our lives we have been denied it, or directly attacked and hurt by it. And lesbian commenters might want to vent about male privilege, and how it intersects with their lesbian identity to suppress them worse in some ways. Trans people will talk all day about cis privilege, and how dangerous and painful it is to navigate in a world that seeks to erase and attack trans people. Well, as surely as those evils exist there is white privilege, and here is a link you might want to read:
No conversation about blacks in the US will be fruitful if the participants are not cognizant of this social phenomenon, and check their privilege at the door. This thread is becoming fraught with opinions, many of them uninformed, so I would respectfully request people read that link. I would also want to clarify that by pointing out inequality black people face, I do not posit that as opposite or cancelling out inequality LGBTs face, as some of you seem to feel. All these forms of inequality can intersect, to make things even worse for persons who are without several forms of privilege, such as this poor Tanzanian activist who was murdered. This link is a useful resource too.
@Kevin Chi Town: Well that’s good, because I never said that. Never did I deny culture was not a factor. But commenters on the thread seem eager to promote the idea that it ALL boils down to culture, with no other factors in play, no siree…
@hamoboy: Yet, isn’t a STRAIGHT black person who approaches a gay person at a heightened sense of privilige themselves? They are straight after all. Not to mention, in many neighborhoods, being black is seen as more dominant with perks and priviliges that come with it. That can’t go ignored.
“The black community seems to be VERY accountable for it’s actions, isn’t that why blacks are much more likely to be arrested, and are incarcerated at higher rates and with longer sentences than whites and other groups?”
Your definition of accountability and other people’s definition of accountability must be widely different things. What you begridgingly described isn’t accountability, it’s consequences faced after the fact. Accountability is recognizing wrong doing, admitting to it, learning from it so on an so forth. Not admitting to consequences you faced, in a tone that suggests there shouldn’t have been any punishment to begin with. Yeah, that does say much for being accountable for ones actions.
@IonMusic:Yes, absolutely. Privileges intersect. A straight person (who happens to be black) can wield their straight privilege over a gay person (who happens to be white). Just as easily, a white person (who happens to be gay) can wield their privilege over a black person (who happens to be straight). And straight people of any race and gay people who are white can wield privilege over b=people with the misfortune ofbeing black AND gay. I am not ignoring either scenario, but I am the only commenter acknowledging the latter two cases.
Also the neighborhoods in which “being black is seen as more dominant with perks and priviliges that come with it”, are they gated communities? Do the movers and shakers in the country reside in such places? Do rich industry leaders and lobbyists liver there?
In no way am I excusing violent crime against anybody, but merely trying to illustrate that everyone is oppressing everyone else, sometimes even without being aware of it. And so to start a conversation about how homophobia in the black community can be addressed, people need to be more aware of the subtleties of social contexts, and not just repeat fox news soundbites.
@Concord: I apologize, I was being tongue in cheek, but I notice in your oh so serious analysis of my statement, you skip right past the injustice of black people having longer sentences (for the same crimes), because apparently you think they need longer sentences in order to learn how to be “sorry”.
Did you consider that the prison industrial complex is a big source and propagator of these homophobic attitudes and rape culture promotion?
Sad. Intolerance and ignorance is heavily prevalent in Africa. Gays and women are treated no different. It will be a long way before the people of Africa do live a happy and free life. RIP Maurice.
I’m going to say it, a lot of you are operating from a privileged place. I’d call you “privileged gays”. A lot of black lgbt people are not activists because they are scared of rejection from their own communities and the white lgbt community isn’t exactly inclusive, it can be downright racist in fact or not understanding (as shown by some of posted).
the other Greg
@hamoboy: Yes, I think we missed an opportunity with the Chick-Fil-A fiasco. Somehow it became all about “eek, they’re against marriage!” when actually CFA is WAY worse than that, they are sending money to Africa to KILL gay people.
But it all got twisted around and now most Americans think the CFA controversy was simply about marriage, nothing more. Unfortunately even most gay people probably think that. And Queerty’s reporting was almost entirely focused on the marriage stuff; they barely even mentioned the Africa angle.
@hamoboy: I have agreed with everything that you have said! It has been very intelligent and well-informed. I think a lot of our white gay brothers and sisters are so blind to white privilege and what a huge role it plays in their lives that they do a lot of times blame the victim. I recommend you all read that link that he provided about white privilege.
This article is about what is going on in Africa and somehow a lot of the commenters went off the deep end and started talking about homophobia in the Black community in America. How did that happen? We can`t ignore how the States and Europe has a lot of influence in what goes on in Africa. Just read your world history or see how many African countries now speak a European language. A lot of these homophobes from the States have the money and power to fund and fuel misinformation about HIV/AIDS and gay people in many poor countries.
With regards to hip hop, who do you think is signing those homophobic rappers` checks at the end of the day? Yes, an old white man in a suit. Get hip to it! Hip hop has strayed from its original openness it had in the 80s and early 90s after white-owned record labels started buying up the labels like Def Jam. Only now are we starting to see a resurgance of councious and openness in hip hop from Kanye, Jay-Z to Frank Ocean. This is partly to do with the wealth that we are now gaining in hip hop that we can fund and make our own music. This new movement is really showing the diversity and the love we have in the Black community.
The stupidity written by commentators on Queerty is truly astounding. I find it quite entertaining reading the childish accusations that queers fling against their own. Of course, one must admit that heterosexuals can be just as buffoonish while hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. I laughed out loud reading the verbal war between full time s*domoties and part time s*domites on the thread about Mika, now I can enjoy ignorance and hatred between white, hispanic and black sodomites. The entertainment is none stop! The “Black community throughout the World”…I wasn’t aware such a monolithic and colluding group existed. Does this mean there is a White Community throughout the world? Are whites in America responsible for the brutality of the Russians against their s*domites? Anyhoo I’ve got news for all of you: Hell and the Devil won’t care about any of these semantics, you are all sinners headed for his domain. Still keep up the good work, I come here for my kicks. As for the dead man, he gave himself over to sin, and got the s*domite disease, still he was a human being and didn’t deserve such brutality. I will pray for his soul. Hopefully he had enough time to repent of his carnal sins before the end came.
@Michael: “Negro”…and here — your first word — is where i stopped reading because you told me everything you needed me to know about you and all it was possible to learn from you.
you’re a credit to yourself.
To most of the commenters, your racism is showing. Why does every African person get blamed for every crime commented by another African (no matter what country)? As a African American is it my fault that a*holes killed a man a world away? I doubt many of you have ever had a black friend, let alone keep up with what goes on in the black gay movement. There is outcry against this type of abuse you just don’t go on the web sites that would report it. Russia has terrible laws for gay people. I don’t blame that on whites. Wade Page, Timothy Mcveigh, Jeffery Dahmer, and Jared Lougher are all white men using violence against others but none of you would think it has a link to white society. What about all those white priest screwing little boys? Do you believe that reflects on gay men? I use to think of gay men as a smart open minded bunch, but every time race is brought up on this site I am proved wrong.
@Taylor: Do you guys love how this obviously homophobic post by a black man is going ignored by black gays who are so quick to scream about r a c i s m?
So Cal.
@Taylor: Uhhh where’s the black posters to give this idiot a piece of their minds? Or is your sass just reserved for ‘correcting’ gays. So typical. Wouldn’t expect anything more
@Royal: Please write succinct and comprehensible sentences. I have no idea what you mean. Aren’t you s*domites known for your literary flair? You definitely missed that boat buddy.
@IonMusic Don’t forget those blk guys who killed Matthew Shepard, Brandon Teena, August Provost, Barry Winchell plus, thousands of slaves and Native Americans…. Wait nevermind those were all white guys!
@So Cal.: That will NEVER happen. There’s a little known secret in the gay community that a black LGBT will never ever fight or even challenge homophobia if it involves a black man. They will go so far as to defend them, or demand we ignore them. In a recent story out of Atlanta, scores of black LGBT organizations came out to the defense of anti gay attackers who violently attacked a gay black kid. They provided the defense attorneys with questions to ask! So even if it comes to picking between a black homophobe or gay black victim, bar none… They will passionately side with the homophobe. It’s really quite sick and every non black member of the community sees it. Be it if they are asian, middle eastern or hispanic. The gay black man has established themselves as the biggest anti gay force and don’t you forget it.
@G: Firstly, I’m not black. Secondly a s*domite accusing others of moral failings, is like a Nazi complaining about a J-walker. You people are pond-scum and really have no business criticizing any other human being. Think about what you actually do to get off. I mean really think about it. Doesn’t it make you want to puke?
Truth Hurts
@Taylor: Seriously? you’re talking about us being s*domites while you n-ggers sing about a-s-s in EVERY one of your dumb @$$ rhyme schemes called rap? someones got a booty obesession. and a GAY obession at that. you blacks are so predictable. singing gospel and church this and Bible that, meanwhile, if your not selling crack, your killing innocent people, robbing innocent hard working store owners, raping girls, shooting, killing, RUINING SOCIETY then blaming everyone else, oh and whats more rich is when your arrested, you’ll QUOTE THE BIBLE. Man are you a calculating bunch. many of us are happy your in the exact position you FILTH deserve to be in. but stop using our tax payer money to contribute to your THUG lifestyle.
@Taylor: You’re not black HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
How many times have we seen well known black posters mouth off against gays on here (gary from the other post anyone?) than back pedal and pretend to not be black? What do you think we all have your second grade level education? Own your blackness and homophobia. You got a verbal pap smear for it. Now own it and stop pretending to be someone else when the insults against YOUR race come pouring in.
@Truth Hurts: Dude, you really need to take a deep breath. Racist s*domites are hilarious! I can just imagine you squeaking your outrage at me in that femme voice you s*domoites all have, even the delusional ones who bulk up at he gym, when they open their mouths, the truth comes out. LOL! Like I said above, I’m not black. I hate rap music, and gospel is the equivalent of dog droppings. I am a old rock fan dude. Particularly post 1960 rock n roll. Wow, that’s some rant, I bet if you weren’t gay, you’d get your weekend fun dressing in white bed sheets. Too bad the KKK won’t admit s*domites. LOL!
Leo J.
This is what happens when black gays refuse to correct their own against homophobia. If you don’t, OTHERS will. I don’t know who sent this meme to black people that they are completely immune to getting criticism, but as many of you all I’m sure experienced in your own lives, when you approach a gay person with homophobic ishh be prepared for your race to be completely fair game. This whole idea that you can hit a gay person up with homophobia than your race is sacred from being bashed in return is laughable. Won’t fly. Seen many gay people use some very rightful anti black remarks when faced with black homophobia. Come correct, or we’ll put you in your place. For us, you being black isn’t sacred and isn’t off limits when you’re a homophobe. Know that! or we’ll proudly remind you.
Thank you to the posters above for not letting “white guilt” get in the way of speaking some sense into these homophobic, entitled, messes.
Wow, it’s a war zone in here!
Rather be a s()domite than part of a group of men where 50% get shot dead by their own while the other 50% are “chillin” in a jail cell. MmmMmmm, did you like that one? Too close for comfort there? yeah, reality was never easy.
the other Greg
@Taylor: Oooooo, you must be a real “chick magnet.” Yeah there’s nothing the ladies like more than a Jesus freak who trolls on gay sites. That’s such a turn on to them. Well if you’re not black, take your little white ding-dong out of your pants and strrrrroke it, yeah that’s right….
Lipstick Diva
Honestly, I’m not liking the heated exchange on here, but I will say, and just speaking to gay friends, it seems the gay community is tired of the black community being so willfully ignorant toward them. It isn’t some farbrication that most black people aren’t particularly gay friendly. No, not all white people are either, or latinos, I happen to be latino. But I know first hand latinos are far more tolerant toward us. So are white people too. Many can’t say the same about black people they’ve interacted with and I’m not entirely sure it’s fair to ask them to not share their experiences. It’s important to speak on commonalities and acknowledge trends, to help stop them. Pretending they don’t exist isn’t helping anyone.
I wish black GLBT were a little more defensive and a lot more able to take their energy in fighting rcism and devoting some of it to fighting homophobia. From what some people gather, black GLBT don’t even want to mention homophobia within their communities exist because they think it makes others think less of black people. No. Not challenging homophobia in the black community and seeing it eseclate in constant news stories we all read is what makes people possibly think less of the black community. You can help reverse that. Are you? Instead of camping on gay blogs and calling everyone a rcist. That doesn’t serve anyone.
@the other Greg: You’re one of my favorite posters on this site. Never PC. Willing to call anyone out who desrves it, regardless of race or background or bisexuality lol. Never change that quality.
(peaks head on this article and now leaves.)
the other Greg
@Dan: THANKS! I’m going to the beach now but you made my day even better.
¡Dios mio! Queerty has lost all control. There is no civility anymore. I know that I’m going to get flamed by angry people telling me to get off Queerty or stop complaining, but this shit is just sad. Anti-trans, anti-bi, anti-gay, anti-woman, racism…It’s like a skinhead convention is carried out daily on this site. They might have to do like Fox news and disallow comments. This is getting too nasty!
@Taylor:YAY! Look at this people, intersectionality! Someone that gets race, but is horribly homophobic. I think this person is not “black” from the USA, but comes from somewhere else. Just a lil hunch. Anyway, you’ve successfully diverted everyone from talking about actual ideas to merely attacking “black people” so good job you homophobic piece of shit.
@Royal, Royal, G, @Truth Hurts & Leo J: Thank you for responding to “Taylor’s” homophobia with r@cism. That was so incredibly just and fair-minded of you. And of course, as an LGBT person against all types of inequality, including r@cism, I’m supposed to stay attached to this comment thread and take all comers, or else I’m a hypocrite. And of course all “black people” are responsible for each others actions. Riiiight.
@Lipstick Diva: Wow, I like how applicable your comment is to Tanzanians, you know, they focus of this article?
Umm a few things!
is r a c i s t and r a c i s m bad words on queerty, why is everyone writing it like this? I have seen ra cist too. What is up?
Everyone is lumping black people together not just as people but across continents which is unfair
lastly RIP
I can’t stand reading any racial post anywhere that talk negatively about someone’s race, but what puzzles me even more is someone who argues against that but practices homophobia. This notion that being r acist is more wrong than being homophobic is ridiculous and actually does more to create more r acism. Honestly.
Wow, you guys crack me up! I couldn’t respond to the silliness because my comments were not being allowed. But hopefully this comment will go through. To all the s*d*mites on Queerty, white, black, asian, latin, indigenous and half-caste: You are all going to burn in the depths of hell for you sad perversions. As to the ones telling me what ethnic group I happen to belong to, LOL, I had no idea that s*d*mites were gifted with psychic and other telepathic powers…Anyhoo, a demain!
We can all pretend too that the christians from the west and muslims from the east don’t spend thousands and millions and give food and other resources in ensuring that homosexuality remains a taboo. We can just conveniently forget that the persecution of gays is fueled by christians and muslims lobbying laws and influencing culture in many of these african countries.
@Scribe37: Your comments are real eye openers. I have been seeing so much racism on this site lately. Like I was telling another poster you can’t generalize an entire group of people. I can’t believe GAYS are doing this! It’s so hypocritical and contradictory to the message we’re trying to get across.
Blah, Blah...huh?
@hamoboy: So let me get it right..Some former slave holding Southern Evangelical charlatans have socially engineered Blackness all over the world in their own genocidal image and the problem that really gets you writing huffy posts on Queerty is that many gays see through it? If “Blackness” is such a taboo topic to anyone who doesn’t share in it, then the problem is with “gayness”, even though any kiddie diddling preaching vampire can make you kill us out of concern for your “blackness”? Oh, and really the problem is how this information is received among LGBT’s, many of whom aren’t black? Black has officially become another meaningless marker, unless you want to use it to shame, harass, and genocide LGBT’s then, right?
@Blah, Blah…huh?: “So let me get it right..Some former slave holding Southern Evangelical charlatans have socially engineered Blackness all over the world in their own genocidal image and the problem that really gets you writing huffy posts on Queerty is that many gays see through it?”
No. Wrong in almost every way possible. the fact that you would read what I wrote so inaccurately is shocking. Why do you think colonial oppression is something unique to the USA, and more particularly the South? Ethnocentric much? What “gets me huffy” is when gays from the USA want to dump their baggage with black americans all over another culture in another country whose chief similarity to most black americans is the colour of their skin and the holy book they use. Everyone immediately started talking shit about “the black community” as if somehow blacks everywhere were some monolithic, monocultural group. Such an assumption is ignorant in the extreme.
“If “Blackness” is such a taboo topic to anyone who doesn’t share in it, then the problem is with “gayness”, even though any kiddie diddling preaching vampire can make you kill us out of concern for your “blackness”? Oh, and really the problem is how this information is received among LGBT’s, many of whom aren’t black? Black has officially become another meaningless marker, unless you want to use it to shame, harass, and genocide LGBT’s then, right?”
Oh jeez, here is where it really gets crazy. “Blackness” is not some monolithic culture, what applies to black americans most certainly does not apply to black people everywhere. Why do you say “us” when the LGBTs who are dying in Africa are most certainly as black as their murderers, and not white, rich and anti-black like you and many commenters here? You care about them only as far as you can use their bodies to condemn black people in your own country, and no further. And the fact that “any kiddie diddling preaching vampire” can stir up homophobia is because of the reductive and fundamentalist brand of christianity imported into those countries, mostly thanks to: you guessed it, white colonialism and supremacy. Go read up on neocolonialism. Have you REALLY missed the memo about Chick-Fil-A? What did you think that drama was all about? They help turn chicken sold in the US into dead black LGBTs in Africa. And your last question is such an insane misunderstanding of the issue, I’m not going to touch it with a 10 foot pole.
Papi Balenciaga
@So Cal.: I don’t think they care.. I mean this is typical white queen behavior. If some of you would take a break from Queerty and actually rejoin the real world then you will quickly realize that Gay people are the most hated people. People will not tolerate rayist people, gay or other wise, so don’t get mad at black people because other people hate you too.
@Lipstick Diva: Have you ever stop to notice that maybe some Black GLBT people have faced more rayism than homophobia so why should they be so “defensive” about black homophobia and not be so “defensive” about rayism and phobias in the Gay community? Yeah latinos and whites may TELL you that they are accepting of LGBT people UNTIL its time to vote on gay rights Black people are not the majority in this country yet Gay Murriage is only legal in a hand full of states. Why?
On the whole think these people are nasty ,barbaric savages,hypocrites and so much more, they have respect for anyone and at the same time call themselves religeous, what a laugh, if they were so religeous. they would not kill, rape children,have sex outside of marriage, and spread hatred,it would be great if we could remove the few nice people from there and let the rest kill each other, or at lest contact a disease that would wipe them all out, for good,
this man was fighting aids , in Africa aids is spread by hetrosexuals that wont use contraception,so it was stupid to kill someone who was fighting to stop people dying of aids,which so many straight Africans are dying of, let the scum die I say they desreve it,
Nunya Bizness
I think that the comments here reveal a key issue in the oft-immediate breakdown in the dialogue regarding race & culture within the LGBT community.
To some of our more “passionate” non-black posters — did it ever dawn on any of you that you’re quite possibly aiming your passionate (and somewhat venomous) remarks directly at the LBGT people within the black community who ARE doing their best to fight for gay rights (and simultaneously educate those around them)? I’m pretty sure that homophobic, conservative “minorities” aren’t frequent readers of Queerty.
Trend observed in this body of comments (and many others on Queerty):
1) Queerty posts an article regarding the wrongful death of an LGBT activist in Tanzania.
2) Multiple commenters (alleged “non-blacks”) immediately express their frustration with a fictional World Community of Black People – and that group’s refusal to address the inherent homophobia existing within their collective culture; placing the blame largely on American blacks.
3) Although no black commenters have responded at the outset (allegedly); alleged non-black commenters continue dialogue that expresses some anxiety over EVENTUAL comments from blacks; predicting that said black people WILL comment in defense of their community’s inherent homophobia. Thereby, officially (and dreadfully) making this whole post about racism (which is seen as inappropriate – because these initial comments about black people somehow doesn’t make this post about race until some black people actually post a comment).
4) Alleged black commenter (hamoboy) enters the fray — cyber-debate calamity ensues. Several other commenters either joint the rabidly frustrated, alleged non-black pack; or gradually aids in the defense of hamoboy (and the Word Community of Black People that he represents). One extra-homophobic (and probably closeted) commenter (Taylor) vigorously stirs the pot.
5) Rabidly frustrated, alleged non-black posters then start to congratulate one another on their outspokenness; as though they’ve delivered a message to “Black People At Large” (the group email communication service for the World Community of Black People). Some very satisfied non-black commenters even log off and go to the beach — because doing such an effective job deserves an immediate vacation.
@Nunya Bizness: “Rabidly frustrated, alleged non-black posters then start to congratulate one another on their outspokenness; as though they’ve delivered a message to “Black People At Large” (the group email communication service for the World Community of Black People). Some very satisfied non-black commenters even log off and go to the beach — because doing such an effective job deserves an immediate vacation.”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s the best summation of queerty commenter trends I’ve ever seen! It’s hard work arguing against the large black homophobe majority that posts on queerty donchaknow?
Nunya Bizness
IMHO, the stance often taken by both black AND non-black commenters here on Queerty is similar to that seen in a social context within gay communities across the nation (especially those politically active and impactful gay communities within larger cities).
Like many majority-white communities, assimilation to the established culture is championed as the proper (and most-desired) conduct for the “minorities” living amongst them. Therefore, NO real understanding, in-depth knowledge nor comfort with the cultural communities from which these minorities descend or migrate is established. Brief moments of education on those present minority cultures are provided within the intimacies shared by friends representing culture (and the quality of the education will always be impacted by the individual perspective of the “teacher”). Other sources of cultural education are gleaned from pop culture – often as displayed in music, television, movies and various media sources.
This kind of “touch-and-go” method of learning can often give members of the white community the erroneous impression that they “know black people” — and they base thoughts and feelings (and sometimes judgement) of the black community on this skewed experience; with no need to reach out or relate to the larger black community. The learning and experience often stops there.
It doesn’t seem to dawn on the non-black community that — generally — the black people that you are in regular contact with are often JUST LIKE YOU. And they are not only doing what they can to get along with YOU – but they are often doing everything they can to educate and assist those less fortunate (which, for a great many, includes other people in the communities from which they historically descend). For black LGBTers – that effort is even more tiring – as they’re often a LONE voice in that effort. Being a part of both minority groups (black and LGBT) means that they’re aware of the problems and politics associated with both subgroups — and often must make a decision on how to prioritize the associated daily battles. And, since identity in the U.S. is often based on race (and sexual orientation must be revealed) – you’re often called out “The Black One” before you get tagged as “The Gay One”; so it’s no surprise that one group’s cause might be abandoned for the other.
So — when you throw venom at black commenters here… or when you go off about black homophobia to the ONE or FEW black friends that you possess; realize that you’re the proverbial preacher who is habitually hazing (and more than likely alienating) the choir. If you are passionate about the politics of your community – those individuals probably are as well (which is why they’re here with you). And you especially alienate those individuals when you blame them for all of the ill behavior exhibited by people who look like them – yet have done nothing yourself to aid or assist in providing a remedy, other than stand back in sequestered, collective judgement.
Supporters of the Civil Rights movement (black, white and other) took their protests directly into the communities, schools, institutions and even retail and service venues designated for the people who HATED them most. If the black community is seen as the evil, homophobic obstacle to your rights and safety – then it’s time that ALL of us (black or white) get involved in a direct appeal for change in that community. If they can be overlooked (or steam rolled), then do so and get your due rights, safety and respect in spite of them….. but don’t fight, blame or overlook those black LGBT brothers and sisters who’ve been fighting along with you.
Nunya Bizness
So – to sum up this whole diatribe – see the following:
1) Yes, I am black
2) Yes, I am gay
3) Yes, I am male
4) I am from a very conservative black family, representing the 4th paternal generation with a college/university education.
5) My age falls within the 30-40 year range
6) I have a long-term partner who is also a black male; and a 30-something, educated, working professional.
7) The individual members of my family (and that of my partner) are, by majority, members of a religion that classifies itself as “Christian”.
8) Depending on circumstance over the years, my partner and I have donated between 10% and 30% of our yearly, individual income to charitable causes; many of which benefit the LGBT community.
9) Over and above financial donations, my partner and I both donate numerous hours of service (or general “sweat equity”) to the community in which we live (and work); as well as the various charitable efforts organized in association with that community.
10) My partner and I both have a generational example of philanthropy and community involvement present within our families.
And – the most important point to note —
10) The majority of my friends and colleagues (black and white) are as community focused and philanthropic as I (and my partner) try our best to be; and much of that focus supports LGBT causes.
11) The majority of my black friends and colleagues are (in addition) equally involved in some form of philanthropic effort focused on making positive impact on black communities in the U.S. and various countries on the African continent.
12) The majority of my friends and colleagues (black and white) have gone the extra step in becoming CONNECTED to the communities and people that are aided by their philanthropic effort (i.e. actually visiting the communities and people to which they are giving… on a regular basis) – within the U.S. and internationally.
The three points above (10, 11 & 12) are the case with my black friends, family and colleagues — DESPITE the fact that they may regularly attend churches that speak against homosexuality and/or the LGBT community…. DESPITE the fact that, when I’m not around to point it out — they may listen to music with homophobic lyrical content.
So, the next time you sit on your pedestal, not willing to involve yourself in fostering the necessary change in communities outside of your own – yet will freely express your judgement regarding homophobia in the black community to everyone else (including those black people who are also being victimized by that homophobia)… remember that the reason why the blacks that YOU know don’t seem to be doing anything about it could be due to the following:
1) they know that, despite what is present on the surface; at the end of the day, they are welcomed in their own community despite their sexual orientation.
2) they realize that, although culturally loud, visible and vocal in their homophobia – the black community in the U.S. is NOT the political or financial force that threatens LGBT rights (neither in the U.S. or internationally – including many countries on the continent of Africa).
3) they know that the monolithic “black community” is a myth. There is no organized force, nor any pooled resources (financial or otherwise) utilized to “galvanize” the black community as whole toward one common goal. Any and all efforts to assimilate trend toward mainstream culture within the U.S. — and we don’t align with other non-U.S. black cultures any more or less than white Americans align with cultural or political motivations present within Great Britain or the U.K.
4) they are aware the some people within their cultural community will never see beyond their own struggle; and therefore, they are focused on promoting change to those individuals whom are open to that change – and are resolute in leaving those that cannot behind.
Nunya Bizness
…. oh — almost forgot the last one…
5) They probably already ARE doing their best to fight ignorance and bigotry in their own community — but your ill-advised judgement and attitude (which negates their effort) simply alienates them (and reminds them that — at the end of the day, they’re just another “negro” to you, given that you’d obviously go so far as to blame them for something happening in another country; impacting people of a totally foreign culture – simply based on skin color); so the dialogue immediately goes to a defensive debate about race versus the LGBT concerns that prompted the expression.