Don’t Ask Don’t Tell forces gay armed service members to cloak their sexuality. But a Tennessee bill branded “Don’t Say Gay” would have force the state’s teachers to cloak, well, anything and everything about homosexuality. State Rep. Stacey Campfield in January introduced the legislation that would keep schools, and the young minds in them, free from the scary world of sexuality by prohibiting teachers from even speaking about it in the classroom. “Teachers need to stick with reading, writing, and arithmetic,” he says. “It confuses a lot of children that are already in a difficult part of life, and it’s a very complex issue.” Hey, ya know makes that “difficult part of life” even more difficult? Not being able to speak openly about your sexuality. Or, let’s say, gay writer Tennessee Williams, who last we checked still counted as an important part of America’s education. Luckily the House’s education committee decided yesterday to hold off until at least next year before voting. But you can still share your thoughts with Rep. Campfield!
His office phone is (615) 741-2287, email is [email protected], and publicly available home phone is (865) 524-3725.
He’s a douche! Something’s not right with this dude. He does stuff like this all the time. He LOVES the attention. He clearly had a messed up childhood and is damaged beyond repair. I just hope people out don’t think everyone in Tennessee is an ignorant asshole like Campfield!
Also — he is unmarried and totally obsessed with all things gay. Draw your own conclusions!
alan brickman
he’s hot but he stil shouldn’t do that…
Here’s the letter I just sent:
Dear Representative Campfield:
I’m really happy that you’re focused on gay issues. As a gay man, I agree that there should be very serious discussion about sexuality in schools.
However, I’m troubled by some of the things I read about your bill. An article I read quoted you as follows: “It confuses a lot of children that are already in a difficult part of life, and it’s a very complex issue.”
I’m very glad that you’re empathetic of children who might be confused. Typically, empathy comes from our own frame of emotional reference. If we can be honest, it really isn’t the children you’re talking about – it’s you. These issues confuse you.
I urge you to continue to explore your own confusion and come to terms with the idea that my sexuality does not make me less than my neighbor, or less than you.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my note.
(What follows is a copy of a letter I emailed to Campfield last evening. Copies of the letter were sent to my cousin who is a constituent of his, as well as to my own representatives here in Texas and the U.S. Senators representing Texas. I encourage all to contact their own elected officials and let them know where you stand on measures such as that introducted by representative Stacey Campfield earlier this year.)
Dear Mr. Campfield,
Please feel free to comment (see
While I am not a constituent of yours this issue is important to me. I myself am gay, having grown up in a small town in southeastern New Mexico. I certainly did not feel comfortable telling others why I had no interest in dating and did not “come out” until I was already 21, had moved 500 miles away from my home town and was left to make all of my mistakes (concerning relationships) on my own. Fortunately, my family did accept me as I am and their love for me has never come into question. I wish such could be said of everyone who is gay but it cannot.
I know firsthand the story of a young teen who was kicked out of his home by his mother, left to live on the street until he was taken in by some friends of his. (He eventually found his way to his father’s home who loved and accepted him for who and what he is — but his father passed away from cancer within a year of his arrival whereupon he moved back in with his friends. His mother is STILL very much out of the picture. Her attitude is in my opinion very much the same as your own.)
What you have introduced as legislation is nothing short of criminal in the minds of those of us who see these children suffer. It’s criminal in the minds of ALL gay men and women who must endure discrimination because there are those who would much prefer to sweep the issue under the carpet, pretending we do not exist or that we are somehow “lesser” people because of our differences. While there are those who take issue with the comparison the same was once said of women and of persons of color. When do we learn to set aside our “differences” and celebrate that which we all have in common; our humanity and the desire to walk amongst our peers without fear of retribution and reason to believe we will be treated with the same level of equality by our government and those elected to represent us?
It is certainly never too late for you to pull back legislation which you should know in your heart is hurtful. It is never too late for you to reconsider what you have been taught and instead begin to work for what is right and just. We all deserve an opportunity to feel safe and to pursue our dreams in this great nation. I believe the best way to achieve this is through understanding, tolerance and acceptance and the best place to start is by teaching our nation’s children that gay men and women are no less deserving of respect than any other person.
Thank you for your time,
i am gay but my parents dont know so i am afrade that if i tell them i will have no place to go do you guys provide trans pertation to this place.
John from England(used to be just John but there are other John's)
If you’re under the age that you can leave it sucks…play the game…you’ll get out soon..
i am 15 am they dont care if the law make me stay they will still kick me out me sister got kick out becuse of here behaver and she is not gay she was 16. it sucks and i have no where ot go i have no freinds so i have to find a place to stay.