This video is among a series causing a publicity nightmare for Domino’s Pizza. But also for average gays. Two gay employees filmed themselves doing disgusting things to customers’ food — sticking cheese up their nose, then putting it on the sandwich; farting on the food; wiping a pan with a sponge that was just wiping his bare butt (all of which you can see here) — and then, inviting legal action, uploaded it to YouTube. Kristy and Michael revel in their disgusting antics, which will cost Domino’s untold millions in brand damage and resuscitation costs. After seeing these clips, it’ll be impossible for anyone to order a pizza or sandwich again from them without thinking what untold grotesque activities took place between placing the order and eating. Burger King can sympathize.
The 2 Gay Domino’s Employees Who Should Be Banned From the Food Service Industry
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rogue dandelion
how do you know they are gay?
and if so, perhaps they were upset they couldn’t get married? Yet another reason for marriage equality lol.
David Hauslaib
@rogue dandelion: The same reason we know you didn’t watch the video. Kristy and Michael say they’re both gay (around the 1:50 mark).
The Angry Fag
Jeremy over at Good-As-You has updated his post. Domino’s Pizza has found out who they are and they are now jobless.
The girl isn’t gay, she is just saying that to sound edgy. She has “Fag hag in love with my gay friend” written all over her.
Is it shocking because they gay?
Shit like this has been going on in the Restaurant Industry since the beginning of time and in much better establishments than Dominos. Their big crime is being stupid enough to put it on YouTube.
And perhaps incidents like this might not happen if companies acyaully paid a decent wage to food service people especiallt those that have to put up with idiots all day. These kids probably make minimum wage. Thats why they don;t respect the job, company, or patrons.
Michael W.
I hate Domino’s anyway so I’m safe.
Worst pizza ever.
I’ve never eaten there, so I’m safe.
While this is completely abhorrent and disgusting behavior and I hope these guys are shunned by their local gay community (and investigated and prosecuted by the Health Department), I have to consider it Karma for Domino’s Pizza in some sense. Not only is Domino’s founder Tom Monaghan behind some of the most rabid anti-gay crusades out there (what’s the name of that damned law school again?), but I was a manager for two years for a local Domino’s many years ago–until they found out I was gay.
I’ll not shed a tear for their lost revenue.
@Jeff: If they don’t respect the underpaid job they had before (from which they’ve been fired), why on earth should another employer trust they they’ll respect any job they’re given at any rate of pay? Farting on a customer’s food, then posting video of it on YouTube tends to indicate there’s not a lot of job skill (or common sense) to be had here anyway.
One’s ability to deal with a shit job that you hate shows the guy who is about to give you a job that you want that you’ll actually perform.
Didn’t the CEO of Domino’s create an ultra-conservative Catholic town somewhere?
That he did. So good..huh?
@Tony: The original founder of Domino’s, Tom Monaghan, is a total religious crazy..but he is out of the biz now. the CEO is someone else now. Im pretty sure he is a republican, but it was the founder who was the lunatic religious fanatic. Crazy ass bastard. Search past news about the guy….Im from Michigan, where the company is based.
Founder and CEO, in fact. WINGNUT.
these gay REDNECKS who work at dominoes
@David Hauslaib: I once said that my name was Robert McNamara, but it isn’t true.
PS: #5 Jeff & #14 Jeff aren’t the same Jeff. Of course, I just said this so it could, or could not be true. (It’s not, by the way, and duplicate nicknames should be prohibited by the CMS software.)
Anyway, it’s not like they can offer free food for a given period of time to parties more intimately involved to make amends…that would just induce more gagging.
I wouldn’t get too excited about this stuff, most pizza and sub places are set up so you can watch the employees make the food. And I worked in a number of restaurants for years and I never saw people do such things. Not saying it NEVER happens but apparently it is slow news day?
Now, people didn’t always wash their hands as much as they should and a few other things, but nothing like putting food up your nose….
I heard there in a heap of trouple… Dumb.
Yeah, this is bad, but not much different than the old “law and sausages” adage.
Virtually all the chicken we eat winds up well-basted in a broth of blood and shit before it gets wrapped up and shipped off.
And vegetarians should check out some of the standards for allowable bug parts in ketchup, jams, and other food.
And I remember reading a few times that toilet seats are usually much cleaner than most kitchen counters.
Besides, nobody’s going to catch anything anyway; it’s all baked to a crisp.
kevin (not that one)
Pay peanuts and you get monkeys.
Tintin Malfoy
bitter wage slaves + crappy food = TROUBLE
Could they have been kidding about the sandwiches going out to people? Maybe they just did this as a joke and these sandwiches never actually went out to anyone. This is a vicious thing to do to someone’s food.
umm why are any gay people eating at dominos in the first place???boycott em!
John from England(used to be just John but there are other John's)
Er thanks for that.
This is a perfect example of people who do not like their jobs nor lives. People who have any type of respect for themselves move on from jobs or coworkers whom they feel are beneath them.
That’s disgusting! Restaurants have enough trouble with sanitation issues without idiots deliberately screwing with the food. I hope criminal charges filed against them. Ifyou don’t like your job and don’t feel you are paid well enough, QUIT!!! Unless of course you’re serving Fred Phelps and his minions, then by all means feel free to snot rocket in their food. 🙂
@David Hauslaib:
just because they say it doesn’t mean it’s true… I can post a video on youtube saying I’m straight, doesn’t mean I’m straight. That said, there are idiots and jackasses in every race, gender, creed, and orientation… so I’m not surprised that a video would surface of two gay guys being idiotic jack asses.
“a publicity nightmare for Domino’s Pizza. But also for average gays.”
Really? When straight people do something distasteful, is it a publicity nightmare for straights?
Le Michael Porreca
What fucking idiots.
Cute, the video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Kristy Hammonds.
So I went to Good As You for the gross out.
This was bad enough when I thought these were just two bored teenagers (or early 20-somethings), but one of the news clips G.A.Y. links to says they’re in their 30’s???
WTF were they thinking, posting this shit to YouTube?
@Sam: WTF were they thinking, posting this shit to YouTube?
In an age of MySpace & Facebook (and all of the stories they’ve generated), do you really need to ask? The maturity of “adults” has always been a problem, they just have more avenues to do incredibly stupid things.
@rogue dandelion:
If you see the uncut version of the video, Kristy refers to him as being gay