Tim Walz

Tim Walz‘s empathetic, understanding version of masculinity is resonating with young men.

The Democratic VP nominee recently spoke with a group of frat bros, who said they’re voting for him and Kamala. One of the kids initiated the convo, telling Walz that a couple of his buddies are now supporting the Democratic ticket after watching the debate.

“This guy was undecided, so was this guy, and they’re both coming out for you,” he said.

“I think I’m decided now, though!” one of those guys interjected.

Presented with a captive audience, Walz took the opportunity to tell his new supporters they didn’t need to agree on every issue. Their values are more important.

“It’s not about agreeing on every single core issue. It’s about that core belief,” he said. “This whole idea that you can’t agree that the election was fair, this whole idea that people should have personal freedoms, which is kind of like the politics are turning over.”

Walz appears to be alluding to Democrats’ more liberal attitudes about social issues, such as reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights. For decades, Republicans ran on the platform of personal freedom, accusing Democrats of trampling on people’s rights.

But Walz is shifting the argument, pointing out that Democrats are the ones who support personal choice… in the bedroom and otherwise.

Later, Walz provides the frat bros with a comeback if their friends plead political apathy.

“Talk to your friends. Some of them are just gonna say, ‘Look, I’m not that into politics.’ The answer to that is, ‘Too damn bad! Politics is into you,'” he offered.

With more young men shifting rightward, Walz’s ability to reach that demographic is crucial for the Democratic ticket. As a former high school teach and football coach, the Minnesota governor has plenty of experience working with young men.

And it shows! These look like frat bros we can actually root for…


Before entering politics, Walz showed himself to be the coolest, most gay-friendly high school football coach imaginable. He started the GSA at his rural high school… back in the ’90s! (That’s right: the football team’s defensive coordinator was also the head of the GSA way back in the day before gays could get married or serve openly in the military and casual homophobia was the norm.)

“It really needed to be the football coach, who was the soldier and was straight and was married,” Walz told the Star Tribune.

In a separate interview, Walz talked about creating an open culture was always his foremost priority.

“You have an older, white, straight, married, male football coach, who’s deeply concerned that these students are treated fairly and there’s no bullying,” he said. “And the idea that my players would be interested in coming to that and learn and to speak, to create a culture in a school that was welcoming, open and understanding was something Gwen and I always strove for.”

As governor, Walz has continued to support queer youth. He’s designated Minnesota as a “trans refuge,” protecting the right to gender-affirming care.

It’s apparent that Walz encourages his teenage son, Gus, to embrace his emotions as well. The two shared a special moment of affection at the Democratic National Convention.

When Walz accepted the party’s nomination for VP, Gus stood up with tears in his eyes, and screamed “That’s my dad!”

Naturally, homophobic right-wingers took the heartwarming moment, and used it as an opportunity to bash Walz for not promoting a toxic macho stereotype. It’s not surprising there were a deluge of antigay comments on social media about the Dem-leaning frat bros, either.

But as Walz demonstrates, masculinity isn’t about shutting others down.

Real men show compassion.

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