Well, that about settles the score. Donald Trump trounced Marco Rubio in the Florida’s senator’s home state. It’s votes that matter in this instance, not size, so Trump takes home all the delegates and bragging rights. Rubio now must contemplate his future, which does not involve residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Let’s backtrack a bit to explain why this matters. GOP candidates had one of their few, shall we say, substantial debates–over Donald Trump’s penile length, leaving the rest of us to cope with the PTSD from picturing the 69-year-old billionaire’s package.
Thanks a lot, guys.
Related: New Research Reveals Average Penis Size Is Much Smaller When You Stop Lying About Penis Size
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In case you’ve forgotten (though, honestly, how could you?), Marco “foam party” Rubio made a startling claim that would seem to detract from his already thin qualifications to be the leader-of-the-free-world-job he so covets. (Although, really, this comment is the least of his disqualifying remarks.)
Referring to Trump, the freshmen senator from Florida told a crowd in Virginia: “He’s, like, 6’2. Which is why I don’t understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5’2. And you know what they say about men with small hands?”
Trump defended himself on a live televised debate on CNN: “Look at those hands! Are they small hands? And, he referred to my hands–‘If they’re small, something else must be small.’ I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee.”
Small men of the world unite, and take over! So put aside for a moment the notion of two straight size queens duking it our for the nomination.
The candidates have since turned their focuses to other important campaign issues–Rubio is trying to figure out what the hell he’s going to do after he loses both the Republican nomination for president and his Senate seat, and Trump is mulling over whether he should pay the legal bills of the racist guy who elbow-punched a black protestor in the face during one of his rallies last week.
Related: How To Estimate A Potential Lover’s Package By Studying His Hands
We, however, can’t stop wondering about that whole hand-size-penis-size thing. Is it true, as Rubio claims, or is it just another one of those random high school myths that, for whatever reason, got carried into adulthood–such as masturbating makes you go blind, it takes seven years for your body to digest chewing gum, or how your hair keeps growing even after you die?
The Republican candidates, not exactly big on science, are unlikely to do the research. So we did a little fact checking.
And here’s what we learned…
According to a study from Gachon University Gil Hospital in South Korea, the size of a man’s hands does not correlate with his penile length. But his fingers do.
Researchers at the hospital gathered information from men who came in for urological surgery, measuring their penis and finger lengths. (With their consent, of course.)
According to the data, the greater the discrepancy between a guy’s index and ring fingers, the longer his penis. The reason? Maybe something to do with prenatal hormone exposure, but they aren’t totally certain.
The kicker: Just because a dude has small hands doesn’t necessary mean he has a small wiener. Score one for Trump. Though, we should probably add, if he feels the need to brag about how huge he is to millions of people on national television, chances are he probably doesn’t quite measure up, regardless of his index/ring finger ratio.
Related: A Lot Of Men Are Unhappy With Their Penis Size, So Here’s What Can Be Done About It
Will Glitzern
How is this even happening?
Awesome! Congrats, Trump!
Bob LaBlah
It can’t get any sweeter than this. I mean this is just too good to not be fattening. The GOP will now have no other choice but to hold a contested convention. In the event Trump decided he is not going to sit thru a brokered convention with as many delegates that he is obviously going to enter it with can only mean they (the GOP) do not have a candidate that is both acceptable and electable in their eyes. They are already saying that will happen but the funny thing is NO ONE is backing Cruz. NO ONE. Stay tuned folks, the “party” hasn’t even begun yet. This is going to be hilarious and the end of the GOP as we know it.
@leobaga: So are you done licking his nuts?
Hillary’s victory speech put that fool to shame. Her speech was hair raising and domineering. Trump is going to see his balls shrink a bit more in the general election.
And yes, a contested convention is coming from republicans… absolute disaster. It’ll be funny to see it go down like the Hindenburg.
BTW awesome night for Hillary and what a speech. If she does a few more like that, republicans will be pooping their adult diapers.
Trump is a mutant. His favorite son to his left is so weird looking. He’s worn out his welcome. ew. Let’s soundly defeat the Rebiblicans in 2016. Vote!
@1EqualityUSA: Yes it does look like that.
Wow. Clinton has defied even my prediction of her winning three states. Terrible night for Sanders. It is important that his supporters understand we are in this together. Trump is opposed to everything Sanders is in favor of. That is why I think there will be a huge push for Hillary.
Plus Hillary’s huge wins among Latinos was especially promising. I think women and minorities will shut down the angry white male vote going for Drumpf.
@GC1985: And it looks like Hillary won Missouri… A state I thought Sanders would win by 5%. That is the real shocker tonight.
@GC1985: * last night.
Still tight for the GOP there too.
I absolutely despise Donald Trump. Which half his age model will he bring to the White House? he is the anti-Christ. Makes me want to move to another country.
Can’t say who has the bigger D. But Trump is DEFINATELY THE biggest D I’ve ever known.
It’s now down to Trump and his “New York Values” or the fag-hating Cruz. The gay community better pray it ain’t the Ayatollah Cruz.
TRUSted will never be President. Everybody hates him, including his own children. He will become a Pastor like Kevin-Kill-the-gays-kill-the-Girl Scouts Swanson. Hate pays. Disgusting creature. TransRectalUltraSoundTed will never be in the White House.
GC1985, Yes, Secretary Clinton had a good night, however, she would do well to take in what the Bernie supporters are saying, and curtail her plans to include this very vocal, disenfranchised segment of the voting block. They had some great points and need representation. The GOP only represent themselves, their lust for power, and the wealthy. Some, such as TRUSted, Jindal, Huckahasbeen, and Santorum are plainly nut-job theocrats, pushing their beliefs onto a secular society. It’s time to clean House…and Senate! Vote 2016 for Democrats. GOP abuses their power when they have it. It isn’t pretty.
@Kieran: So you are willing to accept eating moldy dog food over nothing because it was offered? You are fine being treated like rubbish because its better than being treated like sh*t? Awesome.
The gay community better pray a democrat gets into the White House.
You vote for Trump you take the whole antigay package. Get a reality check.