Each week, Queerty picks one blowhard, hypocrite, airhead, sanctimonious prick or other enemy of all that is queer to be the Douche of the Week.
Have a nominee for DOTW? E-mail it to us at [email protected].
Ben says he received an email from an employee, Robin Hearne, that went into more detail: “It is because of God that I will not be a part in your reception, and I know he loves you, but not what you are doing. I simply said I can not rent to you, which is also my right.”
It’s true Texas state law doesn’t list sexual orientation among the categories you can’t discriminate against in services or public accommodations, but Fort Worth does.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Unfortunately, Party City All Occasion Party Place is just outside the city limits.
Okay, awesome people of Dallas-Fort Worth, can someone please step forward and help these guys create the reception of their dreams? Preferably one that makes All Occasion look like Chuck E. Cheese’s.
As for the rest of you, we absolutely do not condone violence or harassment—but if you wanted to tie up All Occasion’s phone line with reservation requests for same-sex receptions, who are we to stop you?
All Occasion Party Place
Office: 817-561-9595, Cell: 682- 553-6542
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 40263 Fort Worth, Texas 76140
All together now: What a douche!
“All Occasion” – except for the ones that a mythical figure in the sky has deemed
unworthy by giving telepathic instructions into the minds of certain chosen people
2500-odd years ago. Makes sense to me.
So then if they are using “God” as their excuse they must also refuse service to previously divorced couples, couples that aren’t virgins, couples that are marrying without their parents permission etc…
Oh they aren’t?
Funny how bigots will use any excuse to be bigots.
I’ve actually been there. These guys aren’t missing much and I really don’t know why they wanted to use it in the first place. I say, “Count your lucky stars because there are several places that are much, much better.”
Because of God? Really? Let’s have a good look at this homophobic God.
Homophobic Christians don’t know how to read.
John 21:20 Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?”) When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?”
Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” Because of this, the rumor spread among the believers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”
This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true.
Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently
The email address [email protected] does not exist ;D
Feel free to create a Google Voice account to send them a text message though 😉
They only reply with “No commit” though lol Likely an iphone autocorrect for No Comment
@Jawsch: I’m guessing it should be [email protected].
I DO NOT agree with All Occasion company. It is their right to not want to do business with everyone. BUT, I will not stoop to their level. Do we really need to play like children and make phone calls? Folks, lets rise to the occasion, and hit em’ where it hurts, their pocket books. Remember sticks and stones?
All Occasions But Gay would be a better name.
seems as if they have closed their email account…….do you think they might have been getting a lot of hate emails………..
@Jawsch: That would make sense. TEXA$$! Any other
@austinbookie: Nahhhhhhh!!! Y’think? ROFLMBO!
@Jawsch: You need to spell “occasion’ correctly, Dear.
@Lobeskc: They do not have a right to choose whom they will serve. This is a public accommodation, which is subject to the civil rights laws.
All your indignation is justified. HOWEVER, I still think it is a business owner’s right to refuse business to someone who bother’s his conscience. No, they won’t do a gay wedding, they probably wouldn’t do a prison wedding either (I wouldn’t).
The point is… eventually… whether the cake maker in Oregon or these people… the world is changing and businesses will have to undergo a “survival of the fittest” testing.
RE: ‘God that I will not be a part in your reception, and I know he loves you’
I just want this person who said this to prove ‘god’ has a penis or shut up.
According to this person’s’ religion ‘humans’ are made in ‘god’s’ image. But there is nothing about our plumbing being made in ‘god’s’ image in any religious text.
What most left leaning theologians I have said on the subject is ‘God’ gave mankind a soul, and it has nothing to do with physical attributes of plumbing reflective of Man or Woman kind.
Just because their religious text was passed down by a bunch of self-absorbed patriarchal sheepherders (and goat ropers) stumbling around in a dirty desert, with an understanding of the universe of a three year old, does not mean the universe was just made in six days; with the seventh for R and R. Nor does it reflect who the Great I’m really is.
Add to that most of the Militant Ignorant Holly Huddle fail to realize that the fact there are two version of creation story, right there in the first book, first chapters, for the bind to see, that both accounts fail the chronological test order, along with that it was the Male of the specie that wrote the text in the first place. Meaning being Male was right, and everyone else is wrong. Therefore ‘God’ was a reflection of who was in power, and therefore wrote ‘God’ is male. (side note: Also if you read the four Gospels, the blind can clearly also see the failure of the chronological test for these books too.) I just wish the Militant Ignorant Arm of the Holy Huddle would stop spreading rumors that ‘God’ has a penis and two testes. She just might be female and very pissed at you for miss labeling her. Just Saying.
Besides we all know She created gay men on the eight day to keep on with creation and beatifying the world. See Youtube on subject. If I fail to piss off everybody, I am sorry.
well you might know the texas bigots are at it again
@D9W: Thank you, D9W. Your comment made me giggle because those who have REALLY studied their Old Testament really know and understand that God is neither a She or He. I forget the exact Bible verse and am too lazy to look it up but God is a SPIRIT! Indeed, this is one of the reasons Jesus Christ was sent to earth was to be a spokesperson FOR God on earth. To make it more comfortable for humans, the shepherds and goat herders chosen to forward the history of God through word of mouth and then the written word, they based the language on the patriarchal system/structure. Don’t let those silly sycophant Fundies and conservatives mess with your mind. Blessings, peace to you!
Dakotahgeo, M.Div. Pastor/Chaplain
RE: God created gay men on the eight day to keep on with creation and beatifying the world.
Please see >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCuw-cIoWa0&list=WL58AC43DC1F44ECA1
I want Ben Allen, and Justin Hudgins to know that not everybody believes like this hypocrite. She’s supposed to know that she is to treat others, like she has been treated by the person she claims to believe in. She has failed to be an ambassador of Christ like her religious text has told her to do. She is suppose to welcome the stranger in no matter who that stranger is, after all according to Christ this was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, which had nothing to do with being gay.
Well Unless you believe it’s OK to send your daughters out to be gang rape by your local Christian neighborhood mob, is an OK thing to do. And a father who does this should get the father of the year award. Talk about double standards.