In the latest film from director Mary Harron (American Psycho), young Rebecca enrolls in an elite girl’s school after the suicide of her father. But her blossoming friendship with a popular girl, Lucy, is cut short when Lucy falls under the spell of a strange and glamorous new student named Ernessa.
Plagued by anxiety, Rebecca begins to suspect Ernessa is a vampire once a number of students die under mysterious circumstances. But her  handsome English teacher—and the subject of her schoolgirl crush—Mr. Davies (Scott Speedman) dismisses her concerns as simple jealousy.
With lush cinematography, vampire imagery and more than a dollop of lesbian subtext (or should that be supertext?) The Moth Diaries will definitely be a queer film to watch when its released April 20.
Can’t wait till then? You can watch it online at SundanceNOW, Cable VOD, Amazon Streaming, iTunes and XBox Zune.

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