Mitt Romney speculated that if his grandkids turned out to be gay, he’d want them to be happy, just not able to marry.
During Univision’s “Meet the Candidates” forum in Coral Gables, FL, Romney attempted to reverse some of the damage he’s done with the Latino community. Said damage might have something to do with this little joke he made during that secretly taped fundraiser from May that’s come back to haunt the Republican candidate like a three-bean burrito with a laxative chaser:
“My dad was born in Mexico, and had he been born of Mexican parents, I’d have a better shot at winning this.”
And everyone laughed and laughed…and died inside. But the conservative Coral Gables crowd didn’t seem to hold any grudges. When the moderator asked what advice he would give if one of his children, grandchildren or relatives were gay and wanted to get married, Romney brought out the jokes again:
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
“Well, my kids are all married so I’d be surprised.”
And everyone laughed and cheered…and Romney got heartfelt for a moment:
“But I have grandchildren. I love my children and I love my grandchildren and of course I would want them to be happy.”
Before reaffirming his feeling that marriage should “be associated with the relationship between one man and one woman.” And everyone cheered and applauded…and Mitt Romney’s gay grandson put on one of Beyoncé’s Obama onesies.
Well, there’s bad and good news.
Bad News: He’s publicly stating that he’s opposed to same-sex marriage. Not pretty.
Good (in a way) News: He’s lying.
Notwithstanding that he’s increasingly unlikely to win anyway, if there had to be a GOP prez, this guy is probably a best-case scenario, gay-rights-wise. In his heart, he’s progressive. (Flame not, fellow flamers: I’m one of you, and I’m voting for the other guy.)
This is all just lip service for the loonies to clap at. And the fact that a lot of them know that is a significant contributor to why he’ll (probably) lose.
On a less political note, it’s really a crying shame that all those handsome sons are straight. Such a waste, really.
Traditional marriage – one man and five wives – just like Mitt’s great-grandpapi.
Scotty B
Ugh, Queerty, like most of the gay establishment, go rightfully at Romney on this and are filled with all sorts of excuses/intellectual loopholes when Obama was saying EXACTLY the same thing all through his campaign in 2008, all the way up to just a few months ago. If you’re just holding one side to the fire, then brand yourself as operatives of the Democrat party. If you’re going to after both sides regardless of your ideological leanings, then, and only then, will you be journalists.
@Scotty B: The pro-gay electorate was giving Obama a pass 4 years ago for the same reason that I was suggesting cutting Mitt some slack in my comment above. Because they knew he didn’t really mean it. He needed to try to win Ohio, Colorado, Penna, etc. It’s all just political practicality. And Obama’s payed it all back.
Scotty B
Jason – I agree with YOU saying that. But how many OTHERS in the pro-gay electorate are saying the same re: Romney not really meaning it? I can assure you that precious few are providing that cover for Romney, while an unprecedented many were willing to do that favor for Obama.
Romney would never have any gay grandchildren, because in the mormon church if you are gay and found out you are kicked out of the church and shuned by all your family member as well as everyone else in the church. So he can get by with saying what he said because he would never have any gay grandchildren, for he and is family they would never exist.
@Jason: Right, Romney wouldn’t be bad for us. Not at all. You know, because if he were to win, then the likelihood is that republicans would take control of the Senate and keep control of the House. And, we’re just sure that Romney would veto all the anti-gay legislation that the Congress sends to his desk. Yes indeed. His inner moderate will come to the fore and use that veto pen over and over again…. You betcha…
Hes pro domestic partnerships wwhich is good, i dont know why gays need marriage, i mean marriage is betwen a man and woman….
@richardb2837: why are you here?
@Jason: okay, so I guess he’s been doing all of this on purpose so he could intentionally lose and hand over the seat to Obama which would also help take away control of the senate from the Republicans?
Just for the record, he didn’t say his kids were straight, he said they were all married, and that “he’d be surprised,” without saying what specifically he’d be surprised at. Heterosexual marriage has been the number-one method used by gay politicians and gay-politician’s-kids to deflect that question. The properly handled deflection is done just the way Mittens did it in the clip.
I’m not making any statement about the Romney-hunks’ sexuality, just that the way the answer was handled is textbook.
I think he shoud just consider throwing in the towel, it would probably save him some money
He’s such a laughable buffoon.
A winner of the lucky sperm contest who believes he got where he is by hard work and ingenuity alone.
A staunch supporter of the bank bailouts and a guy whose business was saved twice in 15 years by direct federal government bailout checks complaining about other businesses receiving bailouts.
A former governor of Massa-friggin-chusetts who wants conservatives to believe he’s “one of them.”
A guy who campaigned against Ted Kennedy as a “stronger advocate for gay rights.”
A guy who actually dyed his skin to appear “more friendly” in a Univision debate.
The real bad news here is that everyone is cheering him on for being a homophobe…