Thomas Roberts had Brian Brown on MSNBC today to talk about the New Hampshire state House voting on whether to repeal marriage equality. The two went back and forth on the usual talking points, until Roberts finally broke down and indicated that, as an openly gay man, he had a stake in the matter.
“Is it sometimes just exhausting for you,” asks Roberts, “and what the National Organization for Marriage does, to try to stand against the tide of equality? Is it exhausting?”
Brown took the opportunity to remind Roberts that over 30 states have bans on same-sex marriage, and that in the seven states that allow it, there are dissembling referenda at work. He also said that redefining marriage changes things for straight people because schools end up teaching different ways of life are essentially equal.
At that, Roberts recommends Brown go watch Harvey Weinstein’s new movie, Bully.
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Fat chance Brown has watched any new media since before Will & Grace premiered.
Just stop giving these people legitimacy by having them on. People don’t invite Radical Islamic Clerics on to discuss women’s rights, or members of the KKK to discuss racial issues.
ROFLMAO… he has the gall to say “this was bought and paid for by a lot of money”!!!!
As if NOM isn’t dumping “lots of money” into its hate campaign???
I wish Roberts had asked Brownshirt to name the 5 organizations funding NOM.
the crustybastard
The state doesn’t have the right to define marriage?
So Brian Brownshirt is saying it’s ILLEGITIMATE for the government to outlaw polygamy, alter the marriageable age, or determine what constitutes consanguinity?
(And none of these determinations were put to a popular vote in any state as far as I can tell.)
Jim Hlavac
The opponents of gay people do not believe that we have the right to question anything they do. Nor do they believe we have the right to even exist. They are clear on this point. As for the mini-Domas — they will fall when the Big DOMA falls. Just like all the constitutional and legal provisions for slavery and Jim Crow were wiped out wholesale. They are living in a fantasy world where they think they will eliminate gay folks. We are not going anywhere.
Meanwhile, there is logically, absolutely no “ban” on gay marriage — there are bans on the states and federal government recognizing gay marriage. DOMA and it’s kiddies are laws against government action — not against gay folks. No gay couple can be penalized for saying “we’re married.” No church nor clergy can be prevented from offering blessings. Nothing in any of these laws prevents gay couples from using the word “marriage” or “wife” or “husband.” The only thing DOMA and its kin say is that Government will not recognize reality. Someone should point this out to Brian Brown, and the rest of these heathen: these laws are against government, not against gay folks.
Brian Brownshirt makes me sick. How can these people consider themselves Christians when they lie, cheat, and hate on people?!
I hope this Brian Brown guy never eats shellfish, wears clothes with mixed fabrics, and gets physically enforcive (seems like that should be a word) with his wife when backtalks or gets out of line. Following the bible to a T is important.
Well NOM got their asses handed to them today, didn’t they?
btw, what kind of world do we live in when the straight guy is for gay marriage and the over weight repulsive closet case is against it?
Hey brown, how’s that victory workin’ out for ya?
When Brown says that out of state special interest groups poured money into making marriage equality a reality in NH does he not realize the irony? How much out of state money was thrown in to CA for passing Prop 8? He should be well versed on that seeing as NOM was at the forefront of that mistake.
@Michael: that actually seems to be common at the moment. Self loathing closet cases hate us because they hate themselves, that’s never going to change. And the more straight people who know out LGBT people and want them to be happy, the more support for equality will grow. The bigots are right in a sense, it’s a slippery slope. The more we get married, the more straight people realize the world will not end if we have marriage equality, so more and more of them are supporting our rights. And it scares the hell out of the bigots because they know they are going to eventually lose. They keep harping on the fact that they have won all the popular votes so far, but pretty soon that is going to change as polls are showing support for equality growing at a very fast rate.
Isn’t Roberts dreamy? What was this segment about? LoL. A big z-snap on his parting shot about watching Bully.
@MikeE: translated – ‘damn, we spent alot of out of state money to take away marriage equality and it looks like our hater money was wasted’