Cucumber and Banana are two new series from Queer as Folk creator Russell T. Davies that premiered Monday on Logo following RuPaul’s Drag Race. The shows take a hard (and often hilarious) look at the modern gay experience, often focusing the spotlight on the fumbling, awkward moments spent navigating the great gay universe.

If you missed the shows, you can check out the first episodes of each below:

Cucumber: Henry Best is disenchanted. All around him, men seem to be younger, smarter, and more attractive. When he gets a taste of the carefree life his younger co-worker and his impossibly handsome roommate lead, Henry’s entire way of life.


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Cucumber, Logo TV


Banana: Dean seems to have the perfect life — he’s got a job, good friends, a great city apartment, and all the sex he wants – but his mounting debt and concerned roommate are pushing him closer to a long-simmering confrontation with his parents.


Get More:
Banana, Logo TV

Cucumber & Banana air Mondays starting at 10 p.m. on Logo TV

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