WATCH: The U.S. Men’s Olympic Gymnastics Team Gets On The Floor

Thank God for our gay friends at BuzzFeed (and the closet homos at GQ): How else would we know the Olympics was coming up? And with the Olympics comes the overabundance of pectoral glory that is men’s gymnastics. This past Sunday, gymnasts Jake Dalton, Jonathan Horton, Danell Leyva, Sam Mikulak and John Orozco were officially announced as the U.S. Men’s Olympic Gymnastics Team for the 2012 Summer Games. They triumphed in the trials and will now have the chance to represent the U.S. of A. in London on July 27. And thus they’ve become the target of our unabashed objectification. BuzzFeed’s special-investigations unit spent a solid afternoon compiling all the juiciest tidbits on these boys (height, hometown, Twitter profiles, etc). Here at Queerty, we need to see them in action: Y’know climbing atop a long, hard beam; hanging from the rings; straddling a horse. Just good, clean American athleticism. Click through to the members of the U.S. Men’s Olympic Gymnastics Team doing their thing. Photo: USA Gymnastics  
Jake Dalton can really work that pole… vault.  
http://youtu.be/j2Nr3yPza7A Unfortunately shaving your head without a shirt on is not an Olympic sport. Otherwise Danell Leyva would get the gold.  
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-HKQkgwyt0 Why, yes, we’d love to help lift Sam Mikulak onto that high bar.  


John Orozco‘s body work is intoxicating.

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  • The Real Mike in Asheville

    Way to perpetuate the “not into sports” gay stereotypes Oscar/Queerty!

    My hubby and I, and millions more around the country, watched the gymnastics, swimming and track and field trials, just like we have for (alas) decades, gearing up to watch the Olympics. Also glued to watching Wimbledon and Roland Garros. And, sure, ogling the cute athletic guys is fun, but watching truly talented athletes, men and women, is even more fun.

    So, back to your little bubble, Oscar, but don’t wonder why you are so misunderstood.

  • QJ201

    I knew I was gay when….I was fascinated by mens’ gymnastics during the Olympics when I was 11.

  • D

    I wonder why the comments on here take things so seriously sometimes.

  • hudson

    I saw John Orozco interviewed on Piers Morgan- totally nice kid and quite humble. I wish him well.

  • Oh well

    @The Real Mike in Asheville, I think you had a little hiccup of irony-impairedness. No worries, it happens to the best of us 🙂

  • Dick Grayson

    Yea Jeez. Can everyone on Queerty just ease up a little on everything? Not every post is an attack on your personal lifestyle.

  • The Real Mike in Asheville

    @Oh well:
    @Dick Grayson:

    Okay, my bad, caffeine hadn’t kicked in yet …. Holy-moly those boys are HOT!

  • Darling Nikki

    Umm, lovely photos first off.
    But many gay people follow sports and knew about this. Don’t perpetuate stereo-types.

  • Chuck

    That shit is hard. I remember doing gymnastics when I was in 8th grade, and I got muscles bigger than my head.

  • Gay Bacon

    I was also in love with men’s gymnastics when I was a little kid. I even tried mimicking the moves. I got the cartwheel and faceplant down lol. “Floor exercises” were my favorite 🙂

  • Marie Cohn

    Sam Mikulak is the REAL Spiderman–Garfield’s only got the hair.

  • Jay

    @The Real Mike in Asheville: Amen! I’ve been an avid fan of the Olympics my whole life. My husband and I even went to Beijing for the first week of the 2008 games. As a former gymnast and alpine skier, i love both the summer and winter games. And it’s not just the sports that I used to compete in that I love to watch. I’m obsessed with it all. Can’t wait for July 27!

  • WillBFair

    Sam M, hands down, Daddyrific!

  • Cesar Silva

    Cutie Jake Dalton is from right here in my hometown of Sparks, Nevada!!! WOOT!

  • jack

    I think that the American gymnastics team is the greatest collection of male beauty and strength ever in the field of gymnastics.

  • Braden

    Why not show Danell’s P-bars? He is reigning World champion.

  • BryanC

    @The Real Mike in Asheville: OMG how did they “perpetuate that gays are not into sports??” Why are you acting like gay sexuality is dirty and evil and its wrong for us to appreciate the beauty of a male athlete?

    Anyway, if I was a woman, I would want Jake Dalton to put a baby in me, as it is he can put something else in if he wants to.

  • Drusilla

    I’m a girl, and women’s gymnastics has always been the only sport I like. So… yeah.

    So do women get equal time around here?

  • fdr2ga

    This team is seriously hot. I wish them well. I’ve been a men’s gymnastics fan since my dad took me to watch the meets at his college when I was little. What these guys do now is just amazing. I’m a fan of Jake’s too. What a body.

  • Fitz

    Where can I apply for the job of being the guy who lifts them up by their waist onto the parallel bars? All dogness and joking aside, it’s really so sweet to see hot athletes being such nice normal friendly guys. Makes my heart swoon, in a platonic way.

  • The Real Mike in Asheville

    @BryanC: Well Bryan, perhaps if you read the post, the very opening sentence, you would understand: “Thank God for our gay friends at BuzzFeed (and the closet homos at GQ): How else would we know the Olympics was coming up? ” As in, the gays at Queerty are unaware of the biggest world-wide sporting event! Hardly so.

    And, Bryan, you can’t even read the “And, sure, ogling the cute athletic guys is fun” I CELEBRATE the sexiness of men, particularly gay men of all ethnicities and ages.

    And, Bryan, you obviously missed my second comment at No.7.

    And, Bryan, let me suggest to stay in school and take courses in English and comprehension.

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