Queerty reader Beau passed along a link to Dangerous Minds, which posted this disturbing video of a child (who can’t be older than 2 or 3) singing about how “homos” won’t be allowed in Heaven. And the little devil receives a standing ovation from the congregation at Apostolic Truth Tabernacle Church in Greensburg, Indiana. Whatever happened to Fundamentalists saying children were too young to hear about homosexuality?
As one YouTube commenter said, “Isn’t this child abuse—indoctrinating your child to insane hatred?”
Photo: Universal Pictures
Gotta love when the American christian Taliban teach their kids to hate. Yep, that’s exactly what Jesus would have done!
Give him 16 years and a few Sloe Gin Fizzes and he’ll be begging for more.
He is pronouncing “homo” as in homo sapiens, not as in homosexuals.
At lease he is according to the way I was taught to speak English.
There are two ways to pronounce the word ‘homo’, Geri? And what about the context could possibly make you think either the child or the congregation could mean that no humans rather than no gays would make it to heaven?
Why even bother with such silly rationalisations for indoctrination and hatred?
Kev C
Kid seems a little effeminate, but he can work a microphone.
too bad these disgusting self righteous assholes will never know there is no heaven…but if there was they would not get in
If Jesus were alive today, he would be hanging out with the “homos” like he hung out with the marginalized people in his day and these dim-witted hatemongers would say Jesus was going to Hell.
Apostolic Truth Tabernacle
Pastor – Jeff Sangl
1114 Westridge Parkway W
Greensburg, IN 47240
[email protected]
(765) 525-9488
(812) 662-8224
Please take a moment to let them know how you feel about hatred.
@ben: Nice thought, BEN, but would Jesus be approving of the homos, or would he say “go and sin no more” like the adultress?
No. 4 · Thomathy wrote, “There are two ways to pronounce the word ‘homo’, Geri?”
Geri was stretching it by more than a bit – in “homosexual”, the stress is on “sex” whereas in “homo”, it is on “ho”. The catch – when people use “homo” to mean
“homosexual”, they put the stress on the first syllable and otherwise never use
“homo” in isolation in English – “homo sapiens” is a Latin phrase.
Otherwise, I doubt if the kid had a clue as to what “homo” meant – he was obviously coached to sing that.
Child abuse.
What the f**k
I often wonder why we have never had a gay version of the Baader Meinhoff.
Oh darn! So does this mean I wont be able to hang out with this lovely bunch of people in the video when I die? 🙁
Lol This is my new ringtone.
The psycho-Christians are pure theatre.
@zander: According to their petty, childish doctrine, you will. Apparently, this kind of behavior means they’ll go to hell before “the homos” do. 🙂
This is perfect. Finally, the laughably pathetic and childish Christian doctrine gets spouted by an actual child.
I hope this a massive controversy that will chastise the parents of this unfortunate little thing.
Imagine the delicious irony of the kid turning out to be gay
He’s so cute.
But, I thought these “Christians” don’t want kids to even learn about homosexuality.
It’s better to teach them to hate us, than it is to teach them in school that we exist.
The worst part is gay teens are committing suicide while people power bottom Andy
Cooper hide who they are for more millions.
@Thomathy: The unfortunate child is also doubling his negatives. So what he’s actually saying is some humans will make it to heaven……I think.
Hey, I’m just taking the piss 🙂
What else can you do?
@B: I pronounce the homo in homosexual the same way I pronounce the homo in homogenous and in homonym. When you pronounce the homo in homosexual the same way then it definitely means same-sexual. Arguably, if you pronounce it homo as in homo sapien ( or indeed as in homo erectus, homo habilis, homo neanderthalensis etc.etc.) then what it really means is: “human-sexual.”
So there 🙂
Joe My God posted a link so you can email the piece of sh$#.
No. 19 · Geri wrote, “… So there :)”
LOL – in standard English “homo”, when used by itself, has the stress on the first syllable, “homogenous” has the stress on the third syllable, and “homonym” has the stress on the first syllable, and “homosexual” has the stress on the third syllable. Citation: Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition. You apparently don’t know standard English well enough to pronounce it properly!
The word “homo” in “homo sapiens”, “homo erectus,” etc. is the Latin word meaning “man” or “human being”. “Sapiens” means “wise” or “judicious”, and that word ends in ‘s’, not ‘n’ as you rendered it.
@B: If I understand right, it’s not about stressing a different syllable, but a slight variation in the first vowel sound. I’m no good at “correct” phonetic spelling, but homogenous, I’ve usually heard the first syllable pronounced somewhere between “hahm” and “hohm”, while in homo sapiens (and, every time I’ve heard is spoken, ever, homosexual as well) it’s the same sound as in the word “boat.”
None of which much matters anyway 🙂
As for teaching kids about it… they aren’t against that. What they’re against is kids being exposed to the concept as the normal variation it is before they’ve had a chance to drill into their heads that it’s evil.
I would say that many of the men in that congregation are closet cases.
I just flagged the video as child abuse
There is no Heaven. Big,Big fairytale! So goofy.
So-called “Christians” question if a child/children raised by a same-sex couple will/would turn out ok? These people need to look at themselves first, be aware of the 3 fingers pointing back at them when pointing at others, and expose their kids to more than just their narrow minded viewpoints
No, don’t flag the video! People need to see how children are indoctrinated into hate or, as Oscar Hammerstein would say, how they are carefully taught to hate and fear.
@Cassandra: already sent, also to New Hope Baptist in Seneca and inquired as to how all of this related to the one mission Christ actually did give to them: to spread the Gospel. Pointed out that all of this hate speech was nothing more than political grandstanding which had nothing to do with Christ’s message of love and inclusion. Since they had abused such small children to send their message of hate, I reminded them that Christ had warned: Anyone who harms a child; for that person it would have been better if they had never been born”. Have not received a reply.
Ain’t no homos gonna make it to heaven is a double negative. So guess what ‘homos’ we are ALL going to heaven! (Even though I’m sure this is not what the child meant, because the Bible the opposite)
I don’t know what your contention was behind your comment, Geri…
but if I were you, I would reconsider the value of my education if I was taught homo to signify homo sapiens. Homo used as a signifier for homo sapiens would make absolutely no sense, as it refers to the entire genus of homo, which includes numerous species-all but one are now extinct. Modern humans, Homo sapiens sapiens which proceeds Homo sapiens idaltu, are always referred to as the latter or simply Homo sapiens… simplifying further would not make sense, and is never done when talking about a species in biology. As in common use and context, homo stands in place of saying homosexual. DO you think if someone said “no humans are going to make it to heaven” that everyone would get up and cheer? Besides… do these people even believe in evolution, in which the term Homo sapiens would be irrelevant, as it denotes decent from a common ancestor.
White America, strikes again!!!
And they say that the gays are the ones trying to indoctrinate children.
If those people are like the ones in heaven, I’ll pass, thanks.
Who are you B!tch, New lunch?
I know that’s the truth @w.e.I would hate to get up there and have to act a damn fool and carry on because dumb people like this want to talk chit. I’ll take my chances in Hell.
@B: Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary is an American dictionary. I’m English 🙂 Yes, Hyhybt it’s about the vowel sound, not the stress – which depends on the individual, their mood, and the context anyway.
Human / humans / homo sapien /homo sapiens works for me. Seems to work for these guys too:
“Club Sapien is thrilled to have opened a new community space for the Calgary area! We openly welcome the abundant population of lesbians, gays, straight friends, allies, and all others that identify as some form of queer, because we really are all HOMO… Sapiens!”
White Homophobia
We need to do something about the white homophobia plaguing the nation.
Why are you guys arguing about the prefix homo and his pronunciation? I think it is pretty obvious that he is using the abbreviation of the word homosexual; he’s probably 3 give him a break.
Poor kid though, he has to grow up with those fools.
Children of the Corn.
Bring back the lions!
@Chocho: Pete Shelley “Homosapien” (1981)
Got to love this mash up:
Does your mother know you’re homosapien too?
I did a YT commentary on this myself. This really is child abuse.
Terrible terrible….
@nikko: Actually since Jesus, according to the Book of Fiction also known as the Bible spent the night with a man and married a gay Roman soldier, I’m pretty sure he would be down with that!
When they told this kid why homo is wrong, did they give him a demonstration, those sick fucks? Nothing sicker on this planet than bible thumpers.
@Rooney: I really gotta wonder how these people think there is anything funny about this at all. There just isn’t.
Ogre Magi
Yuck! Christians are such jerks
Re No. 22 · Hyhybt wrote, “@B: If I understand right, it’s not about stressing a different syllable, but a slight variation in the first vowel sound. I’m no good at “correct” phonetic spelling, but homogenous, I’ve usually heard the first syllable pronounced somewhere between “hahm” and “hohm”, while in homo sapiens (and, every time I’ve heard is spoken, ever, homosexual as well) it’s the same sound as in the word “boat.””
Given the “official” pronounciation given in the dictionary I cited, what you usually hear is substandard English.
No. 34 · Geri wrote, “@B: Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary is an American dictionary. I’m English 🙂 Yes, Hyhybt it’s about the vowel sound, not the stress – which depends on the individual, their mood, and the context anyway.”
LOL – the church in question is located in Indiana so the American pronunciation applies
and the difference is merely in stress, not vowel sound.
No. 13 · zander wrote, “Oh darn! So does this mean I wont be able to hang out with this lovely bunch of people in the video when I die?”
Oddly, according to this “theology” you will. You’ll go to Hell for being gay. Each fundamentalist Christian sect seems to claim that people in all the other Christian sects are going to Hell, so the logical conclusion is that all Christians go to Hell as well – at least that is the consensus among Christians (they just don’t realize it)!
This is exactly why religions suck. Child abuse at its worst.
@Geri: Like I told Thomathy already, I’m taking the piss. Maybe you are too.
According to wikipedia:
* Pronunciation: The word “homosexual” derives from the Greek word for “same”, which is traditionally pronounced /?h?m??/, /”hQm@U/ in words derived from it, rather than the Latin word homo (“man”), which is pronounced /?h??m??/, /”h?Um?U/ (RP) in English words derived from it. Hence the etymology indicates that the appropriate pronunciation of the vowel in the first syllable is /?/, /Q/, but the pronunciation with the long vowel /??/, /@U/ in this position is much more commonly heard, and is the only correct pronunciation of the shortened form homo.
* * * Because of the similarity of homo- to the Latin word for man, the term homosexual is sometimes interpreted as meaning “sexually attracted solely or primarily to [other] men”. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/homosexual#Etymology
So there you have it. The kid is right. I’m wrong. When abbreviating homosexual to homo the only “correct” pronunciation is with the long vowel as in the Latin “homo” meaning “man”. But whatever he is still the progeny of Homo Ignoramus.
Pete Shelley “Homosapien” (1981)
ReNo. 48 · Geri made a fool of himself by finally admitting that he is wrong but then trash talking by suggesting that the guy who got it right is ignorant. Geri would have looked less foolish if he had actually bothered to look up the words in a dictionary to check.
@B: The Homo Ignoramus I’m referring to are the parents of the child in the video and the congregation at the Apostolic Truth Tabernacle Church in Greensburg, Indiana, not anyone posting here – not even you dear.
And what makes you think I’m a he?
email sent to Sangl – thanks Cassandra