What a lovely way to kick off the work week. The folks over at BuzzFeed found three sets of straight male besties who had never seen each other naked, then invited them into the studio to check out one another in the buff for the very first time because, well, why not?
First, the guys stood back-to-back as they disrobed. Some were more nervous then others. Then, on the count of three, they turned around. What ensued were lots of giggles, some hugging, some rating of one another’s schlongs, and even a game of “helicopter.”
Afterwards, the guys debriefed the experience.
Check out the full video below. Happy Monday!
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I don’t know, I’m not feeling this article. What was anybody expecting? Them grabbing each other’s schlongs?
How can they claimed to be best friends if they never seen each other junk? Sleep over mutual jerk off? Summer camp? High school locker? College locker? Camping? Gym? Swimming pool? resort or the beaches?
One of those guys seemed uncomfortable in a “oh-shit-I’m-turned-on” kind of way. Maybe he found an inner bi-ness he didn’t know he had.
@Milk: I thought the same thing. Maybe straight guys don’t really glance each other in the showers in gym class like we thought they did. (Or maybe I had a lot of gay gym mates, because as I recall, they were all looking, lol).
Yeah… best buddies since 3rd grade and never peed against a tree together? Really? Or shared a communal shower in the high school locker room? Or wandered naked through a dorm room? Somehow I don’t think we’re getting the full story.
Cute segment, though.
I stopped reading buzzfeed when I realized 90% of their material hates on Men.
Do these guys never go to the gym, swimming pool or hot tub together?
@Milk: That’s a serious question? Just because you sleep over a friend’s house or go on vacation with him, swimming, etc. doesn’t mean you’ve seen what’s hanging between his legs. And a lot of guys don’t change or shower at the gym.
So stupid…..trying to have a shock factor……Unless they are gonna show something
Not gonna lie–this is kinda cute.
Straight guys are such interesting creatures. Watching them is like watching an episode of “National Geographic.” They just behave in such odd and alien ways.
Saint Law
Lots of gay incredulity of the “Do these guys never take the dick out of each other’s mouths long enough to look at it?” variety.
Did their dicks fall off?
In Joy Behar Voice SO WHAT WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!
I find this interesting. I think it’s an indication of a broader movement among men to connect in more intimate ways. Men are realizing that the male myths regarding how we are supposed to interact with each other are actually killing us. Literally. Studies have demonstrated that men become more and more isolated with age and this results in higher rates of depression, heart disease and other ailments.
I think this video is great. I hope it inspires every straight guy to ease up on their macho male image and just get naked and have some fun with his buds!
Hettersex is close photto frend´s gay and gay ! Ups Gay freind´s is close photto is heterossex ups ! The is nextt is mem heterrssex is the very olld is pratic sex is gay nextt love freindd´s . The photto is next freindd´s I´m is very the that is dote odary nice ilary perfect us that is and close is girls miss next is societty home buinnes night home saunna is and you .
One lesson they may learn: keep the tool in good health, something lots of guys forget. Problems like dry or flaky organ skin, unwanted odor, redness and loss of sensation can be helped by regularly using a top flight penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil).
Ron Pomerantz
blah blah blah
So damn stupid
@VampDC: If you stopped reading Buzzfeed, what are you doing here? You come to Buzzfeed just to post about the headlines? What?
Justin Weeks
Hot lol be even hotter if they where sexier
Tab-Eric Varney
Okay. Great videos (I watched 4), but the music was too damn loud when it came on. Couldn’t hear what people were saying.
Reynaldo Rivera
Why do we care what straight dudes do naked?