Growing up gay is often an isolating experience, though thankfully that’s beginning to change in a big way.
For many people, the thought of having a gay sibling to relate to during adolescence sounds like it would have been a dream come true.
And in many ways, thats true.
But having a gay sibling isn’t always a walk in the park — the same rivalries and tensions that affect most siblings don’t go away if two are gay. In many ways they could even be intensified.
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Here’s what gay siblings have been Whispering about lately.
Do you have a gay sibling? Did you always wish you had one? Let us know in the comments.
Derrick Jones
awesome nothing like not being alone when growing up gay wish I had that one sibling on my right high school would have been a little easier
Eray Turkmen
thank you
Sean Martin
Or horrible if they rape you repeatedly
Joseph C Landis-Midnight
That got dark quick.
Frank J. Cervantes
Garth Wong
I have 2 friends who are gay brothers & the stories they told me are hilarious! Hallo Joan & Brenda! Luv you both!!
Joey Fuentes
Vincent Fuentes
Jacques James Giacomo
I went to school with brothers (not twins) who where 2 of a sibling family of 8….6 of the 8 were/are gay.
Thomas Stewart
I am one of 6 kids 3 gay 3 straight.
Kirk Chua
Me and my bro 😉
Brian Cherry
So much of the negative issues in the article are the same thing you’d face even without a gay sibling.
Craig Mann
Even more fun when it’s twins lol
Hand-me-down lovers
Richard Roger Devoe
I am the only gay one in my family
Iam 47 and my brother is 37 both gay and best of friends never been a competition of any kind just support and love . me coming out at 2O made him able to just be him not a big deal at all we have a 100% supportive family and are truly blessed
Will Glitzern
Do one about twincest.
Pete Martinez
Iam 47 and my brother is 37 both gay and best of friends never been a competition of any kind just support and love . me coming out at 2O made him able to just be him not a big deal at all we have a 100% supportive family and are truly blessed
Garth Wong
John Beck
Knew two gay brothers with a father who was also gay. They were always (jokingly) complaining about how the father got hotter guys than they did.
Aza Zaz
My youngest sister is a lesbian too! And so is a cousin of ours! And I also have a lesbian niece! Not to mention some uncles and aunts in the more distant past!
Another whisper article full of fake quotes…
Black Pegasus
@GC1985: Right! I’m not sure why they keep trying to make this Whisper bullshtt a thing? Its all FAKE quotes from 12yr old girls to 62yr old bored men.
Adam Lepker
Thomas MacPherson
Jesse Erickson
My sister and I are both gay, and my parents have always been really supportive. Though I wonder if they’re sad they might not get grandkids.
@Black Pegasus: Then why read it? Queerty didn’t make you click it and read it. And even if you clicked it and saw it was “Whispers” all you had to do is click the arrow back. Just another reason to complain that’s all. You must have a very sad life.
Kevin J Desmond
I’m gay so was my older brother along with one of my half brothers I also had a gay uncle and have a couple of gay cousins. It’s no big deal .. however I do have a homo hating sister, but that’s ok she hates everybody who isn’t white and christian.
Masc Pride
@GC1985: IDK that they’re all fake.
“My sister and I are both gay. I don’t want people judging my parents for having two gay kids so I’m not out.”
This is literally the same thing one of my friends says. It’s so sad because he was just getting comfortable and ready to tell his family…but then his sister announced she was a lesbian and he went straight back to the closet and locked the door from the inside. Everything worked out for his sister, but he feels like they can’t take two gay kids.
Fake or not, at least this article wasn’t about those two crying brothers that got money from Ellen (first photo).
Richard Henderson
I have two older brothers who are also both gay. One I get along with quite well the other I can hardly stand. I think relationships with family members are mostly dependent on personal dynamics.
Billy Budd
I have an identical twin brother and he is totally straight. He is gay friendly and we love each other. I believe that what truly determines if a person will be gay or straight is the life experiences you have when you are a child. I know that this is not the view of most of the gay community and most gays hate when people say this. But I do believe that most people are potentially bisexual and what makes them feel inclined to one direction is the phenotype, not the genotype. Hate me if you want, but I speak the truth.
I am an only child so all of the children in my family are gay .
Jennifer Labruzzo
The strongest indicator of being born gay is how many brothers were born before you .. It doesn’t matter if you were raised with them or not .
Iver Frank Becklund
This makes the mind ponder
Certified Lay TheStylist
India Hawkins
@Masc Pride: Yeah queerty loves to run the fake whisper posts.
@Masc Pride: sorry but your ancedotes and personal stories are quite meaningless to me and have been for a long time.
And then there are the Peter twins who took the whole Gay twin Brother thing to a whole ‘nother level :p…………..
When my mother asked me “how is it possible that I have two gay sons?” – my response was “your incredibly lucky — most parents don’t even get one!!!”
@Derrick Jones: Tell me about it, that is so true,
my teen years would have been a lot different.
I’m a 64 year old London man and have a younger (by 7 years) ‘hetero’ sister who was never anything other than a two-faced homophobic nasty bitch to me. I am happy to be estranged from that nasty piece of work, even though she is my only family. I hope she has a happy life but I would have wished for a slightly more supportive sibling. Anything she has – apart from her daughter – she had because of me. Whatever I may have when I die will go to others, not to my sister. Is that unfair, in any way? The guys who have gay siblings may have competition issues but I hope that the sort of hatred my sister has always had for me will never come near them. Good luck, Maria…I am so happy to be without you!
I have the same relationship, or lack of one with my sister. We have had no contact for the past 5 years. Like you she will get absolutely nothing from me if I pass before she does.
Fairly creepy click-bait headline, but the posts were interesting and thoughtful. I did skate quickly by the brothers (presumably, or supposedly) in the tub together.
(And Mack, “complaints” are very much a part of what comments boards are for. I’ll bet you’ve posted a negative reaction to what’s in an article, at least once, maybe twice, in your lifetime)
It sounds like there are a lot of really good parents.
Masc Pride
@GC1985: And that’s totally fine. I was simply saying that I know at least one of the quotes here to be a real dilemma for someone. Not sure why your panties seem so bunched over it.
My ex…he was one of 8 kids…he has 2 gay brothers & 1 sister…half & half…one of the straight sisters has a gay son…to early to say if the other nieces or nephews are…does it run in the family?? But all them have to be right which is why he’s my ex.
@Sean Martin: What a sick, demented, disgusting comment to make to someone. Go back under the rock.
@Billy Budd: Nobody hates you for your beliefs. They are just amused and exasperated that you seem unable to understand that beliefs are not worthy of the attention that actual facts and the results of research are. I could believe people are gay because the tooth fairy raped them, and that would be just as baseless as your belief, and equally deserving of ridicule if I insisted on its validity or worthiness of respect.
The fact is that there is no evidence at all that being gay is the result of life experience. Nor is there any evidence at all that all people are bisexual. So when you say you “speak the truth” you are quite simply incorrect. You do not speak the truth, you describe your unsupported belief.
The presence of twins with discordant sexual orientation adds strength to the notion that epigenetics might control homosexuality, overall statistics regarding sexuality in twins adds credence to the idea that it is genetically/epigenetically controlled as well. That is closer to “speaking the truth”. What is absolutely true is not yet known, but what is absolutely false is.
@Jennifer Labruzzo: This is only one indicator, and all we can really say is it is the strongest indicator identified so far. And as yet there is no strong hypothesis explaining ti so far. As there are more than enough first born gay men, there are likely other factors other than simply birth order at work, and these others might well be equally important. And though it is anecdotal, I know several first born gay men.
Have to admit though it is a pretty fascinating finding!
Billy Budd
@dwes09: I am happy that you mention that this is still debated in the scientific community. There is no final proof that homosexuality is fully determined by genetics. You simply cannot affirm this. But it is my personal belief that many many many people would be bisexual if society did not repress homosexual feelings and relations. Just look at our closest “relatives”, the bonobo monkeys. They fuck boys and girls all the time with no distinction at all. Look at older societies like the classical greek society, where bisexuality was THE norm.
I certainly don’t believe that gay guys were raped and they turned gay because of it. This would be idiotic. What I personally believe is that for many reasons, we, as children, develop a different way of relating to women than straight people (maybe to our mothers especially), and because of this we do not feel attracted to them.
Masc Pride
@dwes09: No argument against Billy’s opinion has been proven fact either. We’re all entitled to believe what we think is the case since nothing has been conclusively proven either way. Your reply to Billy comes off very hostile and condescending, which is totally unnecessary. Billy very clearly expressed his opinion as an opinion. You are no more right or wrong.
Masc Pride
@Billy Budd: I went to an NA meeting with a buddy once (for support). While I was there, there was a girl that shared the most depressing life story I’d ever heard. Her mother had passed with she was four, and she was raped off and on by every guy in her household over the span of about 10 years. She set out on her own at 14 and began doing sex work to sustain herself where she was raped some more. She’s a lesbian now, and has some reasonable trust issues when it comes to men. As sympathetic and nice to her as I was, she still seemed uneasy interacting with me. Sometimes the damage is just done. I definitely think her past experiences with men had something to do with her attraction to women. She had really experienced nothing but sexual abuse from men pretty much her whole life.
@archiesdaddy: Sorry to hear about your bitch sister. No, it is NOT unfair to cut her out of any inheritance. It is YOUR money and you can do whatever you want with it. You have no obligation to anyone.
What is your relationship with her daughter? I hope that she is more accepting towards you, and if so, you could leave her something. Especially if there is family momento. It would cut all the deeper if you leave something to the daughter and nothing to the mother.
And make sure you lave something to a gay rights organization of your choice, or gay youth center or anything. She will be ever so pissed that you left them something her nothing!
Two of my mom’s cousins (sisters) are gay and the sibling rivalry was still very much there from what I remember, and well beyond. To my knowledge they wasn’t rivalry over girls because they had fairly different tastes. Me and my brother are both bi, and both siding more with guys, however I haven’t come out because even with several gay family members I’m still very nervous and more than a little scared to. BTW, I think I also have the better sense of humor about it than my brother does, like certain movies (like In and Out) lol
i was born transgender which could have been a real problem for me except that my older sister was born that way too. my parents had nine kids so they didn’t have time to freak out about it. it wasn’t until puberty hit me that i realized how much fun having a penis could be. i identified as gay and she was bisexual for a while, but now she calls herself a “nomosexual”. after my longtime companion of more than thirty years passed away, i got a female puppy. she is so much easier to train than a man. love, me.
I don’t think it runs in the family at all. I am one of 9 children (I have 8 siblings) and I am the only one that is gay . How ever I would have loved to have a gay brother , would have been cool to have some one to relate to.
I went to school with a set of twin brothers Garry and Terry. I just found out that Garry is gay.
@Billy Budd: I have thought the same thing. To my knowledge, I am the first gay in my family line. Not even whispers about the rest. My childhood was different enough. It doesn’t matter really since I am quite satisfied with who I am. I suspect you are the same way.
@PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS: They were hardly the first twins to be filmed having sex, and they won’t be last.