Each week online comedian, voice actor and chest hair model Sam Kalidi creates a new meme for Queerty readers. This week, he thinks about the women who have influenced the style, fashion and personality of America’s finest example of Christianity, Kentucky’s favorite daughter, the four-times married Rowan County clerk Kim Davis. Sam looks forward to all your hate mail. You can find him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and at your local glory hole.
the queen jester
Which Movie Villain Reminds You Of Kim Davis The Most?
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Noah Ayyash
The Thing
William Britton
Norman Bates PSYCHO ð???
Alex Reed
Kim Davis reminds me of Madalyn Murray O’Hair
Ean Triston Nelson
The Bitch that wouldn’t die!!!!
I thought she looked like Jabba the Hutt, but the character from Misery is pretty spot on.
Bob LaBlah
Pipe Laurie in the first Carrie movie back in 1976. That was a role that I will never forget. She put my sanctimonious aunt to shame in that movie. I will never forget how she referred to Carrie’s (Sissy Spacek) breasts ” I can see your filthy guppers”. I still tease women I know who have their breast line showing with that one.
Kevin Karns
She has created a whole new villain, very scary
Tommy Ogletree
Mother Dearest
Alan Gossett
OMG it really does. Holy Holy!!!
The lidless eye of Kim Davis.
Thomas R. Dorsey-Payton
Borg queen
Michael Bonham
Lol Sandra Cooper McIlhenny
Curt Taylor
this is a perfect one…Misery!
Mori Drew Wadley
Johnny Jaqua
Poor Kathy Bates
cruella deville just coz she’s being mean for means sake.
Mark Williams
No cocky-doody marriage license!
Stephen Benoit Talbott
Carrie’s mother.
Pat Moeller
Evil stepmother
Louis Goodrich
The Bride of Trump-enstein
Noel Hoklin
Well God gave me the ability to see deeper, beyond the surface of a person, and into their true character and personality.
When I look at Kim Davis, I see from the storyline of the movie “Weird Science (1985)” the older brother ‘Chet Donnelly’ who was played by the actor Bill Paxton. More specifically, I see the character Chet at the time in the story when that character ate the fly.
Thomas Hammond
Craig Bankert
Mr. Man!!!!!
Louie Mars
Testimony to what a great character actor Bates is and why she got.that Misery Oscar.
Sam Oropeza
Mama Fratelli
Keven Ouellette
cruella deville from 101 dalmations
S Sean Shannon
Lancome Counter
Maria Gay Harden in The Mist
Christian Wells
I’d say you nailed it with Kathy Bates.
Billy Budd
I prefer to think of her as Nurse RATCHED.
John Malin
Kathy Bates deserves a great deal more respect then that cow Kim Davis! She was 1000% prettier in her Misery role as well!
Davis bears all the hallmarks of the P€nte©ostal cult, which insists that homely women be made to look even worse by dressing ve4y badly and not wearing makeup. How in the world she has gotten away with FOUR marriages is amazing.
Cooper Newling
The exorcist
Will Glitzern
Carrie’s mom!
Niko Graff
Stone her
Beto Van
MISERY IS ALIVE, MISERY IS ALIVE! OH, This whole house is going to be full of romance, OOOH, I AM GOING TO PUT ON MY LIBERACE RECORDS!
7 articles about this bitch in 2 days! Really, isn’t there anything else in the news?
The Aflac Duck.
Captain Obvious
The mother from The People Under the Stairs.
Brian JC Kneeland
the one above for sure!
Jessica Tom
My name is Jessica Tom, From Germany.. My world and my life is back!!! After one year of Broken relationship, my boyfriend left me for know reason. I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. (Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Akereco), which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Jennifer,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than two days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Akereco e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try.I contacted him via email [email protected] and explained my problem to him, he told me In 48hours my husband will came back to me. to my surprise he come to my house asking me to forgive him We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before.. You can add him on his Facebook (salaam shafi) Dr Akereco, is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man… If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. His legit website is drakerecospellcaster.webs.com Angain his email address is [email protected]
It’s a toss up between the Sarlac and Kirk Cameron.
Dan Bernard
Perfect! Now if someone could just do a music video using the tune “Sisters” from White Christmas with Rosemary Clooney and Vera Ellen. https://youtu.be/PG7x8HWbDzU
@Sam Oropeza: At first, I thought Ursula because they’re both slimy and cold blooded; but then, I saw your post. You win.
The Blob.
Fat Bastard.
Dave Basora
She’s not a villain she’s just a
Walter Brennan…. the preacher/rabble rouser in “Sargent York” (Wait…. that would make her trans….)
Octavio Roca
The Blob
Paul Ydstie
Kim Davis is just trying to protect the sanctity of her four marriages.
Ismael Smiley Flores
[email protected]
She reminds me of this fat, ugly, bitch; Brenda Adkins who owns Community Association Management & Consultling, LLC in Vinton, VA. She has the same ugly puss & has been married multiple times & her friends are as nasty ugly as that bitch sitting in the chair to her left.
I don’t know, are there any movies about blood swollen hemroids or infected pilonoidal cysts?
I totally thought she looked like the lady from misery. Before this story. So funny.
Kenny Dixon
By tomorrow, I expect “Kim Davis Did 9/11” posts.
Roman Grant (Harry Dean Stanton) from Big Love.