For an outfit that seems fixated on its morality, the National Organization for Marriage seems to have a remarkably flexible definition of it. NOM has already been slapped with a record fine in Maine this year for state violating campaign finance disclosure laws. Now they are facing a new problem: a formal complaint that NOM violated campaign laws in California.
The complaint was filed with the California Fair Political Practices Commission by Fred Karger, president of Rights Equal Rights. Karger alleges that NOM violated state campaign law during its involvement in the Privacy for All Students campaign, a failed (and misnamed) attempt to qualify a referendum to ensure school bathrooms are trans-free zones.
In his complaint, Karger says that seven individuals and organizations contributed more than $10,000 each to NOM for the campaign but failed to file the request disclosure forms. One, hedge fund manager Sean Fieler, contributed at least $200,000. (Fieler is also one of the deep pockets behind another homophobic group, American Principles Project.)
“NOM longtime political director, Sacramento based Frank Schubert should know better,” Karger said. “In our 35 page complaint, we show exactly how NOM appears to have avoided reporting hundreds of thousands of dollars…”
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Karger has tangled with NOM before, having filed a complaint against NOM for its participation in the Proposition 8 campaign in 2008. For his troubles, NOM subpoenaed him regarding its complaint about the leaking of the organization’s tax returns. Karger might otherwise be generously described as a footnote in the 2012 Republican presidential campaign.
Maine and California aren’t the only states where NOM is having problems because of campaign disclosure laws. Complaints are pending against NOM in Hawaii and in Iowa–again, both courtesy of Karger.
Easy, just arrest the heads of NOM until they abide by the law. You know, the same way they want Gays arrested for being gay.
I can remember when Mags Gallagher stated that marriage equality is, “NOT inevitable.” Formaldehyde, Mags, for you and Princeton’s Robert P. George… Go stir up hatred in Uganda, you’ll still be relevant in 3rd world Countries.
We should not export our problems to 3rd world countries. They have enough problems w/o encouraging their “best and most talented” [to quote the Missouri AG yesterday] to leave and seek better opportunities elsewhere. No, let’s prosecute our own troublemakers and make them pay their debt to society HERE, where we can keep an eye on them and regularly report their batshittery for comment and dissection. Since it works out that the Rethugs will have to pay half of those costs, it is really a very GOOD value for the money.
Where there is smoke there is fire. NOM is clearly corrupt. I hope the IRS is watching them.
The tax exempt status of the groups failing to comply should immediately be revoked. All of their records should all be subpoenaed and, in compliance with prior court rulings, names of donors (and amounts donated) should be made public. Also, by removing their exemption donations would no longer be tax deductible.
When evangelicals do “the Lord’s work,” it is common to employ lies, deception, misrepresentation and more lies to help God. This is no surprise: secrecy to cover filthy maneuvers: must be Christians.
Sammy Schlipshit
Fred Karger is a man to be celebrated.
He has demonstrated some clever ways to bring several issues with our civil rights to the forefront of our culture.
I think it was a brilliant idea to run for the Presidency.
Of course, he was shut out of all the campaign by the powers that be because Mr. Karger would have forced discussion on subjects the bought and paid for politicians want nothing to do with.
@1EqualityUSA: Yes, we all seem to forget about Maggot Gallagher and her missing husband who for some reason always seemed to be traveling the globe “attending bridge tournements” with his male companion…..
It seems that Maggot never got the message that unattractive overweight gals are supposed to be BFFs to the Gays :p
Her replacement Brian Brown is a vile hatefilled creature who has the Gayest of all repressed Gay faces, the clock is ticking until his “wide stance” or “luggage handler” scandal erupts……….
And you are so very correct, these hate filled vile noxious bigots are now seeking to export their own special brand of hatred to ignorant nations in Africa who unfortuately seem to be very receptive to their disgusting dogma…….