On Election Day 2012 Minnesota voters will decide whether to amend their state constitution with a ban on marriage equality. Even though the state legislature made the decision to put it on the ballot, Governor Mark Dayton doesn’t have the power to veto their decision, but that didn’t stop him from issuing a symbolic veto anyway. It won’t stop the vote, but it will send a powerful message to the entire state about this “divisive and destructive” amendment and give the state’s LGBT and marriage equality groups a very good start in the uphill battle against it. Plus, he has set a strong example of leadership that others political leaders can emulate, bringing closer the day when a politician can support queer rights with no one raising an eyebrow.
Fun fact: openly gay Minnesota Representative Karen Clark and Senator Scott Dibble stood with Dayton during his brave announcement.
Gay conservatives supported his opponent Emmer. Just saying.
@delurker: The enemy within. I’m not for outing, but I see too often when conservative gays are fearful their closet door is mysteriously becoming transparent, they shove the community under the bus to disguise themselves and ingratiate themselves to the haters. They need some “exposure” and confrontation.
When all is said and done, even all the dead gay kids in Minnesota and their suffering families didn’t stop those corrupt politicians in the legislature from voting to violate the human rights of millions of people. Evil. America is no different than the middle east and africa, unable to uphold basic human rights or the checks and balances of democracy like equal protection under law. And no one is surprised in the least who has ever studied world history. The rule of law is fragile and politicians are great at destroying it.
@declanto: Yeah. Lots of white privilege, too. Think about it. You’re avg white gay conservatice almost has it all made…being white, male, possibly christian in this society. The whole gay thing fucks up those other built in advantages. I am sure part of that is self-hatred.
Former MN Governor Ventura supports marriage equality. Here’s the vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dZsUJW3EVE