With Barack Obama taking a back seat — at least a farther back one than he did on health care reform — on repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, it should be of little surprise that what he and Democrats Inc. are “doing” (a word I use lightly) to kill the law differs more than slightly from the strategy of gay military advocates.
Organizing For America, the Democrats’ gigantic email blast factory, is doing one thing notes Josh Gerstein:
President Barack Obama’s political outreach arm at the Democratic National Committee, Organizing for America, sent an e-mail Monday to Obama’s vaunted distribution list urging those concerned about the issue to call Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and tell him to drop his threatened filibuster. (In a separate e-mail, OFA urged those concerned about a planned immigration measure also facing a filibuster threat to call Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and ask him to quit it.)
While Servicemembers United, which just set up a group dinner between the Pentagon and gay soldiers’ families, is doing another:
Servicemembers United is encouraging those who back an end to “don’t ask, don’t tell” to call Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to urge him to meet Republican demands that they be permitted to introduce amendments to the underlying defense authorization bill. Servicemembers United also encouraged those on its e-mail list to call five Republican senators considered most amenable to “don’t ask” repeal: Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, Dick Lugar of Indiana, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, and George Voinovich of Ohio.
And while on-the-fence senators like Republicans Snowe and Collins might be a lost cause going into today’s vote to end a GOP filibuster of the Defense Department’s spending bill (to which DADT’s compromised death is attached), those votes were really the best shot at securing a repeal.
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Team Obama’s focus on McCain, meanwhile, is DOA — the senator has made clear he will continue doing the exact opposite of pushing for a repeal — and is instead an easy way to drum up anger toward a Republican star going into November’s elections.
On the eve of the most important Senate vote yet on DADT, Obama and Democrats are engaged in political warmongering, knowing full well any furor over McCain’s stance on the discriminatory law is best served to mobilize voters, not let gays serve openly.
But don’t take my word for it.
Great job everybody!
Douglas Gibson Jr
Once again Queerty, you have shown that you are not a political website. You really need to hire a political writer who knows what he/she is doing. What is wrong with attacking on all sides to accomplish what needs to be accomplished? In addition, the dream act will probably be part of the defense authroization bill as well, if is isn’t already. People need to be pusing for that as well.
Tom in Lazybrook
No. People don’t need to push for anything but our causes. Screw the Dream Act. ENDA and DADT repeal first.
Wow. 41 Republicans in the Senate (all for “smaller government” and government out of our lives) are united in opposition against the repeal of DADT and this is the fault of Obama and the Dems. Got it.
repeal DADT
I bet a lot of you bitter Obama-haters who read Queerty probably voted for McCain in November 2008 out of spite.
Wasn’t the head of that hapless “PUMA” coalition a gay guy?
McCain gets off on playing the part of the spoiled petulant child. This is the type of personality Obama is trying to deal with. This is straight out of a biography on the guy.
“Quick to anger even as a toddler, McCain used to hold his breath until he passed out when thwarted.”
So Obama is trying to change the mind of the person who used to hold his breath until he passed out because he was such a spoiled angry child.
Black Pegasus
Let me get this straight; The Republicans are the ones who’ll be planning to filibuster a vote against DADT, yet you Log Cabin Queens on queerty choose to demagouge the President?
Ok, got it..
Tom in Lazybrook
@whatever: Yes. It is Obama and the Dems fault. Here’s why.
1) Obama refused to lead.
2) The Dems refused to act in the beginning of the administration (with a strong assist from the Human Rights Campaign’s Treasurer – who said that Dadt wasn’t a priority for them)
3) The Dem Senate leadership didn’t push for this at all. Because a few of their members just didn’t want to bring it up.
Look, the Dems have a majority of 9 in the Senate and of 20 in the House. They are responsible. Sorry. But they are.
You know the Dems can force the Republicans to actually shut down the senate over this. They could fight for us. The bill doesn’t fail if there are 41 no votes for cloture. It fails when Harry Reid gives up the fight.
The Dems and the Human Rights Campaign have screwed this up royally. And with failure comes consequences.
charles nau
OBambi’s pick to head the marines just came out against repeal before a Congressional committee–that kills it more than anything Snowe or Collins might do–thanks again, Barry….
@charles nau: Is it true all Marines are bottoms?
Tom in Lazybrook
@charles nau: Good point. I’m surprised that Mr. “Fierce Advocate” didn’t nominate Rick Warren to lead the Marine Corps.
He and the Dems are like Lucy with the football. And we are acting like Charlie Brown.
I say we do the following:
1) Abandon the moronic ‘coalition building’ model that has failed us for years. Do you hear me NGLTF and HRC.
2) Run independent candidates against select Dems that don’t lead or vote against us. Make them fight to keep our votes. How would Jim Webb like an independent out Gay candidate running against him in the 2012 campaign? Same for Chris Carney, Lipinski, Altmire, etc.
3) Recognize that the Human Rights Campaign cannot lobby itself out of a paper bag.
Tom in Lazybrook
There is a reason why the Empire State Pride group can get things done and the Human Rights Campaign cannot. Because Empire State Pride will actually attack Democrats, recognizing that while a Republican winning a race is bad (and it is), having the Democratic Party ignore us and our agenda is catastrophic.
So of the 8 NY State Dems that stopped NY Gay Marraige, 3 of them wont be returning. And that is an investment that will pay dividends for all Gays in NY for years to come.
I don’t live in NY, but I wish we had the same kind of real leadership on a national level that we have in NY State. We don’t currently.
Tom in Lazybrook
@Black Pegasus: Its not demagogery. The President is a complete, utter, and abject failure of Gay rights. Fact. I voted for him (even in the primary – yuck). I’m not voting for him in 2012. I don’t care who is the alternative. I’ll write in someone else’s name or undervote if I can’t find some third party to support.
He has failed. Period. He refuses to lead.
Ted B. (Charging Rhino)
I expect the Republicans to react against repealing DADT…but Obama and Co. aren’t fighting for it’s repeal either. He’s not driving the bus…he’s not fighting for control of the bus…he’s sitting in the back of the bus, right next to Sen. Reid.
Some fierce advocate….**snerk**
Jack E. Jett
@Douglas Gibson Jr: Obama does not give a shit about gay people. You need a political analyst to say that in order to make it more valid? He is a straight white man that happens to be biracial.
Wasn’t it McCains female spawn that recently said Republicans were on the side of gay rights than democrats (while pushing her book). Thank a lot Lady Googoogaipan. You childish circus act really helped a lot.
Someone should mail Obama a fishing rod for his next campaign. I hope it becomes a political cartoon. Maybe he can reel it out under the closest bus.
What wait, are we blaming Obama for the republicans voting against DADT?? just wow
@Jonny: No we are blaming ourselves for believing the charlatan believed in dignity. He said he was as much against us as the republicans from the start.
@Jonny: what wait, are we believing there is a difference between democants and repuglycunts??? just wow
Oh, how I miss Ted Kennedy.
Black Pegasus
You stupid, racist, log cabin queens are disgusting!
You’ve managed to blame one man [President Obama] for the hatred and homophobia of the entire republican party! What fucking part of the vote did you miss? I am now convinced that this site is just a republican gathering place for bitter fags..It’s a propaganda machine for the right wing in this country..In essence, a Digital Shit Rag!
The ball is back in Harry Reid’s court. Should he get re-elected in November, the heat needs to be turned up on Harry to get done what he failed to do today – which was, get the 60 votes.
@Tom in Lazybrook: Are you nuts? ESPA is just as incompetent as HRC. If it was such a powerhouse of political competence, we would not have gotten exactly ZERO Republican votes in the state senate. Think about that: in a large, Northeastern city with a lot of moderate Republicans, including some who voted for anti-discrimination laws, we got ZERO GOP support, leaving us entirely at the mercy of the Dems, who have no real incentive to spend their capital on us. And on top of that, ESPA was suckered into supporting liars like Joe Addabbo who promised to support us with a wink. ESPA failed to get a solid commitment and was betrayed.
Finally, although it is great that the 8 Judases are now down to 5, that is thanks to the work of Fight Back NY as well as some good luck, such as Monserrate’s criminal conviction. ESPA gets no credit. At this rate it will be 8 years before we can think about a vote on marriage equality. That might be a fine timeline for Kansas or Ohio, but not for NY.
the commander in chief is Obama. He is the head of the military. Every single aspect of this topic falls at his feet. That is the bottom line. Everything else is bullshit.
Forget about repealing DADT and DOMA. Forget about enacting ENDA. Get ready for a massive assault against same-sex marriage through repeals and constitutional amendments. Dark days for queers are almost here. There are even movements to re-criminalize gay sex.
@Black Pegasus: Bill Clinton orchestrated DADT. You may personally be able hold only the repuglycunts responsible but it just is not the whole picture. You are in denial.
Obama thinks he can screw the GLBT community by not showng support for us – attempting to blame the GOP for the filibuster while it was actually the Democrats that refused to let the DADT bill come to the floor of the Senate when Ried refused to allow full discussion of the amendments to the bill. It is rather clear that the Democrats were just as fearful of the possible disussion and possible passing of DADT showng who did or did not support the bill. And the fact that Obama did nothing to support it and NOW has his White House Lawyers fighting the LCR DADT suite/decision in CA it is even more clear… next will be the Obama attacking the unconstitional ruling of DOMA in Boston.
The GLBT community needs to continue to Heckel and and tell the President to bend over and take the fisting for yourself BARACK!