Bernie Sanders stopped by MSNBC this morning and confirmed – he’s with her.
The self-described Democratic socialist, progressive icon and LGBT advocate dropped the bomb on MSNBC’s Morning Joe that he’d be voting for Hillary, and also took the moment to completely slam Donald Trump:
Yes, I think the issue right here is that I’m gonna do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump.
Even though he’s with Hillary, he’s still planning on bringing the revolution to the Democrats – possibly within her administration.
After the MSNBC appearance, he had a very telling exchange with CNN’s Chris Cuomo:
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Cuomo: Shouldn’t you be pushing for your position in a Clinton administration, if that happens, than just the party platform?
Sanders: That’s what we’re doing too.
Cuomo: Your poker face is terrible.
Watch the Sanders MSNBC appearance below, and have a toast to Democratic unity this pride weekend.
Paul Nadolski
HRH Hillary Clinton is closer ideologically to Richard Nixon than my personal political hero, the late Sen. Paul Wellstone of Minnesota. Bernie voting for her merely means that he wasn’t really serious about changing the system back to one that favors the many over the few. If you want to support a candidate who actually is a progressive and actually gives a damn about LGBT+ issues, instead of one who only gives lip service (and nothing more) to us, then join me in voting for Jill Stein of the Green Party.
@Paul Nadolski: When the alternative is Donald Trump, many of us Bernie fans (myself including) don’t have a choice but to vote blue no matter who.
@Paul Nadolski: Didn’t Wellstone vote for DOMA?
I agree as a Bernie supporter I could never vote for Trump. I am just so disappointed our country will chose more of the same. Clintons back in the White House is not something I’ll celebrate. If voters can pull their head out of their @ss and elect a Democratic Congress then there might be hope.
And she would vote for him had the situation been reversed. It’s those who support Bernie that will mean something as they did not box themselves in to vote for someone they disagree with.
@martinbakman: I don’t understand your reasoning/logic. I could see if she had held some sort of office or had some say so during the time her husband was in office but the only thing she did back then was try to get a push for universal healthcare; which, IMO, is not a bad thing.
It was the first lady’s issue like Michele’s is health and healthy eating, Nancy’s was ‘Just say no, and Pickle’s was literacy.
Since then, she’s been a two term senator for NY where she was a supported some pretty forward thinking legislation for the LGBT community and then she was Secretary of State.
Is she a centrist? Possibly. But staying home or throwing away one’s vote for a candidate you know is not going to win is a guaranteed Trump presidency. Do we really want that?
I like Bernie as well, but he’s not the nominee and hopefully all Bernie supporters can get behind the person he’ll vote for. It could be possible that she choose him as her running mate.
There is too much at stake to lose to someone who gets all his news from the internet, did not know what Brexit was or cannot have a shred of empathy for those killed in Orlando only to say, in a very narcissistic tone, “I was right! You should have listened to me.”
Not too mention that one of our Supreme Court Justice champions could be retiring soon. RBG is 82. That would mean two appointees (one for Scalia and another for her, possibly). Not worth the risk in my book.