It’s Not About the Cake: Voices of Faith Speak Out

from: GLAAD ·
Voices of faith send a clear message that the SCOTUS Masterpiece Cakeshop case is not about freedom. It’s about religious exemptions used to discriminate against LGBTQ people.

The narrative around the Masterpiece Cakeshop Supreme Court case has been shaped by anti-LGBTQ advocates and certain media outlets pushing the idea that religion and the LGBTQ community are at odds -- but this is not the case.

Faith leaders have long been key advocates for LGBTQ rights, and it's vital that progressive voices and leaders of faith from diverse communities are included in the national conversation around religious exemptions and the consequences of broadening these laws.

To help GLAAD hold the media accountable and insist journalists use the term “religious exemptions” in their ongoing reporting and news coverage, visit: