“Ron Carlivati, head writer of One Life to Live, confirmed Kyle and Fish, aka Kish, played by Brett Claywell and Scott Evans, will get the same type of love scene as the soap’s straight couples,” Daytime Confidential‘s Jamey Giddens writes. “According to Carlivati, his executive producer and the network have already approved the love scene, which would be the first gay male sex scene shown on screen in daytime.” And because this is daytime, and not The Adam Lambert Show, it will be as tame and sterile as all soap sex scenes! The interview is here.
freak on it
Actual Homosexual Sex to Take Place on Daytime Soap Opera
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Countdown till the AFA (American Facist Association) begins
sending out E-mail blast which will result in 1500+ “angry”
emails to station executives…….5,4,3,2,1…………..
They nearly had sex last week. Oliver and Kyle were in bed, kissing, taking each others’ clothes off when they both got phone calls that a friend had been gay-bashed. It was a really hot scene, complete with their own theme song! Supposedly, they’ll finally get to go all the way before the end of the year.
scott ny'er
they should go all out on that soap that was just canceled. what do they have to lose, the show is dead in the water now, so they should let loose.
I wish Luke and Noah would have an on-screen love scene.
They had the first on-screen real gay male kiss though.
Chad and Vincent on Passions actually beat them all to love scenes (they had 4 on screen love scenes). But their kisses were not real. The actors just mashed their faces together and from a certain angle it kinda looked like they were really kissing.
Mike L.
OOOH they should do the gay scene on Dec 25th! That would be awesome. But then again how many people will still be watching it on that day, who knows. Just wishing, lol.
Mike L.
Correction meant to say the gay sex scene.
Who’s the top? My money is on Kyle.
@ Republican
that was so inappropriate …LOL!!!
@ Mike L.: Won’t be Dec 25th, as ABC will either rerun an episode or schedule something else, like a football game.
@ Republican: Fish knocked up that trashy ex-stripper Stacy Morasco, whereas Kyle wanted nothing to do with her. My money’s on him.
Anyway, the end of this article is right. It is daytime, and daytime sex scenes are basically:
– Making out, usually with shirts off (for men)
– Cut to different storyline
– Revisit the couple a few minutes after the act, or maybe the next morning. Someone says a line that confirms that actual sex took place.
And that is a daytime “sex scene.”
P.S. – I wasn’t clear on what I meant by “My money’s on him.” I was referring to Fish probably being the top. Not like the show would establish that anyway.
robert in nyc
Can someone pass my email to Kyle? He’s sooo cute, esp his voice.
I don’t know about that, Alex. OLTL has gone pretty far with their sex scenes: Dorian kneeled down in front of David (but out of camera range) and gave him a bj; Todd lifted Tea up against a wall, grinding his body into hers; and Rex and Gigi have been seen writhing in bed.
My suspicion is that it will happen for Kyle and Fish on December 30 or 31.
Actually, the soap troupe are simply going to film their casting couch and rehearsals.
Adam Lambert is wonderful………he is just being real
Joe Mustich, JP
Kudos to OLTL.
Onward, Joe Mustich, Justice of the Pecae,
Washington, Connecticut, USA.
Phillip Burnett
You know it is bad enough that such things even happen in the first place (as this is an obimnation to God). However, to put such things on TV is absolutely disgusting! And yet, another clear case of the modern media’s misunderstanding the remainder of our country! And no I am not some right wing activist or the like! However, I am guided by principles and beliefs just as the rest of our country is! And it is one nation indivisible under God with liberty and justice for all! So please remove the queer rhetoric as it is an abomination to God! And I would suggest that you to get to know your audience!
No God? = No Peace!
Know God? = Know Peace!!
Phillip, how many straight God-fearing patriotic red-blooded men do you know who watch One Life to Fuckin’ Live?
@Mike: Win. 😀